Hayley’s belly

chapter 5

“It’s no use”, said Hayley, panting. “I’m stuck in here”
Toby surveyed the situation. What appeared to be a pregnant version of his slender housemate had become wedged in the door of his shower cubicle. He knew without asking that Hayley did not want any of their other flat mates to know about this, but could he get her out of this mess alone?

“I’ve got an idea”, said Hayley, as her stomach churned and grumbled, squashed against the door frame. “Fill up that jug with water”, she said, beckoning to Toby’s water jug.

“Errrrm, why?”

“Just do it, Toby, I don’t have time for this, may I remind you that I’m currently stuck in a fucking shower cubicle?”

“Alright alright”, he grabbed his water jug and filled it with water, “But I don’t think pouring water on yourself is going to work”

“Who said anything about pouring it on myself?” Hayley snatched the jug of water with her free hand and started to chug it. Despite Toby’s protests she finished it in seconds, letting out a deep, rumbling “UUOOORRRP”.

She hand him the jug again and demanded, “More”

“Have you lost your mind Hayley? Your belly already looks like it’s fit to burst. I’m not giving you anymore. I won’t.”

“Look Toby, I’m stuck fast here. If I drink more water and make my belly a little bigger, I might be able to bust this door off it’s hinges and get out”

“That’ll never work”, he scalded

“Have you got a better idea?”

After a moment of silence, Toby reluctantly filled another jug. He watched in equal parts, anger, arousal and awe, as Hayley drained the jug once more.

The sides of the cubical began to creak as Hayley’s belly bulged ever so slightly further. She downed another jug, and another, until the sounds of the shower door frame and her angry stomach met in a loud crescendo.

Then, CRACK!

The door popped sideways off it’s hinges as Hayley’s gargantuan stomach pushed outwards, almost filling the entirety of the shower cubicle.

Toby looked on in amazement. If he had been amazed at Hayley’s size before, she was now almost double the size. She looked as though she had eaten a small adult. Her proportions were beyond cartoonish. Her long slender arms and legs trembled slightly under the weight of a week’s worth of food and water.

He helped her out of the bathroom, her stomach brushing the sides of the bathroom door. She waddled incredibly slowly to Toby’s bed and lowered her weight down onto the mattress. The entire bed sank as she lay down. Her hard stomach bulges sideways and hung slightly over the edge of the bed. Toby wanted to get in too, but there simply wasn’t any room. He lay down on the floor as he watched Hayley’s belly heave out and in, churning and spluttering as it moved. She was fast asleep. Toby stayed awake for a while watching her sleep. For a moment it seemed as though she was going to roll over, but after two failed attempts she relaxed back into her food induced dream.

Toby cradled his own bloated stomach and let his eyes close gently.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 1 year
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Karenjenk 1 year
How did this get forgotten.
please come back and write more.
love it
Claude123 1 year
Glad you liked it! I’m aiming to add more soon. What kind of thing would you like to see happen to Hayley?
Rubarbstreet 1 year
Nice story here, would love to read more.
Claude123 1 year
I’m happy you liked it! What kind of thing would you like to happen to Hayley next?
Karenjenk 3 years
why did this ever stop???
its fun and light
Lovinitbig 5 years
Keep the fun going!