She didn't notice a thing

chapter 5

POV: Vivian
Friday came fast and so did the pounds I went from 170 to 198 (338) in under a week. I know that I've been hungrier then normal so that could been way. It also didn't help that Roxy been challenging me to food challenges one after another. Speaking of Roxy she has put on weight to, 25lbs making her now 250. Now it's Friday a date with Aaron and I'm is probably going to eat a lot. Why am i doing this to myself. It not like I hate it or anything it's just maybe I'm pigging out to much witch is the cause of my weight gain. Im clearly doing this to myself, but no one seems to mind it, maybe i should make myself fat. Yeah why don't I gain and see far I can take it before someone says something.

I got ready for Aaron to arrive at my apartment. All my clothes were tight on me, "Man I'm getting fat I think I need new clothes." I put on a nice tight little blue dress, it shows of my new pounds very nicely. I put on some makeup not to much very little. I got ready kind of quickly so I had time to wait but got hungry so I stuff myself full of snack I bought on Monday with Roxy. My belly looked even bigger after all the snacks. In the middle of eating there is a knock at the door. It was Aaron, I let him in and kissed me, I blushed and showed him my dress.

I walked in and see there was a mess on the couch."So what do you think of my dress?" she said cutely and while turning back and forth. I see what she think she see, a big pot belly in a tight dress, and I see the real thing, Viv was to big for that dress. Her belly ripped a hole through the center letting her belly hang out for me to see. "Looking Very sexy in that dress."as I put my hand on her belly. She blushed and kissed me. 

"So what are you making for me to night." she said with hungrier in her eyes. " italian, what think if that?" I'm  making so much food for her so it will take sometime, witch I want so Viv can keep eating her snacks while she wait. Then I stuff her full of Italian food. "Oh that sounds good and can't wait to eat it." she said with her month watering at the thought of the food. "Well sorry your going to have to wait but I promise you'll love it."

"Aww...ok I guess I have to wait then." she sound sad that she had to wait. "If your hungry just keep eating your snacks in till I'm done." as I rub her belly and look her in the eyes. "Yeah I'll do that I am pretty hungry today."She sat down on the couch eat and talking while I cooked her big meal for her.

I kept eating and eating while we talked. It was taking a long time for the food to be done but I like the wait it give us sometime to come closer to one another. While eating my dress become tighter around my belly, I look down at it, it's bigger then before how long have I been mindlessly eating. The crazy thing was I was not full at all I was still hungry so I kept eating to pass the time.

"Oh...boy the food smells so good Aaron, is it almost done yet." I said getting a little impatient. "Yeah it is all almost done just wait a little longer Viv." he said from the kitchen. 
" I can't wait any longer I'm really hungry and all out of snacks."
"Ok finished you can come over here now Viv."

When to the kitchen I saw a mountain of food for me, my mouth water at the site of it. " If I'm going to eat all of this I will need some room." I took off my really tight dress to make room witch left me naked. I was going to need all the room I can get. " Ok Aaron I'm ready for my dinner."
I see him checking me out he does like that I've put on weight. So I will put on more for him it not like I will get that big right.

POV: Aaron
Viv sits down at the table her huge naked all out in the open for me to see. She looks ready to eat all the food that was in front of her, I made her a huge fatty lasagna so big it can feed a party of people,  big deep dish pizzas covered in toppings, giant batch of pasta with and a thick fatty sauce and meatball, calzones stuffed to the brim, bread drenched in butter, big bottles of wine, and everything cover with so much cheese. 

Viv started to eat and she was going in on the food. Her hands never stop shoveling food in her mouth. She ate and ate her body growing bigger and bigger before my eyes. She slow down and point at her belly, I go close to Viv to rub her swollen belly. She moans and continues to eat at the same pace. " good...I'm starving...oh... I...need more."

Vivian start to eat faster it was amazing how quickly she was eating because was slowing down again in till she stop. "Oh...I'm to continues feeding myself...Aaron...I'm still hungry...please feed me."she said out of breath and while rubbing her tummy. "Ok baby but let us move you to the couch the chair looks uncomfortable for you." I help her up and waddled her to the couch and brought the food to her. 

"Ok Viv I'm no going to stop feeding you in till all the food is gone, are we ok with that." I said while rubbing her belly. She nods and get ready for me to force the food in her mouth. I feed her thing after thing as she groans and moans with pleasure. I continue to put food in her, Viv looks so happy that I'm doing this to her,"oh... Yes more I...want more." she is getting horny as well. Her nipples were hard as she played with one and she is playing with her pussy. She was have so much pleasure and fun she does not know up from down.

 I feed her in till there was nothing left. "oh... Aaron...fuck me now...I want you so badly." she said out of pure lust for me so took off me clothes and clear her up. Then started to make love, Viv's body was huge and fat. Just so much to grab and  to swish, her fat jiggle with every movement. Viv's boobs were so big I enjoyed playing with them and she enjoyed it as well. Her thigh were huge and fat, I kissed them sucked them as I made my way to her pussy. It was so wet, she moaned in pleasure while I licked and sucked. I did this while rubbing,slapping, and swishing her huge belly. Vivian moans and groans were like music to my ears. I move on up kissing her belly, I insert my dick into her and thrust each time cause ripples though out her body. Her fat body jiggle all over I loved it, was begin to go faster causing her to moan faster as well as her body the jiggles more and more. She and I were completely entranced by pleasure so we kept going and in till we climaxed together. She was breathing heavy and look so happy, "" she right before going to sleep. " I love you to my piggy Vivian."

As she slept a whispered in her ear,"For the next two days your not leaving that couch you will just be eating in till work on monday, you will even bigger then what you are now and you will not notice a thing."
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Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder if roxy will follow in her footsteps.
Monokuma 5 years
Chrysophase2003 it is a real relationship between them it not complete mind control but that sound like a good idea. We she becomes immobile it would surprise her but she will like it. Not a dark story.
Monokuma 5 years
Chrysophase2003 also he has power over her body making her gain a little easier. But for the feedee she want to eat she like it and she wanted to gain weight after see some new weight on her.
Monokuma 5 years
Chrysophase2003 as for the characters the feeder has the power over her mind but does control like a puppet all he does is make her not notice the weight she has gained.
Monokuma 5 years
Chrysophase2003 I wanted the the story to be unrealistic so would be easier to write for a first so is no health problem happen.Oh and spelling mistake sorry about that.
Chrysophase2003 5 years
The latter is preferable, as too many stories end once immobility has been reached when it's a state many readers want to hear more of. That's normally because an immobile character can't do much. So, you need others to do things to/for them.
Chrysophase2003 5 years
-immobility are the result regardless which induces it. The kicker will be that he gets to blame her for starting it all. From there, you can end the story, or keep it going via Stockholm Syndrome and the feeder's twisted intent to start a family. (TBC)
Chrysophase2003 5 years
-size. That way he can enjoy her begging and trying to fight as he force feeds her daily, until either her spirit breaks, her health takes a sudden turn, or she finds she's too big to get off the bed, and later too big to move her arms. Domination and imm
Chrysophase2003 5 years
Or will her feeder remove her conditioning because he's not just controlling but a sadist, and wants to enjoy her reaction? Maybe he'll do it when she's too big to get away, but isn't yet immobile. The house is just a soundproofed prison for someone her s
Chrysophase2003 5 years
Will all the mounting inconsistencies aid her in breaking free to see reality? Will she come close to seeing reality but be so horrified that she retreats back into the lie and let the onslaught of pleasures melt her brain? (TBC)
Chrysophase2003 5 years
Last, there's the concept that makes this story so unique: hypnosis. How will it stand up to the radical change in her lifestyle? Immobility, medical devices, feeding pumps, etc? (TBC)
Chrysophase2003 5 years
I'm personally a fan of health realism. The toll carrying the extra weight takes on both body and mind, as well as medical intervention to keep the feedee comfortable and alive. PM me if you want details on real (and extreme) medical intervention.
Chrysophase2003 5 years
You've established that her feeder is manipulative, that's why she was hypnotized in the first place, so it's expected that he'll work to cut her off from the outside world before it becomes clear to others she's being fattened up. 3/
Chrysophase2003 5 years
Aside from the spelling errors, I think now that page 6 has been presented the reader will expect her to be taken to live at his place, which has been prepared for her care, comfort, and impending immobility. 2/
Chrysophase2003 5 years
It's a riveting story with excellent pacing. Most stories that change POVs present the same seen over multiple times. Instead, you know what points the reader wants to read. I think the story needs to be proofread before you post it; many spelling errors
Theswordsman 5 years
You could make it to where she bursts out of her clothing during her feast
Monokuma 5 years
This is me first story I've written on here I would like feedback on this chapter so I write the next one and if this story ends up well I continue writing stories