She didn't notice a thing

chapter 6

I got up before Vivian to make her breakfast. She was a sleep on the couch look huge, I planed on weighing her before she went work on Monday. I was making a big meal for her fit the start of the day but she is not going to do much other then eat.

The smell of food filed the apartment and it woke Viv up. "mmm...what smells so good." she sounded hungry. "It your breakfast in bed, or couch, you wanted so sit back and I will bring it to you." I said right after finishing.

What sat before her was a big stake special fatten pancakes, 5 stuffed omelet cover in cheese, and lot if plates filed with bacon, sausages, potato, and toast. She didn't say anything she just sat and eat it all when she was done she fell asleep again.

Time for lunch, I made her a 25 foot long sandwiches all packed full of cold cuts, vegetable, and condiment.
I rubbed her tummy to wake her up, she sit up look at the food and starts eating with out saying anything again. She finished sandwich after sandwich in till there were all gone. " good I need to rest after that, Aaron bring me something to drink."
"Sure how does a milk shake sound to you."
"mmm...that be prefect." She sat there waiting impatiently for her milk shake. It was a big jug full of a very thick fatten shake.

She pick it up a started drinking, gulp after gulp went down her throat. Viv was growing right before my eyes. "burp...mmm...that was the best milk shake I ever had you sure do have a talent for cooking." she said look like she wanted to eat me. "Thanks Vivian I'm glad you in enjoy my cooking." I give her a kiss and fell asleep.

Dinner was 45 super big fatty burgers with fries and milk shakes. I woke Viv up again so she can eat, she would finish each burger in two bite, grab a hand full of fries, and drink her milk shakes like it was water."burp...mmm...burp...oh I got room for dessert." she said as I cleaned her face. "I got you something special for you."
I went to the kitchen the getter the bigger fatter chocolate volcano. " you remember this don't you."
"Is that what I think it is, the chocolate volcano from our first date."
"Yes but is made it this time and it all yours."
"I want you to feed it to me I'm to tired to move."
"Ok Viv I will feed it to you."

I sit close to Vivian and feed her bite after bite. This is a lot bigger and more fatten but it like nothing to her she just eats for pleasure. "Your half way there come on up your month."
"Wow so full don't think I can eat anymore."
"I've seen you eat more then this don't lie to your self now up."

She is completely full when she finish it."Oh Aaron I need you to rub my tummy it hurts."
"Ok baby just lay down and get comfy."
I start to rub her belly as she fall asleep. She looks bigger now then when she first woke up. I'd say a good day for her gain. Now tomorrow will the same just her eating and not moving, just a little more time and you be prefect for what to come.

Sunday was more or less the same she woke up ate her big breakfast and went to sleep in till lunch time. Viv ate her big lunch and went to sleep in till dinner time. She ate all of her food and got dessert and we had sex after that she was asleep again. My big fat piggy has been very sleepy. Now it monday I wake her up so she can get ready I check weight before I left, Vivian now weighs 467lbs. "Wow I've put on some weight I'm 222lbs now." she said think that what it was but no she does notice that she is super fat just the way I like it.

POV: Vivian
The two months bet was finally over. I put on more weight pigging out on food that other people payed for. I have not payed for food in two months and I eat a lot I'm now 355lbs(667) I passed Roxy she at 325 now I'm that fat friend now. I can't believe I did this to myself I know I want to gain weight but did I go over board. I meet Roxy at the donut shop before work.

"Hey Viv I need to tell you something important." she said while rubbing my belly. "Ok what is it this important thing you want tell me."
"You want a chocolate milk shake or a strawberry milk shake."
Really that what you want to tell me."
"Oh no that was not it is was about Aaron his want to tell you to meet him in office before you work."
"What do you think he want to talk about."
"Maybe he is going to break up with you because your do fat." Roxy rubbed my belly again and laughed. "Hey that not funny and your one to talk look at you your fat to."
"Yeah but you are the fatter friend now Viv." she lifted up my shirt and played with my belly. I let her play with it while I eat her food and my own. "Hey Viv did you eat all my food to."
"Like you said I'm the fatter friend." we laughed and went to work.

I went to Aaron office and he was talking on the phone, he turn and look at me and smiles at me. "Is everything set up for my arrival, ok good should be there shortly." he hung up the phone. "You wanted to talk me Aaron."
"Yes I want to ask you if you wanted to move in together."
"Move in together, yes that would be great!" I was so happy I'm going to move in with my boyfriend that I love. "I gota moving van on stand by to move your stuff in to my place, so let us go and move you in."
"Huh...right now what about work."
"Don't worry about it let go."

We left to my apartment, the van was already outside the building. I went in and got my clothes while the guy move some of my other into the back of the van. It take some time to finish but it was done, my apartment was empty and to Aaron place. We left the city to a more suburban type area it has a lot of nice looking big houses, the area looked nice and a little farther away from work then my old place but it not to far. Aaron and I arrived at a amazing looking house. It looked like a lot of money was put into it. "Welcome to our place what do think of it."
"It's amazing...I want take a look inside."
"Yeah let go in and worry about unpacking later."

Inside was just as amazing outside, it all looked like a palace and I get to live in it. I think I will like this place a lot but first things first I'm hungry.
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Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder if roxy will follow in her footsteps.
Monokuma 5 years
Chrysophase2003 it is a real relationship between them it not complete mind control but that sound like a good idea. We she becomes immobile it would surprise her but she will like it. Not a dark story.
Monokuma 5 years
Chrysophase2003 also he has power over her body making her gain a little easier. But for the feedee she want to eat she like it and she wanted to gain weight after see some new weight on her.
Monokuma 5 years
Chrysophase2003 as for the characters the feeder has the power over her mind but does control like a puppet all he does is make her not notice the weight she has gained.
Monokuma 5 years
Chrysophase2003 I wanted the the story to be unrealistic so would be easier to write for a first so is no health problem happen.Oh and spelling mistake sorry about that.
Chrysophase2003 5 years
The latter is preferable, as too many stories end once immobility has been reached when it's a state many readers want to hear more of. That's normally because an immobile character can't do much. So, you need others to do things to/for them.
Chrysophase2003 5 years
-immobility are the result regardless which induces it. The kicker will be that he gets to blame her for starting it all. From there, you can end the story, or keep it going via Stockholm Syndrome and the feeder's twisted intent to start a family. (TBC)
Chrysophase2003 5 years
-size. That way he can enjoy her begging and trying to fight as he force feeds her daily, until either her spirit breaks, her health takes a sudden turn, or she finds she's too big to get off the bed, and later too big to move her arms. Domination and imm
Chrysophase2003 5 years
Or will her feeder remove her conditioning because he's not just controlling but a sadist, and wants to enjoy her reaction? Maybe he'll do it when she's too big to get away, but isn't yet immobile. The house is just a soundproofed prison for someone her s
Chrysophase2003 5 years
Will all the mounting inconsistencies aid her in breaking free to see reality? Will she come close to seeing reality but be so horrified that she retreats back into the lie and let the onslaught of pleasures melt her brain? (TBC)
Chrysophase2003 5 years
Last, there's the concept that makes this story so unique: hypnosis. How will it stand up to the radical change in her lifestyle? Immobility, medical devices, feeding pumps, etc? (TBC)
Chrysophase2003 5 years
I'm personally a fan of health realism. The toll carrying the extra weight takes on both body and mind, as well as medical intervention to keep the feedee comfortable and alive. PM me if you want details on real (and extreme) medical intervention.
Chrysophase2003 5 years
You've established that her feeder is manipulative, that's why she was hypnotized in the first place, so it's expected that he'll work to cut her off from the outside world before it becomes clear to others she's being fattened up. 3/
Chrysophase2003 5 years
Aside from the spelling errors, I think now that page 6 has been presented the reader will expect her to be taken to live at his place, which has been prepared for her care, comfort, and impending immobility. 2/
Chrysophase2003 5 years
It's a riveting story with excellent pacing. Most stories that change POVs present the same seen over multiple times. Instead, you know what points the reader wants to read. I think the story needs to be proofread before you post it; many spelling errors
Theswordsman 5 years
You could make it to where she bursts out of her clothing during her feast
Monokuma 5 years
This is me first story I've written on here I would like feedback on this chapter so I write the next one and if this story ends up well I continue writing stories