
chapter 2

Reigen continued his travel. He felt odd, in these woods. The trees were much too tall, and blocked out much of the sky above. Not to mention, he didn't like the idea that his only ranged weapon was a stungun, and not a pistol of some sorts.
As he was walking, he drifted into his thoughts, even fiddling with his weapon, though mindful to not press the trigger. So what if there weren't any mechanics here? Then, what would be his plan?
He was interrupted when he was yanked from the ground into the air, by a net.
A net.
He let out a yelp of surprise, and it was tricky to hear through his helmet, but it was visible. He struggled, placed in an awkward position. He nearly lost his gun, but regained control.

Something landed on the branch he was hanging off of in the net. He looked downwards, and realized he was very high up. A fall at this height should prove fatal to him.
Movement was detected when something human sized, maybe even smaller, hung next to him. But it was not on a net, but this time, hung by its own tail, which his heartbeat saw a raise.
The face, a reptile like face with multiple, bright yellow pupil-less eyes revealed themselves. They stared at each other, until the creature attempted to reach towards him with bony fingers.
He, with what limited room he had, moved away from the alien, and brought his stungun up to point, pulling the trigger on reflect. A direct hit, the creature shrieked and froze up, attempting to hold itself on the branch. It nearly slipped from the branch but another one had caught it, pulling the first one up. This time, a different alien hung from the branch. Then, spotting his stungun, the creature quickly disarmed him.

It was shocking that the alien was able to do that. The alien turned back to him, chirping. He heard the wood creak as another body swung down behind him, though he was unable to turn around.

His pulse and breath quickened when he felt the net behind removed from the branch, and moved to the trunk. There were more creatures, and he witnessed his stungun being given to another one of the aliens.
The aliens were coordinated, and has attached the net to a strong stick to make carrying him easier. Reigen didn't like this one bit.

The creatures walked through the forest; they knew it all, despite the forest looking identical.

They stopped, and Reigen grunted when he was dropped to the ground, the net being cut from the top, opening up. The aliens stared at him when he got up, but was given little time to view his surroundings because one of the creatures put a hardened sap like substance around both his arms, rendering them useless for now.

"Wait, I just-" he attempted, before realizing the creatures most likely did not understand English. He was pushed forwards, moving onwards, into a cave, which moved further into the planet. He spotted many other caves in the cave itself, but he had it continue walking.

Until one of them spoke.

"Calm. No stare." The one with the scar, the blue feathered one to his left spoke.

"Stare agressive. No. Agressive kill." Another one mumbled, a green one. Reigen almost felt like he wanted to say, 'what' but held back, feeling it was better he didn't.

And he was right, because the monarch revealed herself, much larger than any of the aliens in three hive. 'No stare' he recalled, and he glanced to the ground, the queen clicking her tongue. She moved close to him, and his heart raced from fear.

She sniffed, then returned to her spot, then clicked some commands to her fellows.
The aliens around him turned away, and led him into the clearing of a cave. "Ground. Down." It took a moment for him to figure that one out, but he complied and sat down.., what did that alien queen say?
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 4 years
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Built4com4t 5 years
Good start...promising