
chapter 3

Even after his arrival to the cave, Reigen did not feel safe. These aliens somehow knew English - though it was limited. If they were that intelligent, with the added bonus of them somehow outsmarting him and getting him trapped - as well as confiscating his weapons, they were a danger to Reigen. Already, bound by some sort of sap, he was in a troubling situation. The blue alien - the one with the scar seemed to guard him, staying a distance away. The other guard, the green one, looked at him with those slitted eyes, inspecting him, or perhaps just curious.
Whatever it was, it didn't last long. Lime green feathers lifted as the green one looked up towards the entrance of this section of the cave, and Reigen was only able to catch a glimpse of what was outside. Large, centipede like creatures, which seemed to be captured by a leash, held by what seemed to be a larger, armoured alien like the ones he was currently watched by.
At first, Reigen was fearful, as they exchanged words - or rather, clicks. Guttural noises, these aliens spoke in, aside from their clicks. Then, the armoured one handed it over to the scarred one. But they seemed to leave after that, only followed by a dull brown, shorter feathered reptilian, who turned into the room before them. Upon further inspection, she also had a ring of thick fur around her neck.
Reigen made a connection - the brighter coloured ones must be the males, like the scarred one and the green one, while darker colours identified a female. There was an expectation to that rule, of course, that being the Monarch, who was more of a royal purple.

The female also seemed to carry a sac of something around herself. She took a seat on the cool ground, beginning to communicate with the green one, while the blue one approached. And kneeled down, looking Reigen directly in the eyes..

And then pressed a hand to his visor. Reigen leaned back, catching what seemed to be surprise in the scarred one's eyes. Then he narrowed them and tried again, repeatedly pressing against Reigen's helmet.

Reigen figured out what they wanted.

"Op.." He started, and the blue one backed up, standing up. The green one's feathers stood straight up, looking over, and the female tilted her head.

"Open mouth..uh..filters on." There was a quick whir as a slot by his mask opened up. It was a useful addition to his mask, in case he couldn't breathe on the planet he was on but really needed something to eat, he could just eat without worrying of his own death. Keep most of his helmet on but for that one part, and turn on the air was weird technology, and neither I nor Reigen know how it works..but it was useful!

The blue one takes a moment before kneeling again. He takes the thing the armoured one previously handed to him, and takes a moment to unwrap it.

Reigen watches closely, as the blue one takes it out. He's only given a few seconds to study it. It's blue, and looks kinda soft..but it was able to stay in this shape. Kind of transparent too, but not that much. No smell..oh wait, he had his filters on..
I say only a few seconds because Reigen's pulse rose as the alien forced the blue food into his mouth.
"Mm?!" The alien kept a hand covering his mouth, and Reigen had no choice but to swallow.

The food, whatever it was, was fairly sweet. One could say it was like jello.

The aliens watched him, as if they expected something to happen, but nothing did. Reigen blinked repeatedly, still not over the fact this alien had fed him something he didn't know what it was.
The female opened the sac and took out another one of the blue, jello ripoffs. She inspected it again, handing it over to the blue one. They were all crowded around him now, and as much as Reigen wanted to close the mouth opening on his mask, he knew he was in no place to be rebelling against his otherworldly captors.

So he just had to eat the next food that came to him. It was slightly less surprising, but being fed by creatures he didn't know was still a scary experience to him.

The female moved to grab another one, but the green one chirped, and she paused. And then chirped again, and she nodded, leaving the area. Reigen had a feeling she would return.

The foods he'd been fed were not that filling, but left him with a mildly cold feeling in his belly. He had backed up against a wall now - from moving backwards earlier. Reigen decided to relax, or try to. It was hard when two aliens were focusing on you.

"Me. Toka." The green one said. The blue one glanced over to his partner, curiously.

Reigen realized quickly what Toka was trying to do. Names, he realized.

"He. Masa." Toka gestured towards the scarred one, who nodded.

"Her. Emba." Toka gestured again, instead towards the entrance where 'Emba,' the female had left. And speak of the devil - Emba entered, carrying what seemed to be two bottles of something - and small, but long tubes. She sat down a little bit away from Reigen, beginning to fiddle with it.

Toka watched, but was also interested in Reigen, seemingly comparing himself to Reigen in terms of eyes and physical features. Toka found it odd that Reigen had only two eyes, and no scales. No feathers either. He wore strange clothing too. At least, from Toka's view.

Toka briefly made eye contact with Reigen as he moved to glance at Emba, who inserted one end of the tube into the bottle of clear liquid. She looked up at Reigen and gestured to Masa to move aside, who did.

She then came close to Reigen, who still felt nervous, yet kind of tired, at the same time. Now that she was closer, Reigen was aware these aliens..the ones he'd seen to far, minus the armoured ones and the Monarch were shorter than himself, but still, Emba was able to overshadow him. She took the empty end of the tube and slipped past his mouth, and held onto it, expecting Reigen to attempt to take it out right away. Reigen felt uncomfortable with the tube there, despite it being so small. But he realized if he took it out, he'd get in trouble, so he left it alone.

She stood up and tapped the bottle a few times, twisting the top. Despite the liquid being clear, Reigen saw it moving through the tubes, towards his mouth, and into it..

..surprisingly tasty and sweet, he noticed. But stopped himself. What type of person was he, a judge?

But even then, the sweet of it was like honey. He couldn't deny it. He placed a hand on his legs, letting him lean against the wall, resting against it. Just as it started, the bottle was empty, and Emba was switching the bottle to the second one. Rinse and repeat. It was the same nectar as before. Reigen faintly heard Masa and Toka engaging in a conversation of some sorts.

And again, the bottle was finished. Half lidded eyes, Reigen was tired. He didn't know when he started to feel this way. The nectar sat comfortably alongside the blue food he'd been fed earlier in his belly, and with that he closed his eyes.

The aliens did not mind him falling asleep.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 4 years
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Built4com4t 5 years
Good start...promising