
chapter 5

Reigen did not understand nor know what came over him.

He was stuffed.

The aliens didn't seem too bothered by his behaviour- in fact, they seemed rather happy. At least that was one weight off the shoulders. Too bad (or maybe good) he had more weight, particularly in the stomach now.

He leaned back, brushing himself off. While he was perfectly capable of eating more, even just a little, his stomach still felt full, maybe just a little bit over the top. The dishes - they weren't that big..or maybe they were...but they were extremely filling, unlike what he'd eaten at first. And he had to account for how he needed to keep his suit on until he found some way off this rock. No clue if the oxygen is breathable, he wasn't taking any chances at all. At the moment, it was slightly tighter, but not by much.

He did not notice the aliens removing the dishes and coming out with even more - dessert. He only saw it when he heard the clatter as the dishes were set down. Like he was waking up from a nap, it took him a moment to realize what it was. Things he didn't know, but they were similar to ice cream, or maybe fruits. He sat himself straight up.
The other aliens began to take the food, but the human did not. Reigen felt full, although he was not at his limit yet. But he wasn't aware of that.

Emba took note of it and she approached him. Reigen met eyes with her, and he shook his head. "No." He put a hand up, pointing to his abdomen. "Full."

Apparently, there was some sort of miscommunication or something, though.

Emba sat down next to him, sidling up right next to him. Reigen nervously took a breath in and out, as she took some of the desserts and...

Fed it to him.

Y'know, Reigen was surprised when it happened. She looked directly at him, and Reigen just blinked. His arms that were previously crossed dropped to his sides, but then moved up in an act of protest. Emba quietly hissed to him, "Don't."

Reigen and her kept eye contact for some time, although it was the former that broke it. He looked off to the side, allowing Emba - for now to feed him, as confusing it was. The food was cool - but not freezing, and not warm, either. Comfortably cold, rather.

It wasn't long before the others began to clean up.

Emba stopped and Reigen looked back up at the alien. She stood up and, like nothing had just happened, began to clean up.

It was at this moment Reigen realized how full he was.

Normally, he would have stopped before he moved onto the desserts. But the food was so good, he couldn't stop until he actually felt full. Then came the desserts, and then there was Emba. Either there was a miscommunication, or perhaps she HAD to do it. As in, she was ordered, for whatever reason. Reigen thought it was the former.
His suit wasn't that tight. It would take some time before it actually began to truly feel tight, but for now, he was good. His stomach, on the other hand was not used to this sort of food nor in this quantity. It would take him a bit to digest. He absentmindedly moved a hand in circles on his abdomen, feeling his bloated midsection, which wasn't all that soft to begin with- it was rather hard, even now. Reigen was never that large, though he did have a bit of extra 'fat' on him, it was pretty common for a lot of people.
It was a bit trickier to breathe now though, Reigen figured. Made sense.

He was not greeted by Emba, but rather Toka, who tugged on his arm, seemingly trying to get him up but failing, most likely not realizing the amount of strength needed to pull someone of this weight and stature from sitting down. Reigen decided to assist the alien, making things slightly easier by standing up, although slow. An "ooh..." slipped past his lips, the fullness was easier to feel now in this standing position. It wasn't as visible now, but his gut also slightly stuck out a bit more previously compared to he was getting here.

Toka took him to a new room in the cave systems, and it was almost like his personal, crudely made bedroom. At least now he had somewhere comfortable to sit. Toka watched him carefully, then turned to the hallway and chirped. Masa arrived just as Reigen sat down in the bed that was carved into the walls. Masa nodded and Toka seemed to go out into the hallway. Masa stayed near the door, however.

Reigen massaged his stomach for some time before sitting back in the bed, eyes looking up at the ceiling. He rubbed his stomach back and forth, back and forth.

And once again, fell back asleep.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 4 years
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Built4com4t 5 years
Good start...promising