More than friends

chapter 8

"It smells like sex in here...does it smell like sex to you boys?" Jesus Gran! She was such a nutty old lady. She was never the type to censor what she thought.

Javier nearly choked on his pancakes. "Sex? Who'd be having sex in here Gran?" I asked self-protectively. Me and Javi would be having sex in here. But...but we didn't even get to. This was so not fair, Gran's sex sense or whatever. She looked me straight in the eye.

"I don't know who would be having sex in here, but they'd better use condoms and clean up their messes carefully." My face was burning. Gran must've been psychic or something.

"Yeah Gran...of...of course." I stood up. "Well, we should get going." I glanced over at Javier who had started on his third helping. "Like, now." He stopped eating and looked up at me.

He stood up too, his gut full and bloated. He really had been sucking his stomach in these past few weeks. He was so much larger than I thought. He left the kitchen and I followed. His ample cheeks stretching the fabric of his black, costume pants.

I got dressed and we headed to Javier's mom's shop. When we got there Carlos immediately met us at the door and really let Javi have it. "You little prick. You should've seen Reese last night. You really ***ed up. Man, I'll take you on right now. You may have the size, but you don't got the skill."

"'s okay." A fight seriously almost ensued. "We talked about it and he wasn't himself last night."

"Now you're on DRUGS!?" He said drugs so loud everybody turned towards us. Mrs. Delgado moved towards us.

"Where have you been? You couldn't call? You have a cell phone young man." She moved her graying hair behind her ear. "Carlos told me what you did and I don't think you should hang around with people who make you act in such a way."

"I won't. I was being stupid and I'm sorry," he said. She frowned heavily and asked if he was hungry. "Yeah, a little." I almost laughed, but the mood was serious. He had just had three stacks of pancakes. Gran buys a lot of food when she knows Javi is over.

That Monday, Frieda gave me a knowing glance. She could tell we had made up and I confirmed her assumptions at lunch. That Saturday evening we had finished what we started that morning, with condoms and everything. Gran was out playing Bridge with her old lady friends.

He had done nothing but eat all day. He said he had been nearly starving himself around Claire. He didn't have to worry about that with me. He was right. I was totally a chubby chaser.

Claire had to give up her slutty ways. Javi kissed me all the time, and I mean all the time. He was obsessed with intimacy and I was too, because I loved every smooch, every peck, every moment we touched one another. Everybody assumed she "turned" Javier gay and guys avoided her like crazy. That was the ***ed up high school mindset people had and it was really disappointing.

A.J. still messed with us, but Javi's a lot more intimidating now. I thought it had evened things out. Javi had never been a bad fighter, but there was a lot more to work with at 358 pounds. That was nearly 100 more pounds than his previous high.

College was nearing. I didn't know what I would've done if we didn't go to the same school. My love for Javi had definitely grown over the years and I guess that was a good thing. He had grown as well, so I needed all the love I could give him.

The End!
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Carlos 12 years
ur welcome i havent been on ff in a while i need to cath up on all your stories lol
Fatfiction 12 years
Ahhhh! Thank you Carlos :3
Carlos 12 years
once again another great story
Fatfiction 12 years
Thank you Chordbelly smiley