
Chapter 4 - reunion

Scott kept a keen eye on Robyn's online profile for the next few months whilst he was away at college, completing the final semester of his masters. Robyn's profile and news feed were now littered with horny posts about wanting to blow up with fat and eat herself to sleep each night. She lamented about her gains, boasting proudly. However, no new pictures emerged and many on the site dismissed her as a fake. Even when a cute picture of Robyn appeared on the mainstream social media with her boyfriend, Scott had to squint hard to see if he could see any growth. He really couldn't tell whether his eyes were playing tricks on him. Was Robyn really gaining weight, or was it merely his hopeful imagination running away with him?

That question however, was soon to be answered as Scott returned home, fresh from completing his degree. He knew that Harvey and Robyn were due to arrive a little late and sat in his friend's living room with breathless anticipation. All other conversations were a nonstarter as his eyes darted to the window each time he heard a car pull up outside. What was the matter with him? He was obsessed!

But, the wait turned out to be well worth it as Harvey strutted through the door, followed by his sweet, beautiful, and definitely curvier girlfriend Robyn, following closely behind. Scott almost gasped at the sight. It wasn't just that Robyn had put on a few pounds, everything about her seemed larger; she looked wider, with larger breasts, but then, around her middle was a definite, paunchy belly, pressing up against a blouse that looked like it was at least 10lbs over its retirement. Robyn's jeans seemed painted on, her thicker, wider butt stretching the tight and unforgiving material. Was that her ass crack Scott just saw? He grinned at the sight, having to cross his legs. Robyn really was gaining!

A portly Robyn stood behind Harvey as he made his way around the room. This was not Robyn's group of friends; they had merely been forced upon her by her boyfriend and it was clear to see, from their responses to her, that she had yet to make any meaningful connections with any of them. That was probably why Scott found it so easy to slide up to her ten minutes later and monopolise her for the next hour of the party.

"I hear you stole my cake last time we were here together?" he laughed, with a subtle glance towards her belly that he hoped she would notice. He smiled in a friendly, playful way, that suggested that he knew how greedy she really was now. Robyn's online profile had admitted to a great appreciation of these types of encounters, and so Scott knew that it was the perfect hook to reintroduce himself after so many months away.

Robyn's face couldn't hide the slight delight she felt as she held her hand in front of her stomach in defence of further knowing looks about her weight. She smiled back and Scott could see her fuller, chunkier face in high definition. Everything Robyn had claimed on the gainer site was true. She really had gained the 50lbs she had been talking about on there; maybe even more, judging by the puffier cheeks and fresh double chin.

"You're partly to blame," she chuckled. "I've been going back to that bakery you recommended. Have you tried their chocolate fudge cake?" she asked, enthusiastically; her eyes sparkling with interest as she chatted about food.

Scott doubted that even a daily trip to his recommended bakery would have transformed Robyn like this, but he was still surprised and pleased that Robyn had held their previous conversation in her head for so many months. "Well, if you like that place," Scott went on, sliding on to a stool and handing one to Robyn, "you'll love this waffle house I found down town..."

"How come you're not overweight like me?" Robyn asked, bemused after an hour-long conversation about desserts and fast food places Scott had tried recently.

"Oh, I just hide it well," Scott laughed, lifting his shirt and rubbing the little hairy beery belly underneath. A belly he had grown in the name of research, ready for a girl just like Robyn. "In fact, it's been ages since I've spoken to someone as enthusiastic about food as I am." His mind whirred with possibilities. "Maybe you should come with me next time? I could show you the best dishes in the city?"

Robyn didn't even ponder the idea of spending time with someone she didn't really know that well and the greedy girl simply nodded eagerly. "When are you free?"
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Fatchance 2 years
Wow, lucky imaginary bastard! lol
Feeder862 5 years
This story is now complete. Please feel free to check out my other stories if you enjoyed it.
Lpark435 5 years
This is probably one of my favorites, are you going to finish this one with a few more chapters?
Pd500 5 years
I agree with Jazzman! We're sitting here on an absolute cliffhanger at the end of chapter 11. Do what you like. This is fantastic & definitely has plenty of room for additional chapters. Does he reveal he knows about her feedee profile? I cant wait to
Jazzman 5 years
This is great except for one thing.
Publish the chapters sooner.I hate waiting. It's That Good!And I happen to know that you actually Could publish more frequently. Lol
Pd500 5 years
Loving it!
Feeder862 5 years
Thanks for the heads-up. I write these in Word and then copy and paste them on to here. Does anyone know why this is happening here now? It never used to.
Sutherngent96 5 years
Love the story but what formatting are you using it has a blacksquare "euro" blacksquare like every 5 words
Karenjenk 5 years
Slow beliveable start.
i love this so far!
Wisconfa 5 years
Great start. MORE MORE MORE
Plushush 5 years
Amazing work! I'd love to see more!
Edxl 5 years
I look forward to the rest, nice start!
Pd500 5 years
Great start!
Jazzman 5 years
Yet Another Great Story!