
Chapter 8 - challenge time

"What can I get for you two?" asked the waitress twenty minutes later, politely ignoring the fit of Robyn's new t-shirt. She was older and reminded Scott of his mother.

"I'm going for the steak - medium-rare, and Robyn here wants to try the meat feast challenge," Scott replied proudly.

The waitress looked over at Robyn who was grinning smugly at her own greed. "Now, are you sure honey? It's a lot of food y'know? Why don't you have a look and see if there anything else on our menu that interests you?" she asked, concerned.

Robyn simply nodded with an excited smile on her face.

"Oh, you haven't seen her," Scott answered for her.

"This girl is an absolute pig! She can take it on, no problem!"

The waitress looked concerned once more at Robyn; her eyes slowly travelling down to the little line of exposed flesh around her middle. She sighed, shook her head and headed off to the kitchen with the order. She clearly wasn't impressed by the appetite of a fat girl.

"Come on Robyn!" Scott coaxed, almost an hour later. "You have three minutes left to finish!" he explained, looking at the clock and then back down at the remaining plate with three more items on it.

Robyn herself, looked pale and sweaty, having consumed an incomprehensible amount of food already. Her pace had slowed considerably and she looked, right now, like she had no chance of finishing.

"Come on!" Scott implored. "Finish it and you'll get your face on the wall of fame!" he pointed across the restaurant. "Look at all those fat guys. You'll be the only girl! Hell, you'll be the only one under 300lbs on there!"

A spark of energy seemed to reignite Robyn and she suddenly redoubled her efforts, shoving the meat into her face with only her greasy, chubby fingers. As the final minute came, a small crowd gathered around them, eager to see. She had a chance, but it would be a nail-biting finale.

"Five - Four - Three - Two - One!" the crowd sang. "Zero!"

Robyn sat there motionless. Had she managed to swallow that last mouthful before the time? "Open your mouth," the manager demanded, almost wanting to put his fingers in there himself, to check. He didn't give food away for free if he didn't have to.

Slowly, Robyn's jaws opened and the crowd leaned in to see. Robyn's mouth was indeed empty. The greedy pig had done it!

The manager held out his hand and pulled her up. Scott could see the additional three inches of exposed underbelly on Robyn's ever swelling tummy. They stood side by side as a picture was hastily taken and the diners inside all clapped. They shook hands and then Robyn was finally free to sit back down again. She huffed loudly, resting her hand on top of the shelf of bloated stomach, like a real fat girl.

"That was awesome!" Scott cheered, leaning across and patting his buddy on the back. "Now I know you can do them, I've found loads more food challenges we can take you to."

Even with the meat sweats, her stomach stretching painfully and her total lack of energy, Robyn grinned back at him, contemplating her future gluttony.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Fatchance 2 years
Wow, lucky imaginary bastard! lol
Feeder862 5 years
This story is now complete. Please feel free to check out my other stories if you enjoyed it.
Lpark435 5 years
This is probably one of my favorites, are you going to finish this one with a few more chapters?
Pd500 5 years
I agree with Jazzman! We're sitting here on an absolute cliffhanger at the end of chapter 11. Do what you like. This is fantastic & definitely has plenty of room for additional chapters. Does he reveal he knows about her feedee profile? I cant wait to
Jazzman 5 years
This is great except for one thing.
Publish the chapters sooner.I hate waiting. It's That Good!And I happen to know that you actually Could publish more frequently. Lol
Pd500 5 years
Loving it!
Feeder862 5 years
Thanks for the heads-up. I write these in Word and then copy and paste them on to here. Does anyone know why this is happening here now? It never used to.
Sutherngent96 5 years
Love the story but what formatting are you using it has a blacksquare "euro" blacksquare like every 5 words
Karenjenk 5 years
Slow beliveable start.
i love this so far!
Wisconfa 5 years
Great start. MORE MORE MORE
Plushush 5 years
Amazing work! I'd love to see more!
Edxl 5 years
I look forward to the rest, nice start!
Pd500 5 years
Great start!
Jazzman 5 years
Yet Another Great Story!