Nancy & ellie - who's the piggy now?

Chapter 25

The next few days continued without much change.

That evening as Nancy was all dolled up in one of her new dresses that fit pretty snug on her these days. Ready for her rendezvous with Jeff she was applying the last touch up of make up onto her chubby face. She hasn’t had to worry much about sneaking out lately as Ellie barely ever left her room when to her shock she heard the doorbell ring.

Her eyes widen and a look of shock comes onto her face, as she drops her make up and hurriedly waddles to the front door.

Nancy opens the door and Jeff jumps right in and embraces her, tickles her then kisses her. Nancy uncontrollably lets out a loud giggle, then she calms herself down then with a serious look on her face tells Jeff to ‘shush’ as she frantically tries to push Jeff out the door.

Too late, Ellie has emerged from her room to see what the commotion was. At first she had a look of hope on her face seeing Jeff. Then, reality clicked in. She noticed that Nancy was all dolled up and then Jeff put his arm around her waist. She let out a loud sob and she ran back to her room. Nancy feeling terrible scolds Jeff and pushes him out the door. With a frown on her face she says to him “see you tomorrow” as she closes the door.

Nancy takes a few moments to gather up some snacks in the kitchen, knowing that it makes her feel better when she is sad, then she goes into Ellie’s room to console her.

Ellie is sobbing loudly with her face buried in her pillow.

“Hey” Nancy says as she sits on the edge of Ellie’s bed. Ellie rolls over with her face full of tears. She notices all of the snacks that Nancy has brought in and grabs a bag of cookies from her. She tears it open and starts eating them one by one all the while sobbing.

After a few cookies, Ellie stops her sobbing briefly then looks up to Nancy and asks “How could you? How could he?”

Nancy not knowing what to say remains quiet. Never having been the sympathetic type, she wishes that she hadn’t such a bitch in the past and that she had invested more time in helping people out with their problems to better prepare her for this situation.

Then Ellie starts ranting “You bitch! How could he like you? You’re so fat!” Then she continues her sobbing.

Nancy knowing Ellie is upset doesn’t mind the comments.

“We love each other” Nancy says to Ellie in a sympathetic tone.

Ellie starts to sob uncontrollably and then she gathers the composure to say “I can’t believe you, you stole my boyfriend, again!”

Nancy feeling extremely guilty says to her “I didn’t mean to, it just happened, I always liked him”.

Ellie replies in a sour tone “No you didn’t, you played him just like you played every other guy in your life”.

Nancy feeling ashamed says “no, I’ve changed”.

Ellie rolls her eyes back, buries her face in her pillow and continues sobbing. Nancy leaves the snacks in Ellie’s room then leaves quietly.

The next few days were tense in the house. Nancy has tried to console Ellie many times but Ellie quickly shoots her down, calling her a bitch and a myriad of other names. Ellie is downright nasty lately. Nancy has never seen anyone feeling as bad as she seems to be feeling. Nancy as usual, understands the situation and she doesn’t let the situation get to her ‘whatever Ellie needs to get her through this, I’ll bear it’ Nancy thinks to herself.

Meanwhile, Ellie still has been drowning her sorrows with food and it is really starting to show. It’s looking like the fat girl in her is coming out again as she starts packing on the pounds. Having been fat for most of her life, it is definitely in her nature to be fat and as a result, the weight comes on very easily.

Nancy still has been having her nightly rendezvous with Jeff but Jeff is starting to grow tired of the situation and he has been putting pressure on Nancy to get her to get this issue with Ellie resolved so they can spend more time together without having to hide out.
29 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 16 years , updated 7 years
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Mdy73 7 years
Yes! Nice story.
Nok 11 years
Whoever rated this average is ***ed. A++
16 years
really good story but in my opinion it was to short, i mean u just jumped to the end but none the less good job hope to read more from u
Luvemfat 16 years
That's all of it... Feedback is always appreciated smiley
Luvemfat 16 years
Check back for updates soon!

- ssly