Nancy & ellie - who's the piggy now?

Chapter 27

The next couple of weeks pass and indeed Jeff has been coming over to spend time with Nancy. Ellie although she is feeling better, still prefers to avoid the lovebirds and stays in her room at least when Jeff is over. By this time, Ellie has packed on quite a bit of weight. She is 40 lbs heavier than she was and is once again the chubby girl that she was.

A few days later, Jeff and Nancy are chatting in bed and an idea occurs to Jeff. He says to Nancy, “on Saturday night, let’s have a little party.”

“What do you mean?” Nancy replies.

“Just trust me, let’s have a little do out at the pool, just something intimate and get Ellie to come and make sure you doll her up!” Jeff says to Nancy.

“Ok!” Nancy replies still unsure about what brought this on.

Saturday night comes and Nancy had a great time decorating up the pool area. She made the pool look very classy and cozy with flowers and nice mood lighting all around the pool highlighting a very large buffet that she ordered.

Nancy is now in the house trying to get Ellie to get dressed up for this occasion but she is unwilling. “Come on girl, let’s go!” Nancy says to Ellie as Ellie is lying on her bed.

“Naw forget it!” Ellie replies.

Nancy grabs Ellie’s nicest dress (one that Nancy used to wear for a brief period that was from Ellie’s fat past) and pulls Ellie out of bed. Ellie reluctantly gets up as Nancy motions for her to raise her arms and she does and Nancy pulls the dress down over Ellie’s body. “Good it fits!” Nancy says as she pats Ellie’s wide hips.

“Ok sit!” Nancy says to Ellie, then Ellie sits as Nancy starts to apply make up on Ellie’s face. Just as she finishes, the doorbell rings. Nancy excitedly gets up and tells Ellie to do something about her hair as she leaves to get the door. Nancy waddles over to the door and answers it to find Jeff standing there. “Hey hon!” she says as she kisses him. Then she looks past him to see if there was anyone there. “Where is everyone?” she asks.

“They’re coming!” Jeff replies.

Nancy excitedly grabs Jeff’s hand and leads him out to the pool.

“Wow, this is beautiful” Jeff says as he embraces Nancy.

“Thanks” Nancy giggles.

“Where’s Ellie?” Jeff asks.

“She’s fixing herself up” Nancy replies then the two sit down and start to smooch.

A few minutes later a handsome gentleman comes around the corner towards the pool. Jeff notices and says “Ahh, he’s here”

Nancy strains her eyes to see who this person was. “Is this all that’s coming?” Nancy asks.

“Yep!” Jeff replies as he gets up to approach the gentleman.

Jeff walks up to the man, shakes his hand then puts his arm around him and leads him towards the pool. “Nancy, this is Ben, my cousin. Ben, this is the lovely woman I was telling you about” Jeff introduces the two.

Ben’s eye light up as he sees the big beautiful woman in front of him. “She is even more beautiful than you told me, you are a very lucky guy Jeff” Ben says as he softly shakes Nancy’s hand.

Nancy’s chubby cheeks turn all red as she blushes and thanks the man for the kind words. This man she is now noticing is very handsome, tall and well kept. He is about Jeff’s age and you can see the resemblance between the two.

Nancy excitedly offers Ben a seat and then she proceeds to pour him a glass of champagne and they chat a bit.

After a little while, Nancy starts to feel famished. “I hope you don’t mind but I’m going to start nibbling at the buffet” Nancy says to the gentlemen.

“Go right ahead, sweetie” Jeff replies, “we’ll join you shortly.”

Nancy struggles briefly to get up then she heads for the buffet table.

Meanwhile the two men start to chat quietly. “Wow, she’s gorgeous” Ben says to Jeff, “I’m jealous” he says to Jeff as he pats him on the back.

They both look over to Nancy who is oblivious to the fact that they are both admiring her as she is totally focused on the buffet. Nancy is daintily picking through the buffet, loading up her plate all the while very subtly sneaking the odd morsel or two into her mouth.

They watch her as she walks through the buffet. She is wearing a very classy and very large dress that is fitting rather snuggly on her. Her belly is extremely large which contributed to her now quite rotund figure. As the weeks pass, her shape is turning more and more rotund but she all the while managed to keep the classy look and feel about her highlighted by her very pretty albeit fat face.

“Give me a sec” Jeff says to Ben as he gets up and heads for the buffet table.

“Where’s Ellie?” Jeff quietly asks Nancy as he slightly motions his head towards Ben.

Nancy’s eyes widen as she swallows the food in her mouth. “Oh my god, it didn’t even occur to me. Did you set this up honey, for Ellie?” she asks.

“Duh, yes!” Jeff responds with a smile on his face.

Nancy let’s out a quiet squeal as she puts down her plate, kisses him then waddles off to get Ellie. “I’ll be back in a moment” Nancy says politely to Ben as she passes him.
29 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 16 years , updated 7 years
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Mdy73 7 years
Yes! Nice story.
Nok 11 years
Whoever rated this average is ***ed. A++
16 years
really good story but in my opinion it was to short, i mean u just jumped to the end but none the less good job hope to read more from u
Luvemfat 16 years
That's all of it... Feedback is always appreciated smiley
Luvemfat 16 years
Check back for updates soon!

- ssly