Points mean prizes

chapter 7

Tom was enjoying life more than he had ever done in his flirting days. He had realised he liked to explore the different tastes and textures of food. What was there not to like about a chocolate cake with lots of chocolate buttercream, moistened with fresh double cream. He could devour a whole cake!
It was monotonous just the flavours and the feel of food in his mouth. He loved the feeling of being so stuffed full that he could hardly move. Sylvia's points system had him in that state at least once a day in the evenings, this stretching his stomach to hold even more.
He was surprised as how turned on he felt when his gut was hanging out. He might not look sexy in a conventional way, but he certainly felt it and Sylvia appeared to appreciate it too. What was there not to like?
He admitted, it was harder to get around these days. He got breathless going up one flight of stairs, so he always looked for an alternative if there was one.
When he was slim, he might walk across the office mid-morning so that he could raise the pulses of the women there with his swagger. He would make any excuse to have to talk to talk to whoever he fancied or was interested in at the time.
Now, he did not get up unless he had to. He would email, send an instant message or telephone rather than take the exersise. Sylvia would supply him with a large 'packed lunch' of goodies, which were usually all gone by half past ten, so he didn't have to get up to the snack machine. The only time he got up was at lunchtime when he waddled to the canteen.
His line manager was appalled and concerned for Tom's health. He had put so much weight on so quickly and he took hardly any exercise. He was a heart attack waiting to happen! He asked to see him in his office and expressed his concerns in a meeting.
Tom assured him he was fine. He was all right. He had to accept a referral to occupational health to check him over for obesity related illnesses.
When the appointment arrived, he ignored it. He did not want to lose weight. He would lose points and never receive his weekly prize. He did not care about the impact on his health. All he knew was if he did not eat he felt hungry and he had to satiate his hunger, no matter what, or he would lose his concentration.
He did not want anyone snooping into his private life. He was onto a good thing at home. He didn't have to lift a finger there. Everything was done for him. His dinner was ready for him getting in. He could pit his feet up and enjoy his new hobby.

Tom did not look in full length mirrors. The one they had in their bedroom at home was covered in a blanket. If he was found looking at himself, it would be an immediate non-negotiable 10 point penalty!
Then one day, at work, the men's toilet was blocked and waiting for plumbers to come and fix it. He had a choice of going to the next floor or using the female toilets next door. He decided to use the ladies'.
After finishing his business, he headed for the sinks and saw a glimpse of a very large shadow. He turned around to look and saw himself in the mirror for the first time in months. At first he was appalled, sickened even. How had this happened? He knew he was no longer slim. He knew he was now a large, fat man, but the figure looking back at him was not one he recognised. That figure was huge! No wonder he had to go sideways on to go through some doorways. He raised his right arm and watched the figure to the same. Yes! It was definitely his reflection and no optical illusion. He took a closer look.
His cheeks were round and pudgy, his large double chin merged into his thickened neck. His upper arms had inches of flabby bingo wings hanging beneath them. He turned around to see large fat pads under his arms that pushed them out to the sides. Then there was the pad of fat on his back underneath his neck that made him look like a hunchback. He had three clearly defined back fat rolls. He lifted up his shirt to have a closer look at his enormous behind. He poked it and watched the wobble ripple as it spread out.
He turned back around to the front. He had definite man-boobs that were visible though his shirt. But his most visible feature was his belly. It stuck out from his body a good metre. His trousers were fastened underneath the huge appendage and his shirt barely covered the expanse. The tee shirt he wore underneath tucked into his trousers saved him from revealing too much flesh. Wow! It was much bigger than he had last caught a glimpse of it. It hung down low over his trousers. It was most impressive! He gave it a slap and watched the way it shook. He held onto it, picked it up and then dropped it. The feeling sent shock waves through his genitals. He turned to the side, picked it up and dropped it again, watching the way the fat reacted to the sudden movement. This was the real prize for his gluttony. He smoothed his shirt down, caressed his belly, no longer horrified, he admired it. It had taken a lot of effort to get this far. Did he want to stop now? Well, no not really! He thought about the greasy bacon sandwiches he would miss out on if he went on a diet, the sweet creamy cakes and biscuits. No. His belly was still a child. He wanted to look after it and nurture it into maturity. How much bigger could he become?
The thought of getting even fatter turned him on. What if he became as fat as the toilet cubicle and couldn't get out? His sides would touch each wall and his belly would be touching the door as he stood over the toilet. Wow! He realised that if he was that big he would probably not get into the cubicle in the first place, but that was how fat he wanted to get.
His stomach gave a grumbly protest. It had not been fed for a couple of hours. Tom wondered if the office would miss him if he made an emergency canteen visit. They made lovely cheese scones at this time of day and they were even more delicious with a thick layer of cold butter. Two of them might be enough to tide him over until lunchtime. Oh and while he was there he could see what was on the lunchtime menu. What day was it... Friday! It was bound to be fish & chips with either mushy peas or garden peas. He couldn't wait! He wondered if he could get away with having two portions...
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Kjdfduhfjdf 3 years
I love this one too. Well, I love all your stories but I prefer Ian’s growth or Marriage suits you, that kind. I need more of your stories. I read them several times
AshBear 5 years
This is getting really good!
Growingsofter 5 years
More please
Built4com4t 5 years
always a treat