Stress-induced picnic

Chapter 2 - midterms - round 1

The end of the first month also marked the beginning of midterms, and with it, a maelstrom of exhausted and panicked students in every nook and cranny of the university; it was nearly impossible to find any place on campus to study alone, or at least in peace. Despite the best of intentions, Quinn's extremely asocial personality did not lend itself to human interaction, and she found herself spending most of her study time standing outside with a cigarette, and resenting the overcrowding of fidgeting people.
She closed her eyes, breathing the cancer in deeply, and replacing her hate with it. Quinn felt the presence of someone else, and hunched over in front of her, mildly struggling to tie his shoes was Sable (Quinn's nickname for him). Her eyes widened and she nearly choked on the smoke; Sable's modestly endearing tum had grown a lot in the short month, at least 30 or 40 lbs. His black shirt could only cover his navel, leaving the rest to wobble on top of his belt- the legs of his pants seemed to fit nicely, if not a bit snug, yet he wore a belt. His belly rolled into a dense, doughy ball causing some separation between him and his legs, making it difficult to reach his laces, but he huffed and huffed, and managed to tie them up; as he straightened up, his growing overhang jiggled gently, one could almost miss it. He continued walking by Quinn, eventually passing her enough to reveal his adorably round and jiggly rolls of back fat that his shirt could not cover. Self-consciously, she watched him tug at his shirt uselessly, only causing his belly to bounce more.
She had never seen such perfectly soft rolls of fat before, and without thinking, she put out her cigarette and began following him. It wasn't until he stopped to open the door of the building he was heading towards, causing his squishy rolls of fat to stop wobbling, did she realize what she was doing was probably illegal. She turned around and tried to find a quiet place anywhere in the library, even the bathroom, to be alone for a few minutes, but failed and spent a frustrated hour hopelessly staring blankly at her notes.
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