Stress-induced picnic

Chapter 6 - midterms - round 2 (part 4)

Since starting the process of applying to universities, to trying to survive midterms and labs, Peter had began stress-eating, and it was reeking havoc on his waistline (almost exclusively), and was becoming something of an embarrassing topic for him. He had to buy new pants when not only could he no longer do them up around his overhang, but he began finding rips in them, but he refused to admit his expanding girth and kept his old shirts. He hated himself for getting so tubby, but it was the only thing that helped him survive school, and cookies were pretty tasty... so were a lot of things...
He felt his shirt rising even more as more of his flabby tum was exposed to the tepid air; in his reverie, he had already let Quinn stuff all but 3 of the cookies into his belly. "Oops, I'm sorry, I guess whoever these were for won't have many left... but you were just enjoying them so much, even your tummy liked them!", Quinn giggled. Peter looked down to see his right hand betraying him with rubbing soothing circles into the sorest parts of belly. "It's... ok, they won't mind," (yeah, I bet they won't mind), "but, I think I'm good for now... I'm really full already, I had some of the pasta, and a few bread rolls before..." "Oh, only a few? Then, if they won't mind anyways, there is only 3 left, it seems like such a waste, doesn't it?" Quinn picked up one of the cookies and began moving it towards Peter's lips. "No, thank you! But you can have them, I mean, you haven't even had any!" "I don't really like cookies; come on, what are you afraid of? You certainly didn't seem to have any reservations about the first 9." Peter tried to smile reassuringly but with enough pain to convince her that he definitely did not want anymore, "I'm sorry, I'm just too full, I would, but I don't have any room left for them!" Begrudgingly, he patted his fat tum for emphasis; he hated bringing any attention to it, especially to a cute girl, but if he kept eating, not only would he only fatten himself up more, but he would probably scare his new friend off.
Quinn slid closer and without thinking, pressed the palm of her hand into his dense but soft belly, "are you sure? Because I feel lots of room in there!" They both stared at each other, shocked, for a moment before looking away shyly. Before she could apologize, Peter, blushing more than before, grabbed the cookie from her and shoved it into his mouth. "It's good, isn't it?" He hummed in agreement, leaning back slightly to make room for the last two (he wasn't kidding when he said he didn't have room).
The girl fed the remainder of the cookies to him and began on the brownies; Peter relished every second of eating, and was too caught up in the enjoyment to notice that Quinn had continued to put treats in his mouth. He began groaning more and more loudly with each swallow, and she saw how swollen his tubby belly was getting; tentatively, she brought a brownie to his lips, and once he began moaning and groaning, she touched the biggest part of his tum. Peter winced for a moment, but relaxed into it as her rubbing started to alleviate the pain.
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