Stress-induced picnic

Chapter 7 - midterms - round 2 (part 5)

Peter finished the first container, and Quinn was giving him a chance to rest before she would start on the eclairs. With the pause, she quietly asked, "is this ok? The touching I mean..." Peter hadn't registered that it was this stranger's hands that were easing his distended belly, but the idea of losing her hands made the pain so much worse, "yeah, it feels really good... it really hurts..." Quinn imagined kissing the huge ball of fat and whispering to it about the food and what it wanted next, but instead opted to begin gently kneading it. He yelped at first, his hands trying to push hers away, "it's ok, Peter, this is going to help make it not hurt, ok?" Groaning, Peter said "I can't believe I ate all that". The girl smiled, "you still have a whole container of food left, and you can't forget the poor, lonely remaining cupcakes". "I don't think I can do it, not all in one sitting". Quinn shook his belly, feeling the weight of all the food that was stuffed into it, marvelling at just how full it actually was, "I think someone has some room left, certainly for just one yummy eclair? They're so tiny! You haven't even had one yet, and you won't even be able to feel it". Peter opened his eyes momentarily only to be met with Quinn's big, sad eyes and pouty lips. He groaned and opened his mouth, waiting.
Quinn began letting Peter take small bites as she continued to rub and knead his bloating belly. In the time she had fed him, Peter looked now at least 5" rounder, and his belly sat much more stiffly on his lap, lacking its usual wobble and taking up much more space than usual. Once he finished the first eclair, Quinn tried to sneak a second one in, but Peter closed his mouth and leaned back even more. "You know? You'd have more room if you just unbuttoned your pants... They fit your new size better than your last pair, but it's starting dig in quite a bit now that you have some food in there". Peter looked down, picking up the bottom of his overhang and picking it up to try and look at the under-belly part, and sure enough, his muffin-top was deeper than before, and deep, red indents covered the soft skin of his chub. Letting go of the fat, he sighed and tried to ignore the (albeit more solid and uniform) bounce of his fattening tum. "I don't need to undo my pants! ...I need to not eat that much... ever again", (uh huh, you don't get a belly like that from strong convictions like that), "but you want another one, don't you? Don't lie, I can see it in your face!"
Peter looked down at his huge, engorged belly, sighing, how did I get so big? When did I get so big?, he thought. "Yeah..." Quinn fed him another, and another, checking in between each one on the fullness and weight of his bulging belly. Her fingers could still grab handfuls of jiggling flab, but it was getting more difficult, and even the soft fat was starting to feel more dense as he got more dessert stuffed into his fat tummy. As he neared the last eclair, he couldn't focus on anything other than the feeling of his pants digging into his belly, not even the flavour was enough to take his mind off the pain. On the last bite of the last eclair, Peter began really struggling, his breathing became erratic, "Quinn, I think I'm too full" "it's just one bite, just one more, ok?" Peter reluctantly opened his mouth, chewed, and swallowed, not even registering the taste. With one big final gulp of sweet eclair, his stiff and stuffed belly drooped slightly as the waistband of his pants loosened around his sides. The two looked at each other in bashful confusion, then moved his belly out of the way; underneath, the button stuck to the warm and red flesh and fell onto his lap.
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