Stress-induced picnic

Chapter 8 - midterms - round 2 (part 6)

There was no denying the sight in front of them; Peter felt his body trying to prepare to run away from this horrible embarrassment, while Quinn stared transfixed by the button laying on his thighs and the fading indent it made in his plush belly. When Peter finally managed to move any part of his body, his eyes didn't find ridicule, but rather something he never clued into. "You... like this?" It was Quinn's turn to look away shamefully, rosy tinge quickly covering her face and neck. "I'm sorry... I got carried away with myself, I shouldn't have involved you," Quinn too came to her senses in the sobering realization of what was happening; timidly, she let the edge of his sloping belly slip from the tips of her fingers, and didn't even watch as it jiggled heavily onto his thighs. As the realization continued to set in, she started moving almost frantically to get to her feet and run away (something Peter desperately wanted only moments ago, but found himself rather pinned down by his own full tum), when his hand latched onto her wrist, "no! Wait!," Quinn looked at him with wide eyes, "... there are still four cupcakes".
"Are you...?" Peter didn't know what the end of the question was, but he implicitly knew what she was asking, "no, well, not that I was aware of... I've been, well, I guess I don't do too well with stress, and university is so... well, stressful, and eating has been the only thing that helps. I hate myself for it, but this has been the most relaxed I've felt in a long time, and it's not just the food... I guess I kind of like being fed, and I guess, maybe, I like the encouragement too... I don't know, but I do know that I want to finish this, with you, no other way." "Are you sure? I don't want to... coerce you anymore than I already have..." "You didn't coerce me! I let you feed me, and I liked it."
"Then we need to make some room for those last cupcakes, huh? Well, I guess now that we finally got those pants undone," "shush you", Quinn prodded his belly where the most pressure was building before the unbuttoning, and in the newfound inches of belly; his entire midsection felt noticeably less firm and hard, "I think we can fit the last four in now... but maybe lean back more, y'know... give it some room to... expand". She began unwrapping the first of the final four as Peter tended to his tum.
He wanted to make Quinn happy as much as he wanted to taste the delicious treats, but his tummy still ached and felt like it would explode at any moment; despite that, he opened his mouth willingly and began chewing, relishing the taste, perhaps a little longer than usual to stall the inevitable pressure in his belly. With every gulp of sweet cake and buttercream goodness, he winced and groaned; Quinn tried to soothe his belly, but at this size, it was almost futile, yet Peter soldiered on. As her hands deftly moved over his huge tum, she inadvertently found herself sliding closer and closer onto his lap just to reach every inch of the tender tummy. Peter didn't notice, or at least didn't mind, and his own hands began working over his stuffed belly with hers.
"Last bite...", Quinn whispered. Peter closed his eyes and tried to savour the taste, one hand gently resting on top of his enormously engorged belly, the other barely able to wrap around half of it. Quinn watched him and retracted her hands, soaking in the sight: Peter sat, his once "fitting" shirt now rode up to the top of the curve of his tummy, with his pants having been freed from underneath the heavy weight of his tum, the ends of his pants sat open at the sides of the mound of fat sitting on his legs. He was perfect exactly as he was. "I can't believe I did it... oh my god, I don't think I can ever eat that much again," Peter huffed, a bead of sweat dripping from his brow. "I don't know, I think we'll have to ask that Tum Tum. Does Tum Tum want to eat that picnic again?" Quinn spoke into his tubby belly, grinning. "But first, lets get you back to your dorm so you can lay that tummy down properly. It looks awfully big." "Yeah, and it feels bigger and heavier than it looks, I don't think I can get up..."
Quinn made him try anyways, watching him helplessly throw his arms in front of him, trying to find the strength to pick his belly and food up, but couldn't find the leverage or power to even move an inch. She smiled at his cute and futile attempts, trying to remember each detail for later before finally grabbing his hands and more or less helped him heave his massive tum up. Once he was standing, he was uneasy with the new weight weighing his belly down; he looked down at his body, only able to see the hem of his shirt resting on top of his tum, and the expansive mass of fat and food that hung in front of him, even the sides of his pants were obscured from his view.
"Think you can walk?" "Yeah, of course." He took one uneasy step, wobbling slightly, then another wobbly step until he found a gentle waddling rhythm, "I think that's more of a waddle than walk, don't you think?" Peter glanced away, small smile painting his face, "shush you", he whispered.
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