All she wants

chapter 2

It was the day before Thanksgiving, and Melissa and I had off as well as the holidays and the following Monday. I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. After I had relieved myself I got a good look in the mirror. Since Melissa's "Practicing" on me, I had put on a few pounds, maybe even more. I stood sideways and saw how my belly was sticking out a bit further. I rubbed it thinking about all the delicious food it was going to be getting over the next few days. I went back to the bedroom about to put on some clothes when I hear Melissa. "Oh Honey, don't worry about clothes this morning. Come down in your underwear, I want you to be comfortable. I made a big breakfast and want you to have plenty of room!" she walked over and poked me in my stomach. "I think you may be getting ahead of yourself here! Your "gift" is supposed to be on Christmas day!" I replied. She gave me a evil look and said, "Oh Sherman, this is just practice. You can easily say no...but..would you really want to?" She put her arms around me and started kissing me. Melissa then started to move her hands down my back and and came across my stomach and started to rub it. I let out a moan and started to breathe deep. "Well, it looks like this guy wants to have fun too!" Melissa moved her hand from my stomach down to my crotch. She started to rub slowly causing me to experience intense pleasure as waves went through my body. Melissa leaned in and whispered, "How about breakfast!" I just nodded and followed her downstairs to the kitchen. What was on the table was enough for a king! Pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast, a breakfast casserole, and a stack of donuts. I took my seat and Melissa poured a tall glass of whole milk. "It's Thanksgiving weekend! Time to indulge" She then gave a poke to my belly. I started with some bacon and pancakes and dug in. I was hit with amazing flavor. Melissa knew how to cook and with this weekend upon us, I knew pounds would be coming. Two hours later, I had finished the pancakes, all the eggs, bacon, toasts, half of the casserole and about six donuts left on the plate. I was leaned back in the chair letting out some small burps. Too full to move, I opened my eyes and saw Melissa was standing up and had her phone out taking pictures of me. "HEY! What are you doing?" Melissa kept taking pictures and said, "I am enjoying seeing you in this stupor! Plus we are going to need some before photos and we can compare in 2019!" I just grunted and started to shift my body. At least I tried to, and failed. "Oh honey! You look like a beached whale! Unable to move and just stuck!" She walked over and poked me in my belly. *BURP* "That is not fair!" I said. "Come on Sherman, you are my handsome whale! Now we do not want to let this food go to waste do we?" As she said that her hand slowly went down from my chest to my belly. I was getting aroused and she knew she had me right where she wanted. Her other hand went to pick up a donut and brought it up to my mouth. I kept from opening and was trying to resist. Her hand then moved down underneath my underwear where I was fully erect. She grabbed it and gave a slight squeeze. I gasped and the donut went to my mouth and I had no other choice but to bite down. I was able to slowly finish and breathed slowly. The amount of pleasure I was in was incredible. Melissa reached for another donut but this time she said in a stern tone. "From now are my whale! You got that!" All I could do was nod. "What are you?" she said. I replied with, "Your whale! I am your fat whale!" That seemed to do it, Melissa put the donut in my hand and got another one and gave it to my other free hand. I knew what to do, and as I started to eat one, Melissa lowered her head started to take care of me. Into the middle of the second donut I had exploded. Shivers went up my body. "Now that you have been taken care of, let's put the rest of this food into that belly of yours!" I nodded and did not resist. Melissa helped feed me as well. Another hour had passed and the table was bare. All that delicious food was now in my orb of a gut. She helped me up and we walked over to the couch where I plopped down. She gave me a kiss and then kissed my belly. "Oh this is going to be so much fun!" As I started to doze off, I could hear the sound of clicks as Melissa was again taking photos of me. "Take a nap my whale. Let that food digest" I did as I was told and drifted off to sleep. All I could think about was, what was in store for me the rest of the day.

I awoke around noon from the couch and heard my stomach rumble. "Really? After all that food you want more?" I tried to resist the urge, and of course I failed. I walked into the kitchen and opened the pantry and grabbed a bag of chips. Went back to the family room, turned on the TV and started to munch down. A few minutes later I hear, "So, could not help yourself I see?" Melissa came over and picked up the bag. "Geez honey. I guess my whale needed something after that breakfast." "Very Funny!" I replied. Melissa came over and sat next to me. "You know, these "practice" pounds look good on you" and she then put her hands on my belly and started to shake it. "Do not fill up too much. For dinner tonight we are hitting a sushi buffet! Have to stretch out that stomach of yours for the feast tomorrow." I rolled my eyes. Melissa's family loved to entertain and they always put out a spread. Even more so on the holidays. "Think of it this way babe. This is getting you ready for your Christmas gift to me and all the food you are going to be eating." She was right. These practice pounds were going to be getting me ready for the fifty pounds Melissa was going to put on me.

At around 5pm I went to the bedroom to get dressed for dinner. To my surprise Melissa was there and had laid my clothes out for me. "I figured you could wear this tonight" What lay before me was a pair of khakis and a button down shirt, nothing to fancy. I started to put on the pants which were a little snug and when I went to button I had to stop. ""What the....I cannot seem to button these." I looked up and there was Melissa with her phone out and recording me. "HEY. What are you doing?" Melissa just giggled and said, "Oh come on my whale. Put those pants and shirt on" I shook my head and attempted to button, was close but no cigar. I laid down on the bed and sucked in my gut and with some luck I was able to button the pants. I let out a huge gasp as I stopped holding my breath. "Yeah, those pants may not last tonight hun" Melissa came over and inspected then gave a poke in my belly. I sat up and put on the shirt and when I stood up, I could tell this shirt may not last as well. It was very tight.Melissa brought out her phone and of course had it recording me with her saying, "My whale is going to be enjoying his sushi tonight. Will have to say bye bye to those pants and shirt!" she had stopped and walked over to me and placed her hands on my stomach and gave me a kiss. Then she nibbled my ear and started to shake my belly and then whispered in my ear, "You are going to get so fat for me my whale! I cannot wait to see you get bigger!" That sent a rush through my body, I was pretty much butter. Melissa gave a poke to me and said, "I'll drive"

We arrived at the restaurant and we got a table as a both would not be good for my growing gut. Wanted to be comfortable as possible. I went up and got my first plate. Loaded it up and came back. Melissa took a picture and said, "Plate 1 out of how many?" I just put another piece of sushi in my mouth. After my fourth plate I started to rest and shut my eyes for a few seconds. When I opened them, another plate was in front of me. Melissa sat across with a evil grin on her face. "Honey, I don't know if I can do it. I am going to pop" Melissa moved to the seat next to me, and gave me a look over. "That is the idea!" She put her hand on my knee and slowly moved to my inner thigh. I shook as a wave of pleasure went through me. I got my chopsticks and dug in. Halfway through I sat back to take a break and let out a huge sigh. Big mistake...*POP* *POP* *POP* By relaxing my stomach, it surged forward and the button on my pants went flying as well as two buttons on my shirt. I leaned forward as to hide what happened and did a quick look around to make sure nobody had seen. Well except for one person who when I look at her at the biggest smile. "Honey! That was amazing and so hot! I told you these clothes would not last!" She moved her hand to my belly and stated to feel it. "Hmmm, you are pretty full but now you have some more space for another plate!" I looked at her with an embarrassed expression and whispered just so she could hear, "Please..I do not think I can go any more" Mistake number 2, as Melissa put her hand on my crotch and started to rub, "Well that is too bad, I was going to give you a reward" Again I was butter and said, "Go and get me the sixth and this one will be empty" True to my word when Melissa got back to the table, the fifth plate was clean.I licked my lips and went to town on the sixth and final plate. After the last piece was in and I swallowed, I again relaxed more and sure enough *POP* *POP* two more buttons from my shirt came off. Embarrassed sure, but luckily I had a coat and was able to put it on as we got up. Melissa helped me outside as I had to move very, and I mean very slowly . I waited outside and sat on a bench as Melissa went to get the car. I was rubbing my overstuffed gut and thought, "You know, this feels amazing when I rub it as when Melissa rubs it too. I need to relax and enjoy this. Fifty pounds sure, but what if, what if it did not stop there?" I knew the answer when Melissa pulled up and I got in. As I sat down there and turned to face her, my eyes went wide. There was a bag of cookies she was holding and she smiled and said, "Time for dessert my beautiful whale!"
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Growingsofter 4 years
Please more. Such a hot story.
11fu22fu 5 years
Good story!
Growingsofter 5 years
More soon.
Td0057 5 years
Fantastic! I've been hoping for an update. Great stuff. Thanks, and I hope you continue.
FrecherTyp 5 years
oh yes this was nice and sexy if you like i would love to read more ^^ thehe
Fatlilboy 5 years
I'm going to steal Melissa away - and become her baby beluga!
Growingsofter 5 years
Omg. More please. Soon. This story is amazing. I cant weight to see where you're heading. Good luck, enjoy, and God speed.
AshBear 5 years
Great start!