All she wants

chapter 11

Christmas Day Continued

I started the car and we were off to her family's house after Melissa gave my stomach another poke causing more gurgling. Melissa could not keep her hands of my stomach and was rubbing it the entire time on the way there. With her rubbing, I started to get aroused and tried my hardest to gain control but that was a losing battle it seemed. "You really enjoy when I play with you belly, don't you tubby?" I just nodded as I was fully erect giving away that this turned me on. Melissa then moved her other hand to my erection and slowly started to rub it as well. "Careful, I am driving!" but it fell on deaf ears as Melissa was not stopping. "Please stop, I just put on these clean pants, plus we will be at your family's house soon." Again, no response and my breathing had increased as the rubbing had continued. I was getting really close to climax when all of a sudden, "We are here!" I had snapped out of my trance and sure enough we were right by her house and so I parked the car and Melissa had stopped rubbing, leaving me so close to releasing. "Oh sorry Sherman, I seemed to have given you as the term is called, 'Blue Balls', whoops." Melissa had an evil smile and gave me a kiss on the cheek, then whispered "Oh Tubby, teasing and humiliating you are just the tip of the iceberg. What I have in store for you is going to be so much fun!" She leaned back and I just looked at her wide eyed, and she gave me a kiss.

As Melissa gout out of the car, I sat there for a minute to get myself to calm down as I was still erect, though I felt something and so I quickly just unzipped and felt my underwear and sure enough, I was 'leaking'. I put my head back and rolled my eyes, "This day is going to be interesting." Zipping up, I got out of the car and my stomach made more gurgling sounds and Melissa giggled. I helped Melissa carry in some of the dishes she made and we made our way to the front door. "I hope you are ready for more food honey!" "Yes and I hope my stomach is ready for it too!" The front door opened and Cindy greeted us, "Merry Christmas! Come in and put your stuff in the kitchen." We walked in and said hi to the rest of Melissa's family, and on the island was a huge spread. So much food that the island was covered and on the counter was a lot of wine and beer, as well as champagne. Cindy came over to me and gave me a hug, "Oh, it seems I have having a bit of trouble getting my arms around you Sherman. Oh I see the reason why!" Cindy put her hands on my stomach, and shook it."This is in the way, and it looks like it has grown since Thanksgiving!" Cindy shook my stomach again and it responded with some loud gurgles. "Uh oh, sounds like it wants to say some thing." She leaned down and put her ear to listen and gave me a poke which caused even louder gurgling to happen. "Well here, have some deviled eggs, that may settle it." Before I could stop her, Cindy had a paper plate and put some eggs on it and handed it to me. Cindy also picked up an extra egg and brought it to my mouth, and I opened and she popped it in. As I was chewing, she gave my stomach another poke and walked away to finish getting the dinner ready. I ate the eggs slowly as the grease was really starting to take affect to my stomach. Melissa had come over and gave me a beer and just winked at me, and I put the bottle to my lips and began to drink. After finishing the eggs and my first beer, I just took a deep breath as the smells of all the food started to get to me and my mouth was watering. Next thing I hear, "All right, we are all here, let's sit down at the table."

We all made our way to the dining room and got our to our chairs and sat down. I had to scoot my chair back a bit as my stomach was touching the table, and I gave a little laugh as I wondered would I still be able to sit down at a table with how big I was getting? Melissa sat down on my left and put in front of me, two beers and a glass of wine. The family held hands and we bent our heads down as the blessing was said. There was a few minutes of silence afterwards and then my stomach started to make a bunch of noise and then I let out a huge fart. I was beet red, as I could feel my face flush, and there was some giggles around the table. Melissa then moved her hand in and poked my stomach which caused another fart to escape. This had the whole table laughing and I just kept my head down as they continued to laugh. After that awkward moment, the food was passed around, and I loaded up, and my plate was full and food was stacked on top of other items of food.

Bite after bite, the food went down with such ease and it was delicious. When I was close to finishing, Melissa would put more food on my plate making sure I did not run out or finish until she felt I was done. Cindy even came by and put three beers on the table for me to help washing everything down. I started to slow down and my stomach was feeling full, but Melissa continued putting food on my plate and would rub my stomach to help me along and get my aroused as well. All the food and alcohol going into me, I was expanding and unable to stop myself as it all was amazing. Two hours of constant eat and drink, plus belly rubs from Melissa, I was done and extremely satisfied. I leaned back in my chair with my hands on my stomach, as the belt was digging in but I wanted to wait until some people had left before I attempted to unbuckle. Before that could happen, dessert was next and there were pies and cakes as well as brownies and fudge. Melissa made sure I had one of each item and I just groaned and rubbed my stomach. "Oh Sherman, let me help you there" and she poked my stomach which caused me to let a huge fart out. This one was very loud as people in the kitchen and family room were laughing and just sat there blushing. "See, I bet you feel much better honey! Now here, open wide!" Melissa brought a brownie up to my face, and I just shook my head as there was no way I could fit that in my stomach. Melissa leaned in closer to me and whispered, "Please Sherman. My fat husband wants to please me right? You want to eat for me and keep growing, becoming my big dough boy and jiggle all the time." Her words made me melt and I opened my mouth to bite down on the brownie.

Another two hours later and I was done, beet red and starting to sweat I was that full. For family members who were leaving, they came over to give me a hug as I was in no condition to move. I was left at the table with my hands at my side and head titled back just breathing and letting the pain subside. Cindy came over and sat down next to me, with Melissa standing across on the other side of the table with her phone out. Cindy had put her hand on my stomach, "You did so good Sherman! Do you think there is any more room in there for some more?" and she gave me a poke which caused another massive fart. "Here, you poor thing, let me help you with your belt." and she undid the clasp, and soon as it was released so did my stomach. The button popped off and the zipper undid itself as my stomach surged forward and with it no longer contained by the belt a rush of pressure came up, *BURRRRRRRRRRRP*. Cindy and Melissa both laughed at what they just saw, "Well, with that there has to be more room in there now!" Cindy got up and went to the kitchen to get even more food and Melissa came over to sit next to me. "Oh baby, that was so hot! I got the whole thing recorded and cannot believe just how much food you put away. It seems to me that you were meant to be a fat whale." She then started to slowly scratch with her nails which was getting me aroused but with how I felt, there was no way I could do anything but just sit there and enjoy.

Cindy came back with a dish and gave me a good look over. "Wow Sherman, you really look like you are carrying twins, even triplets, you are that big." All I could respond with was , "ugh" and another *BURP* followed that and Melissa giggled. Cindy sat in the other chair next to me and got a spoon ready, "Sherman, there is not much chili left and I do not want to put back this little dish, so how about you help me out and finish it up?" Cindy had got a spoonful ready and I shook my head as this would push me beyond my limit. Melissa though slowly rubbed my stomach, "Please honey? It would really help out." I just opened my mouth and spoonful after spoonful of chili was going in as Cindy fed me and Melissa continued to rub my belly giving me pleasure and to get my mind off the strain on my stomach. Once the chili was finally gone I was in a stupor and had to close my eyes. Cindy had put her hand on my stomach, "Yep, I think he is done! His stomach is packed tight as it cannot even be pushed in." With that comment, Cindy poked my stomach, *BURP* " stomach...ohhhhh" was all that I could muster. "You are right Mom, not another bite could go in" which Melissa then proceeded to poke my stomach too. This time a fart came out, "Please...I...I cannot take much more" was all I could do to hopefully get these ladies to stop. The two just laughed, "Looks like he is not going anywhere tonight except for bed!" Melissa and Cindy helped me to my feet and Melissa and I slowly made our way upstairs to a room so I could just lay down. It was slow going, and with a few more farts and burps released we had made it to the room. I waddled over to the bed and slowly sat down as Melissa helped get my pants a shirt off leaving me in my boxers and undershirt. "We are going to have to get pants twice your size so they last longer, and shirts to, your pregnant belly is showing as your shirt is riding up." I just groaned, "No more food please" and Melissa giggled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Sweet dreams my butterball! I have some plans for you!" Melissa gave me another poke in my stomach and I just moaned and laid down with my hands on my stomach rubbing slowly.
24 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 4 years
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Growingsofter 4 years
Please more. Such a hot story.
11fu22fu 5 years
Good story!
Growingsofter 5 years
More soon.
Td0057 5 years
Fantastic! I've been hoping for an update. Great stuff. Thanks, and I hope you continue.
FrecherTyp 5 years
oh yes this was nice and sexy if you like i would love to read more ^^ thehe
Fatlilboy 5 years
I'm going to steal Melissa away - and become her baby beluga!
Growingsofter 5 years
Omg. More please. Soon. This story is amazing. I cant weight to see where you're heading. Good luck, enjoy, and God speed.
AshBear 5 years
Great start!