All she wants

chapter 12

Christmas Night into the Next Day

I had continued to rub my stomach doing my best to help ease the pain. *BURP* Another one out and more were to come with all that was put in me. Thinking it over in my mind, Melissa and Cindy were ruthless, with non stop food and the teasing. *BURP* Rubbing my stomach, I was slowly drifting off to sleep, and at the same time getting turned on feeling how huge and round I had become. I did not expect to get this large in such a short amount of time, but due to Melissa, she made sure that I kept eating and lots of snacks between meals to. *BURP* Releasing the burps was helping but that was just gas and pressure relief. I was not sure how long I had been asleep, but my stomach had other plans and it started to rumble which had woken me up. I tired to just lay there and hopefully it would subside and pass, but no such luck. I let a fart out and my stomach started to seize which caused me to grab a hold of it. It took a couple of tries but I was able to shift my body in the bed to sit up and swing my feet to the side. Another rumble and another fart was released from me, and so I put my hands on the bed to help push off. I stumbled backwards as my stomach was still loaded down with food making this very challenging. Taking some deep breaths, I rocked back and forth and with enough momentum, I pushed up when leaning forward and finally able to stand up. I had to do the slow waddle as if I even attempted to walk at a normal pace, my colon would release where I stood. Being glad that the guest room had a bathroom attached, I did not have to go far but still with each step it felt like a journey. Another fart slipped out as I continued waddling towards to the toilet. Having one hand on my stomach and the other to help guide me in, I really felt like a pregnant woman with just how huge I had become. More teasing would be on the way from Melissa and even Cindy in the morning and I would enjoy every bit of it, as it turned me on.

Having made it to the toilet and releasing everything that had built up, I was able to wash up and slowly make my way back to the bed. The pain of feeling full was gone, but I still was bloated and I sat on the bed while Melissa was sleeping. As I was sitting there getting ready to go back to sleep, my stomach roared which startled me. "Oh come, you cannot be hungry? After all that food you were given." My stomach just roared back at me in response. The bigger I was becoming, meant that it would take more food to keep my stomach happy, and so I turned back to look at Melissa then got up from the bed to make my way downstairs. Yes I was still in my boxers and t-shirt, but if I took it slow and made little to no noise, I would not wake anyone up. Making my way to the ground floor, I walked into the kitchen and was able to turn on the stove light so it lit a small area and not as bright. I went to the fridge and opened the door and to my delight, it was packed full of leftovers. I pulled out the containers with turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and some deviled eggs. I brought the containers to the table and grabbed a fork and dug in. I was focused on the food and got spooked when I heard, "Thank you Sherman, that will be more room in the fridge." Cindy had come down, "Oh, I hope I did not wake you." Cindy shook her head, "I had got up to get some water and saw the oven light on, so I came downstairs. Looks like someone was hungry." Cindy came over and patted my stomach, and I just blushed. "Please keep eating, I know the food will not go to waste, plus you may want dessert too." As I continued to eat, Cindy went into the fridge and came back with half a blackberry pie and a full cherry with a gallon of whole milk. My eyes went wide, "Oh, I don't know if I could do all that."and my stomach growled loudly. Cindy put her hand on my stomach, "Well it looks like this is up for the challenge." and she poked it.

My stomach had to have a mind of it's own. I had leaned back breathing heavily as I had put my hands on my stomach slowly rubbing as I had completed the challenge. After emptying the containers, Cindy had filled a tall glass with milk and I had dug into the blackberry pie. After finishing the half pie, I had lost steam and unable to dig into the cherry pie. Cindy though was ready, "Here Sherman, let me assist you." and she took the fork and dug in and brought it up to my mouth, which I opened and started to chew. Bite after bite went down and more milk followed and I continued to expand outward. I did not make it through the whole gallon, got it down below half and there was no way any more would be going in. "Oh my, it seems as your shirt has ridden up quite a bit." and Cindy took her finger and traced from the shirt to my stomach and then poked me. *BURRRRRRRRRP* "Ugh....please go easy." as Cindy laughed and gave another hard poke, *BURRRRRRRP* "Please." I whined out as once again I had lost control and ate myself to the point of bursting. Cindy just laughed and patted my stomach, "I will clean up here and you may want to clean up yourself" she had pointed to my mouth as I had pie around my lips mouth. I groaned and had to get Cindy to help me to me feet and I began the waddle back upstairs to bed. On my way I heard Cindy, "Better be ready for breakfast in the morning Sherman." Another groan as I made it to the stairs and tackled each step slowly, burping along the way. Making it to the bedroom, I slumped down and stretched out releasing a huge fart. Rubbing my stomach and letting out some moans, doing my best to not wake Melissa, I was getting aroused. I moved my hand around my erection, and it was tough trying to reach it as my stomach was starting to get in the way. I was able to finally reach and started to stroke slowly as I needed some relief and doing so I was able to drift off to sleep.

I slowly started to wake up and felt something light and tingly around my toes. When I fully was awake, I had to arch myself up on my elbows to look over my gut, and my eyes went wide as I saw Melissa painting my toenails a hot pink. "What on earth?" as I struggled to try and sit up. "Oh Good Morning Sherman!" Melissa had turned to face me with a smile on her face. "Why did you paint my toenails?" looking in disbelief. "I woke up this morning and when I looked at you, your stomach was huge and swollen! Plus you still look like you are pregnant and your late night cravings are showing with what looks like to be pie." She had pointed to my shirt and I looked down and sure enough, some red and black stains from the pies Cindy had fed me.I fell backwards toward the pillow with a groan, "I figured pregnant women like to pamper themselves so I wanted to pamper you." Melissa was rubbing my stomach, "Now, I bet you are ready for breakfast and since your pants were destroyed during dinner I took the liberty to bring this." Melissa gave me the outfit which was a pink onesie, and on the front was the phrase 'eating for two' and I just looked at Melissa. "I had it specially made and waited for the right occasion. So put it on Sherman and let me get a look at you." I shook my head in defeat and did as I was told and slipped it on, and of course had to suck in as much as possible. Melissa was laughing, "It looks like sucking in is getting harder tubby!" and she took some pictures. I had finally managed to get into the outfit, huffing and puffing in the process while I heard a few clicks of Melissa's camera. "Going to get a video of this. You look so huge and pregnant!" As Melissa was recording, I made sure to turn around so she could get every angle of me. She reached out with one hand and poked my stomach a few times then started to rub it, which was getting me turned on.

Melissa had finished recording, "Oh Sherman, you look so amazing!" and she came up and put her arms around my neck, "Oh it seems it is a bit difficult to get in close due to your gut!" She moved to get in better and gave me a kiss, then started to move me to the bed where I sat down and she sat next to me rubbing my stomach and nibbling on my ear. *GASP* "" was all I could get out as I was in a euphoric state as Melissa did not let up. Melissa then slowly licked the side of my neck and that did the trick, I shuttered as I exploded in the onesie. "That was fun! Is my pregnant husband ready for breakfast?" I just nodded as that was all I could do. Melissa helped me to my feet and gave me another kiss. She went into the bathroom and I stood there with jelly legs teetering back and forth. A few minutes passed and I had come fully to my senses. Sure I was a sticky mess below the waste, but I did not care at the moment. Walking to the full length mirror in the room, I got a good look at myself and I was a bit surprised at just at how huge I was. Standing sideways, my stomach started to go past the mirror just a bit and I turned back to face it, lifting my stomach I could see a bit of the wet spot I had left after that ordeal with Melissa. It was a good thing my stomach was able to hide it just a bit. Looking at the wording on my outfit, I rubbed my belly, "Looks like I am eating for three instead of two." "I would have to agree" Melissa had come out of the bathroom and came over and gave my stomach another poke. "Ok Sherman, let's head down and fill you up!" Melissa headed out first as I gave one last look at myself in the mirror and started to waddle downstairs, and after entering the kitchen, before me was a huge feast of food. Cindy saw me and walked over, glanced at my outfit and laughed. She then put her hands on my stomach and shook it, "I hope your stomach is ready after last night!" She gave a wink and headed over to get my plate ready. "I am ready to eat!" I replied and headed over to sit down at the table ready for all the delicious food.
24 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 4 years
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Growingsofter 4 years
Please more. Such a hot story.
11fu22fu 5 years
Good story!
Growingsofter 5 years
More soon.
Td0057 5 years
Fantastic! I've been hoping for an update. Great stuff. Thanks, and I hope you continue.
FrecherTyp 5 years
oh yes this was nice and sexy if you like i would love to read more ^^ thehe
Fatlilboy 5 years
I'm going to steal Melissa away - and become her baby beluga!
Growingsofter 5 years
Omg. More please. Soon. This story is amazing. I cant weight to see where you're heading. Good luck, enjoy, and God speed.
AshBear 5 years
Great start!