All she wants

chapter 6


I awoke feeling well rested. Going over in my mind, thinking about being a huge glutton on Thanksgiving and how much I ate. I lifted up the sheets and saw my stomach had gone down, but not by much. I gave a it rub, and got out of bed and put on some underwear. Melissa had bought this for me and wanted me to start wearing these instead of boxers. The pair of underwear I put on were snug. My growth was to blame for that, and I would be having to get the larger size it would seem very soon. I went into the bathroom and took at look at myself in the mirror. My stomach was sticking out, and it looked like my chest had a nice size pair of moobs as the term was called. I gave one a squeeze and it felt nice and soft. "Like what you my blimp?" Melissa was standing in the doorway of the bathroom. Once again, another name she would be calling me. Sherman the blimp, and I just rolled my eyes. "Let me take a good look at you honey. How about you turn around?" I did as instructed and Melissa just gave me a look over. She had a smile on her face, "Well, what do I see here? It seems you are getting some stretch marks babe!" She walked over and pointed out where they were and sure enough, I looked in the mirror and there were red marks on my stomach and sides. "Oh boy, I have a feeling more are going to appear. My growing blimp, and I know you are going to be enjoying it!" Melissa gave my belly a shake and went out. "Oh, just leave your underwear on, breakfast will be ready soon, and no point in having more clothes destroyed just yet!" I shook my head, as who am I to argue with her.

I made my way downstairs where there in front of me was a box of donuts. "Ok babe, just sit down and I will get you the rest." Melissa went over to the fridge and got out some items and then got the blender out. She put stuff and in and started to mix it together. After the blending was done, Melissa took the container and brought it over to the table. "You are going to love this! It's chocolate peanut butter drink, and I do not want to see what little drop wasted!" I took a deep breath and lifted up the container and put it to my lips. The mixture was delicious and I took some gulps. It was thick and heavy but amazing. Melissa then picked up a donut and brought it to my mouth. Without any hesitation, I chomped down, and before I knew it, it was gone. I reached into the box and grabbed another donut and bit into it. This one was jellied filled and tasted amazing. The second donut went down with ease and repeated the same motion by grabbing another donut. "Let me get a picture honey!" Melissa brought out her phone and snapped some shots of me, with the blender in my left hand, a donut in my right. "Great picture Hun! A true look for a fatty." I took a bite out of the donut and then started to drink the shake mixture. Melissa then had switched over to recording, "As you can see here, the blimp is growing right before your eyes. By the end of the night, the blimp will be so full, he may just explode!" and then Melissa gave me a poke in the stomach, *BURP* was my only response. Soon, the box of donuts was gone and I was finishing up the last of the shake. With the last drop inside me, I had put the blender down and leaned back with my hands on my stomach. Breathing heavy, I figured I could wait there in the chair. "You really do look pregnant Sherman! The way you are holding your belly. How about you stand up and I feel your baby?" Melissa had this big grin on her face, and so I just rolled my eyes and attempted to stand. My first attempt was a failure as I started to stand and then plopped back down. Four attempts later and I was finally on my feet. Melissa stood behind me and brought her hands around my waist. "My pregnant husband is so handsome! How about we release some of that pressure so you can put some more food in there?" Melissa then started to jiggle my stomach, *BURP* *BURP* *BURRRRRRRRRP* came out of me. "See, much better! Now I have some stuff to do, so you are free to do whatever. Though you should stay in your underwear! Tonight is going to be so much fun." Melissa turned me around and gave me a kiss and walked off. "Whelp, what do you want to do?" I said to my stomach. It just groaned in reply to me. "Really? You want more still?" Again, a growl is the response I got. So I went into the pantry and grabbed a bag of chips.

Throughout the day I was snacking on chips, crackers and the occasional cookie. I was pretty much sticking to the family room and kitchen, still in my underwear while Melissa was doing her own stuff. It seemed that whatever I could get my hands on, went into my belly. "Need to be careful, else I will have not room for dinner." I decided to take a nap to rest up to see what Melissa had in store for me. I awoke to a poke, and there was Melissa standing over me. "Ok Blimp! Time to get dressed and we are heading out." Melissa gave me another poke and my belly jiggled in response. I sat up and saw that there were a pair of khaki pants and another button down shirt. "You really want to see me destroy another set of clothes?" I got up and put the pants on and to my surprise, the pants were big on me. "Plenty of room to grow Sherman! Plus they have an elastic waistband to help when you expand." Melissa walked over and pulled the pants outward to see how much room there was. "Not sure how long this space will be here. But I will see what can be done about that. I want my pregnant husband to make sure he is well fed!" I just rolled my eyes, and then went to go put the shirt on. The shirt and pants were big on me and I was thankful for that. We got our things and Melissa was about to shut the door when she said, "oh I think I forgot something. Why don't you get into the vehicle and I will be out shortly." I got in the vehicle and sat down, and waited about ten minutes. Finally Melissa came out and go in. "What took so long?" and her reply, "Oh, I was looking for some jewelry but I could not locate it. Anyway, sorry for the delay. Let's head out to that Brazilian stake place!" I just looked at her, "Wait, you want to go there?" Melissa smiled and put her hands to my stomach. "Oh come on honey. You know you like your meat!" With that she started to rub and I was starting to get turned on. "You got it!" I started the car, backed out of the driveway and took off.

When we arrived at the restaurant, we got a table that had some privacy. Our waiter came, and we got our waters and Melissa wanted a bottle of wine. As the waiter left, Melissa reached her hand over and place it on my stomach. "This is going to get so full Sherman! My blimp is going to need help getting out of this place!" Our wine had arrived and then we both got up to go to the salad bar to get our plates. I got as bunch of different cheeses, some olives and went back to my chair. I knew that would be the last time I made it to the salad bar as I was going to be filled to bursting with meat. Melissa had come back to her seat, "Ok Sherman, flip the card over to green and enjoy!" The servers saw the cards flipped to green and bee lined to our table.. Bacon wrapped fillet, parmesan crusted chicken, sausages, prime rib. My plate was pilled high with meat and I dug in. Three hours later, I flipped the card back over to red. Before Melissa could say a word, I put my hands on my stomach which was expanded so far out. "Looks like your pregnant husband did good tonight!" and gave my stomach a pat. Melissa smiled, "You are absolutely correct Sherman. Plus those pants were good to have. They were able to expand to match your stomach. Though it looks like there is just a little bit of room left!" She was able to pull the pants away and there was a little bit of space. "We will have to take care of that." I shook my head, "I think that will have to be another night." Melissa just gave me sly smile and said nothing. I just shook it off and we left to get to the vehicle, took us a bit as I had to walk slow or else I would explode in the restaurant or parking lot.

We got home and I was a bit surprised that Melissa did not have some snack for me waiting in the vehicle. We entered the house and Melissa helped me to the family room where it was dark and when we walked to the couch I heard some plastic that we had stepped on. I sat down and Melissa had taken my shoes off as I was rubbing my stomach. Melissa walked away for a few minutes and had come back and turned the lights on. My eyes went wide as in front of me was a huge rectangle sheet cake on the floor on top of plastic so it would not get the carpet dirty. "I would be a horrible wife if I did not get my pregnant husband dessert!" I stood up which was a challenge itself, "Sorry honey, but the tank is full. Another night then yes!" That was a mistake, as I started to walk away, Melissa stuck her foot out and tripped me causing to me fall. As I tried to get up, Melissa stood over me, had grabbed by arms and them in a zip tie and pulled it tight. She then went to my legs and had another zip tie pulled around my ankles. "Hey! Melissa what on earth are you doing?" Melissa had rolled me to my side and started to rub my stomach. "You said no to me Sherman! So now you have to be punished. Plus it seems you are enjoying this!" She then moved her hands to my crotch and I was fully erect. To full to move or resist and the pleasure I was feeling as Melissa continued to rub. "So my pregnant blimp! Are you ready for dessert?" *BURP* is all I could reply and I just nodded my head. Melissa brought the cake over to me and helped lift up to my knees. Melissa brought out her phone and of course took pictures, and then the video recording started. "So my blimp is ready to dig into his dessert. How about you do a little shake honey? Let them see your jiggle!" I did as instructed and shook my body, and felt my stomach move around. "That is so hot baby! Now go to town
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Growingsofter 4 years
Please more. Such a hot story.
11fu22fu 5 years
Good story!
Growingsofter 5 years
More soon.
Td0057 5 years
Fantastic! I've been hoping for an update. Great stuff. Thanks, and I hope you continue.
FrecherTyp 5 years
oh yes this was nice and sexy if you like i would love to read more ^^ thehe
Fatlilboy 5 years
I'm going to steal Melissa away - and become her baby beluga!
Growingsofter 5 years
Omg. More please. Soon. This story is amazing. I cant weight to see where you're heading. Good luck, enjoy, and God speed.
AshBear 5 years
Great start!