All she wants

chapter 7


I looked over the cake, took a deep breath and bent over for my first bite. It was delicious, and I chewed and swallowed. I felt a bit of pain in my stomach as I was still full from the Brazilian steak house. I kept at it and when in for my second bite and then the next. Eat bite was tastier then the last and my stomach was filling up, surging forward. Melissa was being serious about filling up that extra space that I had in my pants. Melissa came closer and knelt down, still recording, "as you can see, the blimp is expanding as he enjoys his cake." Melissa then put her hand on my stomach and slowly rubbed it. She knew what she was doing, and I was helpless as I felt aroused by her actions. The name calling, the teasing and feeding. All were turn on's for me. I came up for some air and was on my knees, the pants were getting tight. "You are doing good Sherman! You are half way there and boy are you messy!" There was cake all round my mouth, and I did my best to get what I could off. I bent over again and continued onward.

A hour later and a few more breaks, I was on my last bite. I bent over and took the last bit of cake, and I sat back up, chewed and swallowed. I took a deep breath, and then let out a huge sigh. *POP* and there went the pants button. "THE BLIMP HAS POPPED PEOPLE!" Melissa yelled. She came over and helped me to my side, and was recording my swollen middle. She gave my stomach a poke, *BURP*. "Oh baby, that is so hot! Though I am not sure how your belly feels about it." Melissa was right, my stomach was making gurgle sounds, as it seemed the steak was not mixing well with the cake. "I think I know how to settle your tummy!" Melissa went into the kitchen again and came back with a funnel and some heavy cream. "No, *BURP*, I can't!" was all I could say. "Oh Sherman, you see, when you said no to my first request, I could not let that slide. So consider this punishment for refusing me. Now open up!" Melissa had put the funnel in my mouth and started to slowly pour in the heavy cream. It was cold and delicious and I kept swallowing. When the last of the cream was poured, Melissa stood up and gave me a look over. "Oh Sherman! When are you due? Looks like you are carrying twins." "December 25th 2019." I replied. She giggled and then snipped the zip ties off of me. I brought my hands to my very swollen stomach and slowly just rubbed. Melissa leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Did my pregnant husband enjoy that?" I just nodded and she bent over and started to kiss me, which of course got me aroused, despite the pain I was in. "Christmas is going to be so much fun! Your gift to me is getting me excited!"

Melissa took the empty cake holder to the trash and helped me up. I made my way to the couch where I had to lay down. Melissa put her hand on my stomach, "Well Sherman, it is packed full!" and gave me a poke, *BURP*. Melissa helped get my pants off and took off my shirt and left my t-shirt on. She put a blanket over me as there was no way I would be making it up to our bedroom. My eyes were getting heavy and I was out, off to dreamland.

I awoke in the morning feeling bloated. I put my hand on my stomach and it was so round, and I started to rub it. I closed my eyes started thinking about how all the delicious food that would be given to me. Melissa was going to have a very fat husband, and I had no problem giving her what she wanted. Being humiliated and teased gets me turned on and I enjoy every minute of it. Thinking of what would be happening to me and rubbing my stomach was getting me aroused. I took my other hand and moved underneath my underwear. I was fully erect and slowly started to stroke it, but not too much as I was downstairs still and didn't want to explode just yet. I continue to slowly stroke when I was interrupted with a loud growl that came from my stomach. "Looks like someone is hungry."

I got up from the couch, stretched out a bit and made my way over to the kitchen. On the island was a container with mini cinnamon rolls and a note from Melissa. "Sherman, I went out to get some groceries for lunch and dinner, but left this out for your breakfast. I hope that container can be emptied into your belly. Love Melissa." I smiled and went to the fridge where I got out the gallon of whole milk. I walked to pick the container up by my stomach growled again, and so I lifted up the container right on the spot. The smell was amazing and I liked my lips as I picked up the first roll and took a bite. Before I knew it, I was on my tenth roll and needed some milk. I did not even bother with a glass, I twisted the cap off and brought the jug to my lips and started to drink. I put the jug down and grabbed another roll and popped it into my mouth. Before I even swallowed another roll was in my hand ready to go. "Looks like those babies are hungry." I turned to see Melissa in the doorway look at me with a smile. "Oh don't stop on my account. Keep going Sherman and boy do you look amazing." Melissa came over behind me, and put her arms around my stomach. "Oh wow honey. My fingers cannot touch at all. Your pregnancy is going so well with all the weight you are putting on. Look at the some of these bright red stretchmarks!" I looked down and saw Melissa tracing a few with her fingers. They were bright red and could feel them with Melissa's tracing. I took some more gulps of the milk and popped another roll in my mouth. Melissa had turned me to face her and got on her knees and kissed my stomach. "Starting to get a bit full but also someone else wants some fun it seems." Melissa slowly moved her hand from my belly and into my underwear. Once again I was fully erect and Melissa was stroking causing me to moan. "Does my pregnant husband want to be take care of?" She started to stroke harder, "YES! Your fat pregnant husband wants taken care of!" Melissa pulled down my underwear and put her mouth around my erection. I moaned out again and put one hand on the island to steady myself. As Melissa continued on, my whole body was fulled with pleasure and at the exact moment, I exploded which sent shock waves through my body.

I was total jelly and Melissa helped me over to the kitchen table to sit down. "You seem exhausted Sherman. Let me feed you the rest of the rolls and milk." It did not take long as Melissa would put one roll in after another and had to use the funnel for the milk. I sat back in the chair with my hands on my stomach again and felt just how full I was. "Fifty mini cinnamon rolls and an entire gallon of milk is in that belly of yours Sherman." Melissa gave my belly a poke and shook it. You could hear the sloshing of the milk and then *BURP*. "December will be upon us Sherman, and think of the holiday parties we will be going to and all the food that will be coming to your office." She was right, we would be going to a lot of Christmas parties, and food would be brought into my office. "Let me guess, leave no leftovers!" All Melissa gave me was a wink and smile.

"Now I will let you rest as there are still plenty of leftovers to have and I can put together a casserole with the the groceries I bought." Melissa got up and walked away, while I was beached on the chair holding my gut, letting the food digest.
24 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 4 years
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Growingsofter 4 years
Please more. Such a hot story.
11fu22fu 5 years
Good story!
Growingsofter 5 years
More soon.
Td0057 5 years
Fantastic! I've been hoping for an update. Great stuff. Thanks, and I hope you continue.
FrecherTyp 5 years
oh yes this was nice and sexy if you like i would love to read more ^^ thehe
Fatlilboy 5 years
I'm going to steal Melissa away - and become her baby beluga!
Growingsofter 5 years
Omg. More please. Soon. This story is amazing. I cant weight to see where you're heading. Good luck, enjoy, and God speed.
AshBear 5 years
Great start!