All she wants

chapter 9


Melissa and I had entered the house after going to a friends holiday party. Recalling the event, it was very fun getting to see friends and having a good time. Of course Melissa made sure that I ate as much as possible. If there was a plate that had three or four items left, Melissa would take them and put them on a plate. "To help out, so they do not have to put all this food away. More room in the fridge." I would just roll my eyes, and eat what was given to me. All the food was delicious and I just did as I was told. Nothing was said about the weight I had put on but I had a feeling that people would talk about it when we had left. This is understandable abut just like every person, gossip abounds good or bad. So I ate without abandon, and I knew with each bite, Melissa was thrilled. At one point, our friends whose house we were at would encourage me to help empty dishes. I happily obliged and they would put more food on my plate. My stomach was growing and filling up and Melissa would sneak in a chance to put her hand on it and feel me expand. It took a lot not get aroused as she would also rub my belly to. A way to keep going to help with any pressure issues. Time flew by and we said our goodbyes and got in the car and headed home.

Back at our house, I went to the living room to sit down on a couch as I was so full and needed to move very slowly. Thank goodness Melissa had bought the much larger sizes for shirts, pants and underwear. These were snug but still holding together, for how long I was not sure. Melissa would see to it that the buttons would be gone soon. "11pm Sherman! One more hour and it will Christmas! Your belly is going to get so big and round. Plus even more jiggly." Melissa came over and put her hands on my stomach and started to shake it. *BURP* "Melissa, what do you have in store for me starting at midnight?" She smiled, "Oh Honey, that would ruin the fun. You will just have to wait!" I kept thinking of all the stuff that would happen to me. As I was thinking, my stomach gave a growl. "Hungry Sherman?" Melissa replied. "That I am as well as the babies! Your pregnant husband needs food!"
Melissa just smiled and gave me a kiss.

"All right, 11:59:50pm! 10 seconds until midnight!" Melissa had shouted from the kitchen as she still had me out in the living room couch. What felt like forever Melissa comes out with a very nice camera and brings out her phone, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1! MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Melissa bent over and gave me a kiss and helped me stand up. Melissa wanted me to stand facing her and she had her camera ready to record. "It's Christmas Day and you can see my pregnant husband is ready for those fifty pounds!" Melissa motioned with her finger to have me stand to my side and I complied. "As you can see, Sherman's clothes are still holding up, but I think tonight we are going to change that!" Melissa turned off the recording and told me to lay down the couch, and I did as I was told. She walked over and stood above me and took my arms and put them over my head, that is when she made her move and put a zip tie around my hands and pulled them together locking them in. "Wait, again with the zip ties?" and Melissa then put one around my ankles. "Sherman, this time I am going to push your limits. You are going to get so huge and the best part is, you agreed to do it!" Melissa walked away back to the kitchen, knowing I stuck to the couch, unable to really move being tied up. Yes, I did agree to put on the fifty pounds as her Christmas present, and the more I thought, the more I knew fifty would be blown out of the water. This was going to be fun being her pregnant husband. Before she went to the kitchen, Melissa had set up the camera on a stand as she was going be recording this.

I heard the blender in full swing going and knew it was going to be another shake. A few minutes later Melissa came back into the room and my eyes went wide. In one hand she had a large funnel and a plastic tube attached to it, and the other hand had an even larger glass container then we had in our house filled with her shake. Melissa came over and hit the record button the the camera, "Ok honey! I hope you are ready as this is an even larger amount." I nodded and smiled as she put the tube in my mouth. "Time to grow my pregnant husband!" Melissa started to pour and the shake went down the tube and into my mouth and I started to swallow. The shake was of course delicious and I am glad Melissa got the larger blender. I could feel my stomach filling up and thankful for the bigger clothes but they were starting to feel tight against me. "You are growing nicely Sherman! Almost done with this batch." The first batch? Meaning that more would be on the way. Melissa was going to get me to explode, my stomach was going to be so full and tight. I had finished the shake and Melissa took the tube, "Did you enjoy that?" I nodded and burped. "That was good, how much more do you have in there?" Melissa then proceeded to poke my belly and I could only give out more burps. Melissa went back to the kitchen getting the next shake ready and all I could do was just look at my engorged middle and it getting even bigger. I heard the blender in action mixing up the ingredients and licked my lips eagerly waiting for it.

Melissa had returned with a big grin on her face and carrying the blender container. She came over and put her hand on my stomach. "How is my pregnant husband doing? Should we stop?" I just shook my head, "No, the babies are hungry and still want to be fed! Plus my fat ass wants the food too!" She just laughed and got the tube into my mouth and started to pour the second shake into the funnel. The shake touched my throat and was so easy to go down and I had had no choice as I had to swallow and fill my stomach. Gulp after gulp and the blender was being emptied, as my stomach was growing with each sip. "Almost done with this batch Sherman! Your shirt and pants are barely holding together! Those practice pounds have helped you grow being able to hold more! I can see some gaps in your shirt though, I feel one more round and that will be the tipping point." I swallowed the last of the shake, *BURP* "I.I do not know *BURP* if I can. I am so full and read to burst!" Melissa started to rub my belly slowly and I felt my erection starting, and I tried to suppress it but with no luck. "You may want to stop, but this guy here says otherwise." Melissa moved her hand down to my crotch and was rubbing slowly."You are getting so fat for me Sherman! This is going to be the best Christmas present. Plus you deep down know you want to get fatter, don't you!" Being aroused, I nodded and replied, "Yes, Yes I do." Melissa then gave one last rub and went back to the kitchen for the next round.

*BURP* I let it out hoping it would free up some more room in my massive gut. My hands and feet were still zipped tied so I was not able to move off the couch, and my stomach was holding me down as well. *BURP* "Keep them coming honey! Help get rid of the pressure so you can have more room for the shake." Melissa had called out to me, and I shifted just a bit and was able to look up and see that the camera was still on. Melissa wanted to record it all, and I was glad it was not on my face."Ok Sherman! Third and final round and those clothes are going to be no more!" Melissa had come back out and put the tube in my mouth and began to pour into the funnel. This time was a bit slower but I was gulping it down and I was starting to feel a bit of pain until, *POP* *POP* *POP* "Three buttons off the shirt Sherman! The pants will be next." Melissa continued to pour and with some buttons gone, my stomach felt a bit better and I continued on. When I was almost done, *POP* "Finally the pants. Oh wow honey, your belly is so huge!" I finished the last bit, *BURP* and just took a bunch of deep breaths. Melissa put down the items and had to put her hands on my stomach. Feeling her slowly rub was again getting me extremely aroused and then she poked me, causing me to moan and then *BURP* "Easy, I am ready to burst." was all I could manage. Melissa then snipped off the zip ties and I was able to bring my hands to my stomach. It was so huge and round that all I could do was just leave my hands there. "You were such a good boy Sherman, time for your reward." Melissa moved her hands to my pants and unzipped them, as there was no button and moved her hands underneath my underwear. Melissa started to to stroke up and down slowly and my breathing was picking up. "Every time you are a good fatty, I will make sure to reward you. So do not refuse me and I will take care of my fat husband." Her stroking increased and my breathing picked up as I was filled with pleasure. At the height, Melissa put her mouth around my erection and waves went through my body and I exploded. My breathing had slowed and was trying to stay awake, hands still on my stomach.

"You just rest up here Sherman, as tomorrow is going to be more food filled. Oh I almost forgot, we forgot to weigh you to start track the fifty, silly me. It may have to be after Christmas when all the food may slow down." I groaned at the thought of more food in my belly. Just how much could I handle and what else did Melissa have planned for me? *BURP* "See you in the morning my whale!" Melissa kissed me and went upstairs to bed, leaving me on the couch as there was no way I was moving , let alone do stairs. *BURP* Was the last one I gave off and I drifted off to sleep, waiting for what would come Christmas morning.
24 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 4 years
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Growingsofter 4 years
Please more. Such a hot story.
11fu22fu 5 years
Good story!
Growingsofter 5 years
More soon.
Td0057 5 years
Fantastic! I've been hoping for an update. Great stuff. Thanks, and I hope you continue.
FrecherTyp 5 years
oh yes this was nice and sexy if you like i would love to read more ^^ thehe
Fatlilboy 5 years
I'm going to steal Melissa away - and become her baby beluga!
Growingsofter 5 years
Omg. More please. Soon. This story is amazing. I cant weight to see where you're heading. Good luck, enjoy, and God speed.
AshBear 5 years
Great start!