All she wants

chapter 10

Christmas Day

I awake on the couch with the sun coming in. My stomach was still a bit full from the ordeal of the shakes that I put away. I sat up and stretched, as got up slowly and made my way upstairs as I needed a change of clothes due to destroying another set. Taking the stairs was interesting due to the weight I had put on. In fact, I would want to know how much I put on, even counting last night. Would have to see what Melissa wanted to do , as she may have "forgot" to do it. Making it to the second floor, I walked, actually waddled as my belly was sticking out in front leading the way. More teasing would be on the way and I would enjoy every minute of it. Since November 1st, Melissa feeding me, and the name calling, she was really excited and happy to be doing this. Making Melissa happy is making me happy, and I get to enjoy some great food! I wonder if the more I grew, the longer I could keep stuffing my fat face? I made it into the bedroom and Melissa was up of course, ready to start the day of stuffing me to pop again. I took my pants and destroyed shirt off and went to the bathroom, as Melissa was drying off. "Hey there blimp! Looking good and ready for food it sounds like." My stomach gave a growl and Melissa gave it a poke. "Take a look at yourself in the mirror there honey. Looking very nice, big and pregnant." She started to rub my stomach and jiggle it too, which was causing me to get aroused. "I will let you take care of him in the shower there babe." My breathing had picked up and knew what I had to do, and so I dropped my underwear and got into the shower. As the water was running down my body, I had my hands on my stomach rubbing it and was sending waves of pleasure through me. I closed my eyes, and lowered my left hand and started to stroke my erection. My breathing had increased and my stroking had increased speed, and I exploded. Breathing heavy, I let the water run down over me as I tried to settle down back to reality. Something inside me was really into this and I believe Melissa had woke it up in me.

After I got out of the shower, and dried myself off, I saw that Melissa had laid out for me on the bed a solid grey onesie. I slipped it on and had to suck my stomach in a bit to be able to button the front. Releasing my breath and relaxing, my stomach pushed forward and the buttons were a bit strained. I made my way downstairs and before entering the kitchen, I was greeted by amazing smells. Entering the kitchen, there was a feast waiting for me and the food looked and smelled amazing I actually drooled a bit and it fell onto my stomach onto the onesie. "Hungry Sherman? Drooling over all the food for you? That onesie does not look like it will last but do not worry, I have an even bigger for one you. Right now, that is how I like seeing my husband, barefoot and pregnant!" Melissa came over and put her hands on my stomach and started to jiggle it, which in turn started to get me aroused. "Hold your stomach Sherman like a pregnant woman, as I want to get some pictures and video." I did as instructed and modeled my body off for the camera. "Looking good and round babe! Are you ready for food?" Before I could reply, my stomach answered for me with a loud growl.

I sat down at the kitchen table and Melissa was loading up my plate. She piled it high with bacon, pancakes, french toast, sausage, casserole, and eggs. "Here is a bottle of syrup and ketchup for you to wash it all down!" Melissa gave me a wink and poked me in my stomach. I dug in and did not look back as I was hungry even after three blenders full of shake. "My fat husband, you are just growing by the minute. You are expanding in all directions, becoming nice and round." Melissa put more eggs on my plate and doused them in ketchup as I continued to put forkful of food into my mouth. I started to feel my stomach getting full and tight but I kept at it, just much slower. Melissa had put her hand on my stomach, "Oh honey! Feeling you grow is so hot!" I put in some more bacon in my mouth and swallowed, *POP* *POP* *POP* and the buttons went flying. Melissa smiled, "That is what I love to see! I have to make sure my husband is fed well!" She put her hands over my crotch and started to rub to get me hard. Melissa reached over and grabbed the bottle of syrup and brought it to my mouth and I started to suck on the top having it flow down my throat. As I continued to suck, Melissa pulled the bottle away from me and let it drown around my mouth and chin. She then proceeded to pour some syrup on my stomach and she bent her head down and slowly started to lick it up. "Ohhhhhh" was all I could moan out as the feeling I was experiencing was amazing. She poured a little more on and licked it up again and at the very end she flicked her tongue on my stomach and that is the trigger which caused me to explode sending spasms through my body. "You are a sight to behold Sherman! Syrup around your mouth, destroyed onesie, pregnant belly stuff and fully stretched out, and last by not least your huge cum stain there." Melissa brought out her phone and snapped away as I just put my hands on my swollen middle.

"When you can get your fat ass up, going to need to clean yourself. We have family to visit and a lot more food to go into you." Melissa giggled and walked off, as I just sat there slowly massaging my stomach to help digest and get rid of some of the pressure. I lay my head back with my eyes closed just breathing and waiting to be able to get up. Little did I know, Melissa had quietly entered the kitchen and came up behind me and slipped something into my mouth. I opened my eyes wide to see it was another funnel and in her other hand she had a jar of what looked like to be the grease from the sausage and bacon. "Mruph" was all I could manage and try to shake my head but Melissa just smiled at me. "Since you are stuck here like a beached whale, I figured I want to have some fun and see what happens with your stomach with all that food and now grease." Melissa tilted the jar and poured into the funnel. It was still a bit warm and very thick, but tasted amazing. After the last of the grease was in my stomach, Melissa took the funnel out of my mouth, leaned forward and gave me a kiss. "Now I will let you clean yourself up. Plus I think you are quite full and cannot handle another bite....yet." She poked my stomach, "Ugh...Please" *BURP* was all that I could manage. Melissa then started to shake my middle, "Let's mix it all together and see what happens." I just moaned and she laughed and gave me another kiss.

Not knowing how much time I had sat there, I was finally out of stupor and took about 4 tries before I could finally stand. For some reason it was like I could not control myself, but since Melissa left me at the table she put the food away and I waddled over to the fridge and opened up the container which held the bacon and grabbed a few pieces. I had got to a point where I just wanted more and more food. I slowly made my way upstairs to the bedroom to clean up and get dressed and when I go to the bathroom, I got to see a myself in the mirror. I was huge, round and as Melissa said, was expanding in every direction. Stripping out of the onesie and getting a washcloth to wipe myself down and clean up, I looked around and still did not see the scale. "Hey Melissa, I do not see the scale. You have not weighed me to see about those fifty pounds." I heard her laugh and she walked over and stood in the doorway of the bathroom. "Oh I figured we can weigh you afterwards in a few days since all the food you will have may throw of the total. I want to get you when you are empty first." She winked and walked off which left me there to think. I kept going over in my head what tricks Melissa had in store for me and my stomach. After finishing up, I walked out to the bedroom where on the bed Melissa had laid some clothes out for me.

"Ok Tubby! Put these on and I will be taking pictures." I did as instructed and it was some tan khakis, a undershirt, and a blue button down. Putting on the clothes, they were quite roomy and I pulled the pants outward and my hand could easily fit, for now as I was sure Melissa would make sure that would not last long. Melissa had finished taking pictures and walked over to me. "You going to be ready for all this food Sherman?" I just nodded as resisting would be pointless and would cause Melissa to push harder and come up with more ways to put food in my mouth. Melissa then gave me a kiss and then gave my stomach a poke. My stomach responded with gurgling sounds and I just looked at it in horror as it was the grease on top off all the food from breakfast. "Seems like your stomach wants to say something." Melissa gave it another poke and this time it made even more gurgling sounds. "This is going to make tonight very interesting. Wonder how your stomach is going to handle dinner?" Melissa gave a sly smile at me and then one more poke before going to get dressed herself. I just stood there slowly rubbing my stomach hoping that would help settle it, as I did not want to be releasing gas at my in-laws house like I did Thanksgiving. I sat on the bed not trying to move around as the less jiggling I did, the nicer my stomach would be. Melissa was done changing and we made our way to the car, mind you I was moving slow. "Better hurry honey, we do not want to be late! Especially since all that delicious food is going to be served." I made it out to the car and got into the drivers seat when I noticed it felt a bit tight. I looked down and sure enough, my belly was touching the steering wheel and so I moved the seat back. Melissa of course had taken a short video of me moving the seat back for the extra room which caused me to blush. "Wonder if we can get you to move it all the way back in the future?" Now Melissa had another goal for me in my weight journey.
24 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 4 years
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Growingsofter 4 years
Please more. Such a hot story.
11fu22fu 5 years
Good story!
Growingsofter 5 years
More soon.
Td0057 5 years
Fantastic! I've been hoping for an update. Great stuff. Thanks, and I hope you continue.
FrecherTyp 5 years
oh yes this was nice and sexy if you like i would love to read more ^^ thehe
Fatlilboy 5 years
I'm going to steal Melissa away - and become her baby beluga!
Growingsofter 5 years
Omg. More please. Soon. This story is amazing. I cant weight to see where you're heading. Good luck, enjoy, and God speed.
AshBear 5 years
Great start!