The empress�s kink

Chapter 3 - adventures on amazon lily

This is Amazon Lily, the Island of Women, where men are forbidden. Mysteriously, all the children born here turn out to be girls. Though occasionally, its residents will set sail for foreign lands and return with a female child. In this tall mountain, deep in the jungle, a huge hole has opened...

Almost like a fort, this village was built and a country established. "We've got Sea King meat in today!!" "How about some fresh-picked jungle fruits?!" Two of the local Kuja women shouted. Naturally, all of the workers, even the physical ones, are women. These women, raised since birth in the ways of the warrior, may be burly and strong, but that doesn't mean you can't find beauty in them. There is no opportunity for greedy, foolish men to ever intrude upon this place. Above all, the women on this island are strong. In this land, strength equates to beauty. If any man were to find his way here, he would be eliminated in an instant.

"The man has awakened!!" "Let's see! Let's see!" "I want to see too!" Various women shouted in a rush to see the waking, naked Straw Hat captain. He was currently in a jail-like room behind bars with the women viewing him from the other side. "WHE~W..." Luffy yawned loudly as he woke up with his potbelly still there. "What the... why the hell hasn't this gone away yet?" He thought to himself. "It moved! Look, no chest at all!" "Such a rugged, chubby, and unusual beast!" "It looks so weak with that short, scruffy-looking hair and that big, fat belly too!" "It certainly had a long sleep..." "But did you hear? Apparently, it was eating in its sleep!" "What do men even eat? Raw meat?" "I wonder if all men are as fat as him?" The women bantered back and forth about the mysterious of Luffy. "Unnghh... What's with all the racket...?" Luffy asked groggily. "Ahhh! It spoke!" One of the Kuja shouted.

Luffy began to remember the situation he was currently in. "...Huh? Where am I? What was I doing here again... Oh yeah... my crew and I were beaten up on those Shabondy Islands, and..." "Shhh! Everyone, it's saying something!" A dark-haired Kuja exclaimed. "...I can't remember anything after I ate that mushroom... Where's my hat?!!!" The rubber captain exclaimed loudly in a state of panic. He then saw that his iconic Straw hat was on top of Sweet Pea's head. "Hm? There it is! Give me that back!" He stretched his arm to grab his hat off her head and put it back on his own head. "Whew! That's much better." Luffy casually said. Meanwhile, all of the Kuja shouted, "Its arm stretched!!!".

"What on Earth is its body made out of?!" All of the Kuja yelled in unison. "So... not only do men have large guts, but they also have arms that stretch! What a surprise! This is so interesting... must note it down..." One of them said with a notepad and pencil in hand. "What is your name?" The same woman asked. "I'm Luffy!" The future Pirate King answered. He then looked down at his lower body and exclaimed, "Ahh! I'm not wearing anything!" "He's a bit slow..." The women remarked. "Now, I feel cold! Do you guys know where my clothes are?!" He asked them. "So, men are dim-witted, and think of covering their heads before their bodies..." The Kuja woman with the notepad wrote down. Marguerite pointed at Luffy and said, "Ah, before you put on your clothes, could you tell us how your gut is so large?" Luffy responded, "I don't know. Normally, it would go away in seconds. I guess the mushrooms I ate did this." "Ah, I see. One more question: Could you tell us what is inside those bags between your legs?" Luffy looked down at his "bags" and said to her, "You've never seen these before? These are my family jewels!" "There are jewels inside those?! Amazing!" All of the Kuja shouted in awe.

"Say, could you take your family jewels out so I could take a look?" Marguerite naively asked. With a shocked expression on his face, Luffy exclaimed, "Like hell! Are you trying to kill me?!!" Marguerite then takes a pair of clothes and offers them to Luffy. "Well, here you are. Your old clothes were terribly beaten up, so we made some new ones just like them." The big-bellied captain smiled happily and gratefully took the new pair of clothes. "I can't believe you did that for someone you've never met! Thanks a ton!" Once he puts the clothes on, he realizes that they are rather girly-looking. The sleeveless vest has a floral pattern all over it. Also, his round belly is even more noticeable now. Luffy stares at his shirt and trembles in disappointment. "Why, you..." He said silently. "We added on some flowery frills to make it prettier! The shirt makes his cute belly stand out more too! Look, it's so happy it's trembling!" Marguerite added excitedly.

"I'm a guy, damnit!!!" Luffy shouts in anger. Immediately, some of the amazons become defensive and point their bows at the captain, thinking Luffy was becoming vicious. "What the?!!" Luffy shouted. "Weapons at the ready!!!" "How ferocious!! So, that is your true nature!!" "Going wild without a thought for the kindness of those who saved your life!" "A truly savage temperament!" The multiple amazons yelled. One of them, Kikyo, adds to the conversation, "And I've noticed that you have not the slightest trace of grace in your speech or actions!! As I thought, your kind and ours simply do not mix!" "But Kikyo, you can't kill it just for that! The poor thing..." Sweet Pea took pity on the poor rubber pirate. Luffy then spoke up, "Whoa, Whoa, Wait a minute! Did somebody say 'saving my life'?! Did something happen?! You gotta tell me!!" Belladona then revealed, "You consumed a deadly mushroom that grew around your body and caused you to bloat up like that... and these ladies found you collapsed out there!!" The surprised captain looked at Belladona and responded, "Whoa, so that's what happened! Hey, thanks for that!! Really!! I'm sorry I complained about the clothes!! Just stop with the shooting, okay?!!" Suddenly, an outraged Kikyo shouted, "There is no need for us to listen to your feeble apologies!! This is the empire of women, Amazon Lily! The ban on men is an absolute law that has been kept here for hundreds of years!!! Never once has this law been broken before!!" "A land of women...?" Luffy thought to himself.

"Now that you have regained consciousness, we have no reason to take pity on you any longer!" Kikyo exclaimed. "It's true... they really are all women... what a weird place..." Luffy said to himself. Kikyo looked at her other Amazonian companions. "Marguerite! Sweet Pea! Aphelandra! This is for your sakes!! If the Snake Princess were to return and learn of this... she would never forgive any of you!!! For bringing a man back to the village, you three would be held guilty alongside him! We should erase this evidence and pretend this never happened! Fire!!!" "Whoa, Whoa!! Just let me go, okay?!!" Despite Luffy's pleas, the Kuja women proceeded to shoot their arrows at the jail cell holding the future Pirate King hostage. "I made a promise to go meet my friends... I have to find my way back there!!!" Determined not to die, Luffy kicks a whole in the roof and escapes through there. "After him!!!" Kikyo shouted. Luffy begins to run on the rooftop with the amazons still firing arrows at him. "It seems that he is more nimble than he looks!!" Despite his chubby appearance, Luffy still was extremely fast/agile and is able to dodge them easily. Aphelandra, who is a literal giant compared to Luffy, jumps in the way of the captain, causing him to crash in between her bosom. "I'm really sorry for saving you!!!" She said as Luffy began to fall backwards.

"He's down!" One of the Kuja women yell as Luffy falls back down to the ground. He manages to spring back up though. "Hey, wait! The Vivre Card is still in the pocket of my trousers!" Luffy notices while dodging a few more arrows. "There! Her!!" Luffy sprints pass the amazons and wraps one of his arms around Marguerite. "Ahhh!!" The blonde Amazonian yelled in fright as Luffy begins to jump into the mountains. "Sorry, but there's something I've gotta ask you!" The captain apologized, but Marguerite kept screaming as they fled. "Oh, no... Marguerite has been taken!!!" Kyoka shouted as she and the others Kuja helplessly watched Luffy escape.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Saintbeter 4 years
Please continue the story
BootyProotie 5 years
What if they were the Amazons were looking for the famous treasure one bite a feast of like unlimited food
BootyProotie 5 years
Nice so curious of the future of our beloved captain