The empress�s kink

Chapter 4 - adventures on amazon lily pt. 2

"Gomu Gomu no Balloon!!" Once the two reached the mountain, Luffy expanded his body like a balloon to make sure him and Marguerite landed safely. The captain deflated and asked her, "Hey, are you alright?" "Don't come near me!! Just now... you blew up... right?!!" Marguerite asked, while pointing a knife at Luffy. "To just jump down from that kind of height... there's something wrong with you!! *Pant* I was ready to die for a moment there... it's an absolute miracle that I survived!! *Pant* Do you have any viruses? Do all men get as fat as you?" Marguerite walked up to Luffy and patted his chubby belly, still holding the knife to his face. "I don't think I've got any viruses and, well, I guess you could say that men tend to get fat pretty quickly..." "The bellies of men are so... soft, cuddly, and cute..." The blonde Amazonian said with a blush appearing on both of her cheeks. "Never mind that! Just look in the pockets of my old trousers!" Marguerite takes her hand off of Luffy's stomach and searches through his pants pockets and pulls out a Vivre Card. "Is this what you are looking for?" The rambunctious captain immediately grabs the Vivre Card out of her hand and stares at it happily. "Ahhh! That's it! Thank God, I didn't lose it! Without this, I'd be totally doomed!! Thanks so much for keeping it safe!!" Luffy thanked her gratefully. "Well... it looked like it had something written on it, so..."

"No, watch!" Luffy pointed at the Vivre Card as it moved slightly to the left in the palm of his hand. "How mysterious! It seems to move!" Marguerite added in awe of the small piece of paper. "Yeah... a lot of stuff happened... and my friend and I all got blasted off into the sky. But, we all got one of these, so we should be able to find each other again. We're all pretty tough, after all. Man... I guess I've got a lot to thank you for, huh! There isn't anything else I could do for you, is there?" Luffy asked her with a big, toothy smile on his face. Marguerite's face began to turn red again. "Well... C-Can I... please touch your stomach again? It's an odd request to ask, but... it's so attractive.." "Sure, why not? Go right ahead!" The captain willingly agreed to her request. Immediately, the blonde Amazonian knelt down and hugged Luffy's big gut. She was like a cat addicted to its scratching post. Marguerite looked up at Luffy and asked him, "What kind of friends do you have anyway?" "Oh right, we're all pirates! Do you know what pirates are?" Luffy replied. "...You're a pirate? The empress of this land is a pirate as well." She informed him. "Is that right? So what, she has an all-women pirate crew? Are they strong?" Luffy asked her, becoming excited to hear about other pirates. "A foolish question indeed. Only the very best of the island's warriors sail aboard the pirate ship... Of course, they are strong!"

"Why, everyone on the island looks up to the Snake Princess! She is powerful, wonderful, and the most beautiful woman in the world!!! The Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock, along with her two younger sisters, defends this island immaculately!" Marguerite stated, gushing over the magnificence of the Pirate Empress. Meanwhile, looking through a pair of binoculars, Kikyo spots incoming ships. "It's terrible!! The Snake Princess is almost here!!" Aphelandra looks down at the other and tells her, "Kikyo, it looks like that 'man' jumped down into the jungle." Kikyo looked over at the sea and said, "This isn't good... We have to deal with this man immediately!! Warriors! To the jungle! Eliminate the man, and save Margaret from his clutches!! The Snake Princess has returned!"
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Saintbeter 4 years
Please continue the story
BootyProotie 5 years
What if they were the Amazons were looking for the famous treasure one bite a feast of like unlimited food
BootyProotie 5 years
Nice so curious of the future of our beloved captain