The empress�s kink

Chapter 5 - pirate empress boa hancock

"You don't like frills?! Men are truly strange creatures..." Marguerite said in disbelief. "Well... yeah, whatever. Thanks for taking them off of me." At Luffy's request, the blonde Amazonian took off the floral pattern and the frills off of Luffy's light blue, sleeveless vest. Although, she still kept the vest the same size, so she could still see Luffy's chunky gut poking underneath the shirt. "Well then, I've gotta be going now. I can't relax until I've found all of my friends!" "You're pretty restless, huh?" Marguerite added. "Just as long as they're all still alive... that's enough for me! Just as long as we're alive, we can all get up and fight again!!! One day, we'll beat every last one of you!!!" Pictures of Navy Admiral Kizaru, Commander of the Marines' Science Unit Sentomaru, and the Warlord Bartholomew Kuma flashed through Luffy's mind as he yelled that sentence

"Oh! Could you lend me a ship?!" Luffy asked Marguerite. "We don't have any boats. This island lies in the Calm Belt. It's surrounded by nests of gigantic Sea Kings. That's why nobody ever visits this island.... and even when by some miracle someone happens to drift this far, they're almost always dead." The blonde explained. "But, you said you have a pirate crew!" Luffy responded in anger. "The Snake Princess's ship is drawn by Yuda... they're a ferocious, poisonous type of sea serpent, so even Sea Kings won't attack them. That's the only ship we have on Amazon Lily." Marguerite tells the rubber captain much to his dismay. "Man, that's a pain!! And there's no wind either... How am I supposed to get out of here?" Luffy sat down in frustration and Marguerite rubbed his stomach again to make him feel better. Luffy began to calm down as his left leg twitched like a dog whose belly was being rubbed. "Oh, that feels so-" All of a sudden, an arrow flew right past Luffy's head. "There they are!! Marguerite is all right!! The man is here too!!! Shoot him down!!!" Kikyo exclaimed. Marguerite blushed nervously and quickly moved away from Luffy. Sweet Pea ran up to her and asked, "Are you alright? We have to hurry and eliminate the man! The Snake Princess has returned!!" "What?!!" Marguerite responded to her in utter shock.

Meanwhile out in the Calm Belt, a Marine ship and a pirate ship rest side by side together. "Laying anchor right in the middle of this sea of monsters... You certainly have some guts." "Quite, we're being pursued, you see... but even if we take advantage of our battleship to hide out here... staying in this spot for too long is just asking to get spotted again. It's not the best situation, but according to the treaty the government has with the Kuja, we are not permitted to stray within 3 kilometers (1.8 miles) of Amazon Lily. As such, we are forced to wait in the middle of the monsters' territory, for you to meet us." said Momonga, a Vice Admiral and captain of the Marine ship. "And that Sea King there... was it you who killed it?" One of the Kuja asked him. "Well, even our cannons didn't seem to faze it... so I was forced to slice it open from the inside out. I don't want to stay in these waters any longer than I have to. I tire of waiting. Your return is a welcome sight, Kuja Pirates!! Royal Warlord of the Sea, 'Pirate Empress' Boa Hancock!! Show yourself!! I have come here to greet you!!" An impatient Momonga yelled out.

"You men! You have no grace at all!!" "I'm afraid the Snake Princess will not be showing herself to you." "How many times do we have to tell you this?!" "Ooh, I haven't seen a living man in a long time! Usually, when they see the Kuja flag, they all flee in their little boats! Zahahaha!!!" "That laugh of yours is so vulgar!" said the Kuja Pirates. Besides the vulgar one, they all agreed that Momonga and his men aren't allowed to see the Pirate Empress. Meanwhile, a small kitten was playing with a ball of yarn on the deck of the Kuja Pirates' ship. All of a sudden, it was kicked out of the way by none other than Boa Hancock. "Just who the hell had the audacity to place a kitten in my path?!!" She yelled angrily. "My...My humblest apologies...The kitten is my responsibility..." A Kuja Pirate confessed while holding the injured kitten. "Be more careful in the future." Hancock warned her. "So, you finally appear... Boa Hancock!! Men, on your guard!!!" Momonga ordered, but unfortunately for him, his men were too enthralled with the Pirate Empress's beauty to listen.

"So, at last, you come to find me... such meddlers you are... The response I sent to the marines is a lie! I have no intention of fighting a war!!" Boa Hancock said as she stood besides her two sisters, Boa Sandersonia, the middle child of the Gorgon Sisters, and Boa Marigold, the youngest of the Gorgon Sisters. "However... I would prefer that you not revoke my status as Warlord!! Also... I would like you to hand over all the cargo on your ship." The Snake Princess ordered the Vice Admiral to do so. "What nonsense is this?!!! What are you, a spoiled brat?!!! Do you truly believe that we would consider granting such outrageous demands?!!" Momonga shouted out in disbelief and anger for the woman before him. Although he felt that way, his men were quick to obey the Pirate Empress. "Hurry up!" "Ahhh, so beautiful!" "I want to give her everything!" The marines said with hearts for eyes. Angered beyond belief, Momonga exclaimed, "Why are you getting out all the cargo, you idiots?!! Get a grip on yourselves!!!" "Ah!! Why did I obey her without even thinking?!!" One of the marines said as if they exited a trance. "Portgas D. Ace is to be executed a week from today in the Plaza of Marineford, the Navy Headquarters! In order words, within the coming week, Whitebeard is sure to come! We need all of the Warlords with us, Pirate Empress!" The Vice Admiral said with a vein showing on his head. "I enjoy my position as a Warlord. I would not want it revoked, but I detest the World Government. I refuse to comply with their orders. How does this sound to you? The marines who were sent here to rendezvous with me... met a mysterious accident at sea, and their bodies were completely turned to stone..." Hancock told the Vice Admiral, glaring daggers at him.

"She's planning something!!! Don't let your guard down, men!!" Momonga ordered. "I've heard stories about ships that were attacked by the Kuja Pirates... how they were discovered later, drifting at sea... with no living person on board, only a collection of strange stone statues..." One of the marines explained which frightened the others. "I have already told you once already... such selfish, childish demands will not be forgiven!!" Momonga stood firm in front of the Gorgon Sisters. The green-haired sister, Boa Marigold, stuck her tongue out like a snake and began to laugh. "Ohohohoho... my elder sister's personality is oh so twisted... but she will always be forgiven." Boa Sandersonia nodded her chubby head in agreement, "Yes... There is one reason why she will always be forgiven..." "Do you know why? It is because no matter what I may do, whether I kick a kitten, tear off your ears, or even slaughter innocent people... The world will forgive me! Why, you ask? Why, it is because I am beautiful!!!" Boa Hancock stated, causing the marines to fawn over her again.

"Stop that, you fools!" Momonga shouted at his incompetent men. "Your guilty hearts, entranced by my beauty, will turn your bodies stiff as stone! Love-Love Beam!!!" Hancock puts her hands together in the shape of a heart to send out a pink beam that turns the Vice Admiral's men into stone. In order to avoid the same fate, Momonga stabbed himself in his right hand. Realizing that he is the only one left, Momonga sails away from the Kuja Pirates, promising to return in two day's time.
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Saintbeter 4 years
Please continue the story
BootyProotie 5 years
What if they were the Amazons were looking for the famous treasure one bite a feast of like unlimited food
BootyProotie 5 years
Nice so curious of the future of our beloved captain