The sister-in-law

Chapter 11 - climax

Nick stopped off at the supermarket and met Emma back at his place half an hour later. Once the door was closed, the pair laid in to each other passionately, with the years of restraint between them imploding dramatically.

Eventually Nick pulled himself away, meaning to get down to business. 'So, you asked to know what I do with my big girls?' he grinned, pretending to take things in his stride.

'I really do!' cried a horny Emma, pushing her tummy further out for effect.

'Get that blouse off then fat girl!' he ordered. 'I want to see what I'm working with.'

Emma removed her blouse immediately and threw it to the ground, allowing her belly to be touched and inspected by Nick. 'Is it big enough for you?' she asked, her voice dripping with lust.

Nick didn't answer her straight away, but took his time sliding his hand over her tummy and fingering her deep belly button. 'No... it's not big enough yet...' he whispered into her ear.

Emma moaned with pleasure, like that was the best news she had heard all year.

'Panties off fat girl - and go lie in my bed.'

Emma took off straight away, like a fat, horny little pig, removing the remainder of her clothes as she went. Nick meanwhile, walked slowly, gathering all the bits he had collected from the supermarket and putting them on a tray to take through to the bedroom. When he got there, Emma was naked, already warming herself up ready for some action.

Nick slowly undressed as Emma eyed him greedily. 'You've never been with a fat admirer before have you?' he asked, standing over her.

Emma shook her head, to which Nick smiled.

'You're in for a treat...' he chuckled, '...Lots of them!' He pulled out some lubrication and spread it over Emma's groin, watching her eyes roll back in to her head at being touched by Nick.

As Emma's eyes were closed, Nick reached across and fished out a cream cake from one of the boxes on his tray of food. He held it under Emma's nose until she finally smelt it. 'Here...' he whispered, '...this is for your growing belly.'

Emma grinned and took a seductive bite, getting cream all over her nose. 'Oh come on now fat girl... don't make a mess, I want it all in that big, beautiful belly of yours. Open wide for me. Can you do that?' Nick encouraged.

Emma nodded and opened her mouth wider.

'That's a good piggy...' cheered Nick sounding impressed, whilst he fished out the next treat - and then the next. Emma ate them all greedily, eager to see what Nick would do once it was all gone. Nick didn't disappoint. 'You want to see what I do with my especially greedy pigs?' he asked, patting Emma's soft underbelly as she lay on her back on the bed.

Emma nodded keenly.

Nick sat up and swung his leg over Emma so that he was sitting on Emma's groin, looking down on her. Then he eased himself inside of her, knowing that she was more than ready for him. He started to thrust, making Emma squirm with delight underneath him; the fat of her stomach rippling across her body.

Nick reached across and grabbed a pastry this time, stuffing it into Emma's mouth with his fingers whilst he worked away pleasing them both.

Emma seemed to find it harder to chew now, she was enjoying the feeling of Nick inside of her too much; but Nick knew how to hold her just at the edge of orgasm until she'd eaten all that he wanted.

'Feel your belly for me' ordered Nick when Emma had swallowed her tenth fattening treat.

Emma's eyes popped open, surprised and eager to be spoken to by the pleasure-seeking Nick. Then she immediately started rubbing the huge bloated sphere. '

Feels good doesn't it?' Nick nodded, seeing that the sensation was almost too much for Emma. 'Grab a roll of your fat' he continued.

Emma pinched a huge roll with her small, chubby fingers.

'Now jiggle it!' ordered Nick.

As soon as Emma jiggled her own fat, Nick felt her pleasure pulsing into his cock that was deep inside of her.

'You like that don't you fat girl?' he teased.

Emma moaned with pleasure, nodding her head; her eyes rolling back.

'I want you to grow so much fatter for me,' he breathed, feeling ready to climax himself.

Emma looked into his eyes, like she had been waiting years to hear that said to her.

Nick looked down hard into her face. 'You're going to be such a huge fatty for me aren't you?' he asked as he sped up to make Emma come.

'Yes....I will... I'll be huge... I'll be massive... I'll.....' she moaned as she came, hardly containing her squeals. Nick climaxed as well, grunting on top of her.

Panting, Nick slowed and eventually climbed off her. 'You liked that?' he sighed contentedly.

'Oh, hell yes!' panted an exhausted Emma.

'Good... because that's what I do with my fat girls. And that also means you're ready for your next feeding...' laughed a satisfied Nick.

'I'm ready if you are,' Emma smirked.

Nick smiled. They still had a lot to get through: coming out to the family, the inevitable fallout with Chris when he found out about them, alongside everything else when you start a new relationship. But both Emma and Nick looked at each other knowing that this time, it was for real.

Nick grabbed another donut barely containing his happiness 'Open wide now...' he smiled, sliding it inside her greedy mouth.

It was a messy situation. But for Nick and Emma, life couldn't get better. Not until Emma gained her next 50lbs anyway.
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Lpark435 5 years
Manother treuly great read, love the story and where it has gone, any chance you’d right an epilogue or something set down the road seeing where they both are, etc?
Champ 5 years
Love it! Keep going!
Jazzman 5 years
So friggin Good!
Jazzman 5 years
Still Wonderful. Can't wait for more
Jazzman 5 years
Getting better each chapter. Loved chapter 6
Hurgon 5 years
Really great!!
Voluptuouslover 5 years
This is great can't wait for more
Chriskin8 5 years
More please
Jazzman 5 years
This is not just Good.This is Wonderful. Loved chapters 4 and 5 especially!
Chriskin8 5 years
Has excellent potential
Jazzman 5 years
655 views of this good story and I am the first "Like"? That's crazy.This is a wonderful start and chapter 2 has an intriguing end.Keep going