The sister-in-law

Chapter 4 - beached

'So are you dating anyone at the moment Nick?' Emma asked later on as they had briefly been left alone in the lounge. Emma looked practically beached, slouched on the sofa as Chris had disappeared to take the family dog for a walk; he still hadn't pulled himself out of his sulk from earlier. Emma had stayed behind, claiming that her new shoes were rubbing her feet; but Nick was expert enough to spot indigestion when he saw it in a girl.

'No, I was dating a girl called Claire - who works in your company actually,' Nick replied, suddenly remembering the connection. 'I was with her for a few months,' he went on. Claire had been a fairly hefty girl, about 4 years older than Nick and a good 100lbs heavier, with a sizeable belly on her. Nick watched, wanting to see whether this new and improved Emma could resist the temptation to make fun of him for dating yet another fat girl.

'Oh! No way! I know Claire...' enthused Emma. '....she's such a nice girl!'

Nick couldn't believe Emma hadn't taken the bait! He smiled at her. 'But we broke up a few weeks ago.'

'Oh well, in that case, she's such a bitch. I never liked her anyway,' joked Emma.

The pair of them chuckled.

'Want another drink of the eggnog?' asked Nick, trying to make more of an effort.

'I'd love one,' smiled Emma. 'But, best not' she whispered, patting her bloated stomach; 'your brother will go mad with me if he knows how much I've had.'

'Oh screw him!' laughed Nick. 'I stopped listening to him when I was ten. Trust me, it makes life a lot more enjoyable. I'm getting you an eggnog. If he moans, tell him I forced it down your throat!' Nice joked.

Emma nodded, delighted that Nick was making an effort back with her. "Best make it a big glass then!" she called after him.

Nick chuckled and topped up her glass as full as it would go, wondering how he hadn't spotted Emma's budding double chin when she first got here. Emma really wasn't bad company. It was even nice to have another person there who was about Nick's own age to chat to; especially one with a good appetite.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Lpark435 5 years
Manother treuly great read, love the story and where it has gone, any chance you’d right an epilogue or something set down the road seeing where they both are, etc?
Champ 5 years
Love it! Keep going!
Jazzman 5 years
So friggin Good!
Jazzman 5 years
Still Wonderful. Can't wait for more
Jazzman 5 years
Getting better each chapter. Loved chapter 6
Hurgon 5 years
Really great!!
Voluptuouslover 5 years
This is great can't wait for more
Chriskin8 5 years
More please
Jazzman 5 years
This is not just Good.This is Wonderful. Loved chapters 4 and 5 especially!
Chriskin8 5 years
Has excellent potential
Jazzman 5 years
655 views of this good story and I am the first "Like"? That's crazy.This is a wonderful start and chapter 2 has an intriguing end.Keep going