The sister-in-law

Chapter 5 - sulk

Nick managed to avoid his brother for an entire nine months after that. But, their cousin was getting married in September and so he knew he would have put up with him for that evening. Still, at least Emma wasn't so bad anymore.

Chris had known his cousin a lot better growing up, being around the same age, and so he had been invited for the whole event; whereas Nick sauntered in at about 8pm as an evening guest. Unsurprisingly, Chris looked in a foul mood yet again, sat at one of the tables with Emma looking bored stiff, supping her cocktail.

Emma smiled when she saw Nick and rose to greet him with a little hug. Nick just found it hard not to stare at the small, round belly that was now on Emma as she approached him; she looked significantly overfed; a typical lazy-girl look. She'd added at least 60lbs to her frame since she had been the one getting married.

Chris stood up. 'I'm off to speak to the guys' he announced, refusing the greet Nick in any pleasant way.

'What's the matter with him?' asked Nick, taking Chris' warm seat with some amusement at his brother's bratty behaviour.

'Oh, he's been like that since this morning. I couldn't fit into this dress I'd bought a few months ago, specifically for today. It was quite expensive and Chris is a little mad at me,' Emma explained with a little embarrassment. 'I mean, I thought it was alright, but Chris wouldn't let me wear it with it being so tight; not that you would want to wear something that tight in in this heat!' she joked, fanning her sweaty, chubby face. 'But, you know your brother; he always moans about how much I eat and blah, blah, blah...' she mocked, taking another big swig of her creamy cocktail.

'Forget him!' dismissed Nick. 'He'll never be happy. He's simply not programmed to be happy; just walk around all day with that scowl etched across his face!' he laughed.

'I think you're right' chuckled Emma. 'You're looking good though - managing to stay trim, unlike me,' she joked, waving her hand to present her chubbier body.

Nick tried not to look at his sister-in-law's hot, blubbery physique. 'Thanks. Well, you know, too busy to eat most of the time,' he tried, steering the conversation away from Emma's gains; it was making him feel a little weird.

'Well, I'm a busy girl, but I never forget to eat!' laughed Emma.

Just then, the DJ announced that the buffet was now open for guests. 'Ah, about time!' cried Emma. 'I'm starving!' she almost shouted. 'I'm going to get in quick before Chris sees me.'

Nick laughed and followed her up, amazed by how high she was piling up her plate with treats. As he stood behind her in the queue, Nick thought Emma had been lucky that even this dress had fitted her, so tight was the material up against her chunky ass that he was trying so desperately hard not to look at. Emma ate as she moved along the line, downing as much food as she could to make space on her plate for more. Nick had the distinct impression that Emma's dress wouldn't make it to another wedding.

The pair of them talked for a good, long while whilst Chris continued his sulk at the bar, grumbling with his friends as he watched Emma going back up to the buffet several more times.

'Look at happiness over there,' Emma mocked, pointing to her scowling husband. 'Good job there's cake to lighten the mood, huh?' she laughed, opening her greedy mouth to take a good bite.

'Good thinking!' laughed Nick, impressed. 'Hell, if I was married to my brother I'd be downing that whole cake, not a single slice - just to get by!'

'Believe me, I'm tempted!' Emma joked, taking a brief pause before her next large bite.

'We should hang out more. I think you need more time away from my brother,' Nick smiled sincerely. 'And I promise not to judge you if your clothes don't fit properly' he laughed.

'Oh, they will soon! Chris has vowed to put me on some cabbage soup diet or something,' Emma laughed, pulling a face at the thought.

Nick pulled a face too. 'Yuck, forget that! Why are you letting him boss you around like that?'

'You know what? I have no idea' cried Emma, surprised with herself.

'Well, I think it's time we fixed that!' laughed Nick.
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Lpark435 5 years
Manother treuly great read, love the story and where it has gone, any chance you’d right an epilogue or something set down the road seeing where they both are, etc?
Champ 5 years
Love it! Keep going!
Jazzman 5 years
So friggin Good!
Jazzman 5 years
Still Wonderful. Can't wait for more
Jazzman 5 years
Getting better each chapter. Loved chapter 6
Hurgon 5 years
Really great!!
Voluptuouslover 5 years
This is great can't wait for more
Chriskin8 5 years
More please
Jazzman 5 years
This is not just Good.This is Wonderful. Loved chapters 4 and 5 especially!
Chriskin8 5 years
Has excellent potential
Jazzman 5 years
655 views of this good story and I am the first "Like"? That's crazy.This is a wonderful start and chapter 2 has an intriguing end.Keep going