The sister-in-law

Chapter 7 - airport

Emma had said that her friends were completely different now, but still Nick couldn't believe his eyes when he saw them all, rocking up to the airport with Emma beside him.

A little older than him and settling in to their early 30s, the entire crew of women had plumped up into a gathering of overfed, bored ladies, all dressed in their too small blouses ready for some sunshine. Looking amongst all of them, not one of them had retained their perfect body from when Nick last saw them at Emma and Chris' wedding. Even the thinnest of them had at least a little roll of blubber forming on her.

Emma was still the fattest of all of them though, probably weighing in at over 120lbs heavier than she was at her wedding. They all cheered when they saw her and immediately turned their attention to her massive breasts, all secretly a little jealous.

'So this is what married life does to ya, huh?' teased Bea, Emma's chief bridesmaid at the wedding, patting Emma's stout belly.

'Like you can talk!' laughed Emma, patting Bea's swollen tummy back.

'Yeah, mine is too much wine,' she chuckled. 'So's Heather and Dianne's bellies. These two are happily married and Kim over there is just a greedy bitch!' she laughed, joking and pointing at each of the girl's stomachs in turn; no one seemed to mind, Nick realised; they were all just good friends.' The girls all laughed at themselves together. 'So what's you're excuse?' asked Bea, turning to Emma.

'I guess I'm just a greedy too then,' smiled Emma, high-fiving Kim. 'This is Nick by the way...'

The girls all turned to Nick and he suddenly felt a lot more interested in getting to know them a lot better. Maybe this weekend would be quite interesting after all, he thought.

The ladies really weren't as bad as Nick remembered them. Like Emma, they had matured a lot over the years. Most of them were married with a couple of kids as well. However, it did make for quite a sight with all of the girls diving in to the hotel pool the next morning, new bellies on show, with chubby thighs blooming and rubbing. Many of them were littered with tiny stretch marks on their thighs and belly fat. However, the sight of Emma was definitely worth waiting for. Her body had swollen in pretty much every direction, her taught stomach now soft and puffy, between her spherical breasts and thick, chubby thighs. Her whole body jiggled like crazy as she strutted from the pool and ripples of fat spread through her blubbery ass as she went from the bar to the sun lounger. Nick couldn't believe how protrusive and wide her ass had grown, encased beautifully in a swimming costume that would have fitted 50lbs ago. In fact, none of the girls seemed to be wearing anything that fitted very well; not one of them appeared to have been shopping since they'd all let themselves go.

Nick watched as the girls all ate like pigs and drank like fish. It was clear that every single one of them would be going back a few lbs heavier tomorrow, Nick chuckled, wondering what their husbands would say. However, Emma was definitely one of the worst for overindulging herself. Nick knew she could eat well, but seeing her the whole day long, Nick saw that she didn't take long to recover after a big meal and was soon hungry again. She really was a genuinely greedy woman.
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Lpark435 5 years
Manother treuly great read, love the story and where it has gone, any chance you’d right an epilogue or something set down the road seeing where they both are, etc?
Champ 5 years
Love it! Keep going!
Jazzman 5 years
So friggin Good!
Jazzman 5 years
Still Wonderful. Can't wait for more
Jazzman 5 years
Getting better each chapter. Loved chapter 6
Hurgon 5 years
Really great!!
Voluptuouslover 5 years
This is great can't wait for more
Chriskin8 5 years
More please
Jazzman 5 years
This is not just Good.This is Wonderful. Loved chapters 4 and 5 especially!
Chriskin8 5 years
Has excellent potential
Jazzman 5 years
655 views of this good story and I am the first "Like"? That's crazy.This is a wonderful start and chapter 2 has an intriguing end.Keep going