Expanded terms of contract *free*

  By Cali

chapter 7

"Alright, let the real fun part of the evening begin", Alisson interrupted before the girl could continue her exploration. Everyone stepped back while it seemed like Alisson was approaching her. "This is the first time ever we're doing this. So I'll go first and then whoever wants to give it a try can follow my example. I need someone to hold this for me though". Someone pushed Melissa's chin, so she was looking up and told her to open her mouth. As soon as she did, a tube was pushed into it. She didn't even have enough time to process what was going on when she felt a creamy liquid flow into her mouth. This must be what's inside those canisters, Melissa thought as she began gulping it down. It tasted amazing and she was happy that her belly was finally being filled up again. The liquid was flowing into her mouth so quickly that Melissa was fully occupied just concentrating on swallowing it all and before she knew it the first canister was empty. She didn't get much time to relax though. The girls didn't remove the tube from her mouth, someone else just grabbed a canister and began pouring it down Melissa's throat again.

This went on for quite a while and the girls where both shocked and impressed by how much they could pour into Melissa's fat belly. Melissa had lost count of how many canisters she had gulped down and eventually she started becoming uncomfortably full. "I think one more and she'll be done", Alisson, who was by now pretty good at telling when her piggy was stuffed to capacity, said. One more time the sweet liquid began to flow into Melissa's mouth and she began to sweat from the strain of having to gulp down more. Her belly was painfully stretched and heavy and Melissa was counting the seconds to be done. Finally, the flow began to get weaker and she was starting to relax, knowing it was almost over. "Give me another canister, she can take some more", suddenly a voice said. "Are you sure, she looks really exhausted?" "She is 3 pounds behind schedule, she can use the extra calories", the voice replied. The eagerness and excitement in the girl's voice reminded Melissa of the way she had been touched by one of the girls earlier. This must be the same person, she thought. She didn't have the chance to think any further as a new mouthful of liquid suddenly rushed through the tube. Her eyes grew wide as she struggled to keep up swallowing. Each second felt like an eternity and each gulp made her feel like she was about to explode. She was being pushed to her limits like never before and she wasn't sure if she would be able to hold out until the end.

"Sam, stop it", someone yelled, as it was becoming obvious that Melissa was really struggling. "No, she can do it", the girl yelled back, both determined to make Melissa finish it and angered that someone had broken their agreement to not reveal their names to Melissa. Nobody seemed to intervene physically, as the liquid kept on coming. Melissa fought through all her pain and just when she thought she couldn't handle it anymore, the flow stopped. Finally, the girls took out the tube and gave Melissa the opportunity to catch her breath. She was wheezing loudly while moaning in pain. Her now gigantic belly was pushing her legs apart and was feeling heavier than ever. "Well, you really made her work today", Alisson laughed. "And she was a really good pig for us. Let me show you what a good piggy gets as her reward. I bought a new toy for this special occasion. I need some of you to get that belly out of the way though." A pair of hands on each side of Melissa lifted her belly and she could tell by the gasps that they were surprised about how heavy it was. Meanwhile some of the girls dug their hands into her dimply thighs and forced them further apart. Despite the pain Melissa was in, she was also incredibly turned on by everything that was happening. She was eagerly awaiting Alisson's fingers but instead she heard a vibrating noise and quickly found out about what new toy Alisson had talked about. It didn't take long and she had an incredible orgasm that sucked the rest of her energy out of her body.

After that, Melissa was just a limp blob of fat. The girls let go of her belly and thighs and left her to rest while they chatted for a little while. From time to time, someone would come over and briefly caress her belly, but Melissa was too out of it to really pay attention to it. Eventually the girls said their goodbyes and made some more amused comments about this night's events before they left. Alisson walked over to Melissa and removed her blindfold, looking into her glazed eyes that were proof of her delirious state and made her grin. She untied Melissa's hands and helped her to get on her feet slowly. Even she was amazed at how hard it was to get her up from that chair. She helped her to waddle to her bed and turned off the lights. Melissa was way too full to do any clear thinking but as her mind drifted to sleep one last thought popped into her mind: Who is Sam?
46 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 1 year
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Makeme300 1 year
I need more asap. I nearly came. Can’t wait for the next chapter
PacDan 1 year
God tier story!
Cali 1 year
Thank you smiley
Fluffylove 1 year
Great additions,can't wait for more
Cali 1 year
Thanks smiley
Fluffylove 1 year
Great additions,can't wait for more
Cali 1 year
Glad to hear that smiley
Kipler 1 year
Glad to see you're still active. Congrats on the patreon, Cali. Hope to continue reading new chapters in the near future!
Cali 1 year
Thank you!
Fluffylove 2 years
Love the additions, please keep the chapters coming
Fittofatty 2 years
Could you put the premium on kindle ? Please as easier to buy n read
Fluffylove 2 years
Love the new chapter. When Mellisa gets back to Allison. You should have Allison feed mellisa everything fried. Besides her weightgain shakes. She should be eating deep fried pizzas. Deep fried burritos. Fried butter etc. Besides that itd be nice to hear
Fluffylove 3 years
Please continue love the story
Mazah 3 years
Super glad youre back with uodates!
1calcom 3 years
more coming soon?
Cali 3 years
Yes, there will be more chapters smiley
Champ 3 years
Loved chapters 17-19!!!
Fluffylove 3 years
You should show how desperate Melissa gets being deprived food for a few hours. She eats till bursting every meal. For more than a year. What if she's forced to be hungry for a bit
Fluffylove 3 years
Great additions
Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder how her grades are if she isn't studying
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