Expanded terms of contract *free*

  By Cali

chapter 3

Melissa finished the box of donuts and then dozed off for a while. She was woken up after a while by Alisson who was standing above her. "Wake up, fatty. Enough lazing around." She looked over to the beach volleyball field and smiled. "The girls over there could use some more players. Let's join them." Melissa struggled onto her feet and looked over to the field. Just as she had expected all of the girls looked to be athletes like Alisson, though none looked just as fit like her, as she really was at peak fitness.

Melissa knew that she didn't have any say in this, so she just nodded and waddled behind Alisson as they headed to the field. "You guys could use two more players", Alisson shouted once they got there. The girls nodded after looking at her but paused surprised when they realized that the second player was supposed to be the huge girl behind her. "You can join in but I'm not so sure about her", one girl said, pointing at Melissa. "Yeah, I don't think she's going to fit in here", another one added. "Come on, give my tubby roommate a chance", Alisson said. "I finally got her off the couch and away from her snacks. She could really use some exercise, isn't that right?" She looked at Melissa who blushed and nodded. "Besides that, it's not like she will last very long", Alisson grinned. The girls looked at each other and decided to let them join. Melissa could see the displeasure on her teammate's faces about having to play with an unfit blob instead of her athletic roommate, as she waddled over to them.

They started playing and of course the other team tried to play every ball at Melissa. She gave her best to reach each ball but every time it was played a bit further away from her, so she first had to move a few steps, she was way too late to reach it. All she could feel was the violent jiggle of her arm as it reached for the ball that had long hit the ground. Not only getting to the spot in time was a problem for her, her arms had gotten so heavy and at the same time weak that she often couldn't move them in time to reach even the closest ball. She grew increasingly exhausted while her teammates got more and more annoyed about her incompetence.

Soon Melissa was standing there panting, her hands on her knees while her flabby belly was hanging between them. The next ball was coming her way and this time it was close enough to her for her to think she would get it. It would fall right down in front of her, so she was getting ready to bump it. But as the ball got close and she was getting her arms ready and body lowered her belly suddenly got in the way of getting any lower. She had to watch the ball plop down right in front of her as she lost her balance and fell into the sand, letting out a surprised squeak. "Alright that's it, fatty. You need to go", one of her teammates shouted in frustration. "Yeah, get your useless fat ass out of here and waddle to the food stand. Pigging out must be the only thing you're good at", another one added. Melissa heaved herself off the sand, glad that it was over. She then began wiping off the sand from her body, still standing on the field, forcing the girls to watch in annoyance and disgust as her body wobbled around. Once she had gotten the sand wiped off of every part that she could reach, Melissa waddled off.

She had gotten so used to following orders that she didn't know any better than to grab her money and head to the food stand, like the girls had told her. Getting closer she could smell all the greasy fattening foods that she was about to devour and she immediately started feeling happier. Once there, she ordered multiple portions of anything that sounded fattening. The worker at the stand looked at her in disbelief as he handed her all kinds of burgers, hot dogs, pizza slices and sweets. It took her 4 trips to get everything to her table, which at the end was stacked with unhealthy food and the sight of it made Melissa's body tingle.

She grabbed the chair and sat down in front of her feast. It was a metal chair, obviously not made to have such fatty sit down on it and she had to squeeze and wiggle for a bit until she was somewhat comfortably seated. She could feel herself spilling out to the sides of the chair as the cold armrests dug into her hips and thighs. As she picked up her first burger and took a bite, she looked over to the volleyball field. Alisson was still playing and actually kicking everyone's butt. With Melissa gone the game was going way more fluently and everyone seemed to have a really good time. Melissa watched them for a while. The thought that just a year ago she was just like them, having fun jumping and running around, crossed her mind but it felt so incredibly far away and faded almost immediately. "That's just not my world anymore", Melissa thought as she looked at the food in front of her and smiled. "This is everything I need", she whispered to herself, as one hand wandered to her belly while the other grabbed a hot dog.
46 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 1 year
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Mazah 4 years
So glad to hear that!
Cali 4 years
I will continue it for sure but it might take a while. in a few more month I'll hopefully be able to find more time to add new chapters smiley
Mazah 4 years
Hello, this journey is honestly one of my favourites on this site. Please do continue the story!!! I love the humiliation so much
Fluffylove 4 years
Love the additions, hope the story continues
Fluffylove 4 years
Great new chapter
Martim92 4 years
Thank you for the update.
Fluffylove 4 years
Please add more chapters this story is awesome
Cali 5 years
Finally managed to write another chapter, sorry for the long wait!
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