Expanded terms of contract *free*

  By Cali

chapter 5

During the last month before classes began, each day went the same for Melissa. She would wake up and take a shower and after that reward herself for all that moving around with a huge breakfast. After that she would plop her fat ass down on the couch where she would stay the rest of the day, watching tv or taking food coma naps. The only moving around she had to do was when she had to use the bathroom or get some food heated up in the kitchen. Other than that, she was lazing around all day. Alisson had bought mini fridges and set them up next to the couch and her bed, so Melissa always had all the fattening snacks she loved within reach. She had also told Melissa that she wanted her as fat and out of shape as possible for her first day of classes, that's why she didn't make her do anything that involved even the tiniest bit of unnecessary exercise. Whenever she could, Alisson would even help Melissa with her showers, soaping up all her folds and rolls so that her fatty didn't have to move that much. Melissa loved having her soft soapy body handled by Alisson and she was also really happy about not having to do it herself since just getting in and out of the shower already made her breathe heavy.

Once Melissa started with her daily binges Alisson would head out. She had told Melissa about how she had met some girls at the gym and they were now working out together as well as hanging out afterwards. When Alisson came back home, she would bring multiple bags of fast food which she then proceeded to stuff into her piggy's mouth until Melissa was about to burst. As Melissa sat there, too helplessly stuffed to move, Alisson's hands would wander all over her growing body, tracing new stretch marks and jiggling all her wobbly bits all while teasing her about what she was turning her obedient plaything into. Eventually Melissa would get so worked up that Alisson would make her lift her belly, so she could slip her fingers past her plump fupa and reward her for another day of getting closer to her 500-pounds destiny. After that Alisson would help Melissa get up and ready for bed and while her fat piggy was sleeping off her stuffing, she would fill up all the fridges and cupboards with new snacks for another fattening day.

All month long Melissa felt like a hog, constantly bloated from pigging out all day. Being this stuffed also caused her to be extremely sluggish and lazy all the time and she loved living in a state where all she had to care about was to fill her giant belly, that was sitting heavy between her legs, pinning her down to the couch. Alisson, on the other hand, loved coming home after the gym to her obese pig sitting there with an exhausted look on her face that tells her that she had pushed her limits once again but is nevertheless eager for her fit mistress to push her even more. And she was more than happy to stuff every last bit into her piggy's mouth and then watch her flabby arms desperately struggle to pick up her heavy belly, so she can be rewarded.

However, the pleasure both were getting from this way of living was cut short when it was time for the next weigh-in. For most of her gaining journey, especially in the last months, Melissa had been gaining at the incredible rate of almost precisely 20 pounds a month. This didn't hold up for this month. While the last weigh-in had put her at 360 pounds, this one was 3 pounds short of the expected 380. Melissa guessed that her big body just needed more calories to maintain her weight now while she probably also lost some of her remaining muscle mass due to her extreme inactivity. But she knew that Alisson, who looked at the displayed weight with a mixture of disappointment and anger, wouldn't accept those excuses. So Melissa went to bed that day, desperately trying to figure out how she could get back to her old gaining rate. However, her body was once again overwhelmed by the masses of food she had stuffed into it and she quickly drifted into another food coma.

Luckily for her, Alisson already had a plan, as she always did. The next morning when Melissa waddled out of the bathroom, she found Alisson in the kitchen, mixing things in the blender and pouring the resulting creamy liquid into multiple canisters. "What's that?" Melissa asked but Alisson just told her that's it's nothing she had to worry about now. "Go, have your breakfast, you've got some catching up to do", she added. As Melissa began her first stuffing of the day, Alisson finished whatever she was doing in the kitchen and left to meet her friends at the gym. Throughout the day Melissa stayed curious about what Alisson had put into those canisters. She knew that she could find out by just waddling into the kitchen, but she couldn't bring herself to get up from the couch. Why make the effort to heavy her obese body to the kitchen when Alisson would bring the canisters to her once she got back? So Melissa stayed on the couch, just like every other day, waiting for her feeder to return home.
46 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 1 year
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Mazah 4 years
So glad to hear that!
Cali 4 years
I will continue it for sure but it might take a while. in a few more month I'll hopefully be able to find more time to add new chapters smiley
Mazah 4 years
Hello, this journey is honestly one of my favourites on this site. Please do continue the story!!! I love the humiliation so much
Fluffylove 4 years
Love the additions, hope the story continues
Fluffylove 4 years
Great new chapter
Martim92 4 years
Thank you for the update.
Fluffylove 4 years
Please add more chapters this story is awesome
Cali 5 years
Finally managed to write another chapter, sorry for the long wait!
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