Pool party

chapter 2 "you hit off"

I hope this story is enjoyable, if you don't think so I'm open to constructive criticism in the comments.


She starts to look around, seemingly lost. That is until you're friend points directly at you in the deep end. You feel almost completely in bliss as she smiles at you. You get a good look at her facial features as she waddles over to the side of the pool that you're on. She's the most beautiful woman that you've ever seen, with sparkling eyes, a cute nose, and slightly chubby cheeks compared to the rest of her large body. You can feel the vibrations of her steps by touching the pool wall.

Meanwhile, she stops and looks down at you, but she can't see that well past her breasts and belly. "Hey, you must be who I was told to talk to." She starts trying to sit, but her size and weight is proving it to be difficult.

You can't stop gawking over how gorgeous and hot she is. You nervously manage to stutter. "I-I-I suppose s-so." You watch as she finally sits down dipping her feet in the water, but is fixing her roles so that she feels comfortable. The fat of her hips, thighs, and ass spread out in all directions, making it look like an ocean of smooth squishy fat. Even her calves are great looking. You stop yourself from staring when you hear her drop her belly onto her thighs, sending ripples across her body. Her belly went halfway down her thighs.

She notices your wondering eyes. "Stop your gawking. I know i'm fat, no need to point it out. Do you know how hard it is too lose weight at this size." Taking it the wrong way.

You quickly cut in, not wanting her to get further upset. "Then don't lose weight. You look absolutely incredible, fat and all. I was just staring at your amazing figure and beauty. Sorry if that upset you." You watch her expressions and hope to talk your way out.

She then blushes to a bright red and looks at her flab. "Y-You really think that I'm attractive?" She grips her belly and jiggles it around.

"Like gravity itself." You say, hoping not to offend.

She giggles in the cutest way. "I guess I do have a bit of gravity." She drops her belly onto lap again. Then she gets an idea and looks at you still swimming. "Wait. You like my fat, right?"

"Every inch of it." Still amazed by her size.

She giggles, bringing her hands to her face and kicks her feet in excitement. "I've always had this desire to be bed bound with the size of goddess." She starts scooching towards the water, jiggling in a constant motion. "I'm coming into the pool."

You realize what she meant. "I've always wanted to make a girl too fat to get out of bed. That's also one of my desires." You swim back to give her some room, but as she slides in it creates a larger splash than you thought, and she sinks straight down...well more like she went down until her feet hit the bottom leaving her shoulders above the water. "How tall are you, exactly? Because this is the 7 ft deep end."

She grins, putting her hair into a pony tail. "Most pools don't go deep enough for me. I'm 8'10" and possibly still growing."

Your jaw drops. "Uhhhh...." You shake it off with a thought. "Do you mind if I ask you're weight? I don't mean any offence." You swim a bit closer to her, almost entirely on instinct, but accidentally graze her gut with your raging boner. You blush in embarrassment.

She feels it and finds this newfound confidence within her. "I'll tell you later, but on 2 conditions." She holds up the number on her fingers. "One. You must accept me as your new girlfriend."

You reply, amazed, "I was actually going to ask you to be my girlfriend. I greatly accept."

She beams with delight. "And two. You must become my feeder. I want to be treated like you would treat your pet prized cow." She looks a bit nervous.

"I must be dreaming." You give her a hug. "I accept."

Wrapping your arms around her neck, you enjoy the closeness to her and the feeling of her soft body, while she enjoys the prick of your crotch against her gut as she hugs back.

"At my height and size, I last weighed in at 1,537 lbs." She lifts your jaw as it drops. "if I was normal in height, I'd weigh around 370 lbs."

You do math in your head and it makes sense. "Let's go to the buffet line and try to double your weight." You beam confidently.

She grins, "Your friend better get a resupply because I have put buffets out of stock before." She starts walking towards the pool exit.

You swim behind her, trying to keep up with her long strides, thinking "I wonder how many buffets she can crash in one night?".

Only when you get out of the pool You notice that you're eye level with the bottom of her breasts.

3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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DragonMaster 5 years
I'm going for more of the feeling of how in a dream things make you think in general instead of focusing on every little detail. That's why I don't use many names. It's not who you remember in the dream, but what about the dream you remember. Make sense?
Karenjenk 5 years
This could be really cool fleshed out and made into a story.
its kind of an outline now... a narrative?
i really like the main guy though