Shanghai stuffed

chapter 11 - back to work

They spent the rest of the week together exploring around Guilin. Alyssa loved all the caves, some would even have buddhas carved into the walls. Every evening, Austin would feed her just like he did on her birthday. She didn't ask him to, but she never objected either. For some reason she just did what he told her to do during those times. He seemed to enjoy getting as much food as possible in her for some reason.

When they got back into Shanghai, Alyssa right away went back to her cam room gig to earn the money back she spent on their trip. Always the same thing, guys paying to watch her eat. Guys paying to see her belly. At the end she always felt stuffed but at least not as painfully stuffed as she had at first.

A few days after they got back she told Austin she needed new clothes again. Her clothes were already incredibly tight. That weekend they went shopping for her again. Her vicious cycle continued of cam room, having to buy more clothes because of her cam work, then doing more cam work to pay for the clothes. She needed the money though and didn't know what else she could do. The next day she decided she should weigh herself again. At first she was excited but then realized she forgot to change it from kilos to pounds. When she changed it to pounds and saw her weight, her heart sank. The display read 225 pounds. She had gained nearly 75 pounds since coming to China. She walked back up to her room and stripped down in the bathroom to shower. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her breasts were no longer perky at all. They were just big and sagged under their own weight. There were light stretch marks along the sides of them. Her ass was huge, with some cellulite on her upper thighs below it. She could not even see her hips because of her belly. It was no longer round and smooth. Now it was fat and flabby. When she sat down it made a big roll midway down her stomach. When she stood, her belly sagged half way down the front of her vagina. Why do all these Chinese men pay to see this, she thought. Her only conciliation was her face and complexion. She didn't carry fat in her face, and her skin's complexion looked good all over her body. Suddenly the door opened behind her, Austin seeing her standing naked in front of the mirror. "OMG, I am so sorry. I didn't know you were in here." He said as he quickly closed the door.

Alyssa was embarrassed that he saw her gross fat body. Austin thought she was getting to be sexy as fuck now.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Karenjenk 5 years
WOW! i couldn't stop reading once i started this. I love the dom/sub relationship... its kind of subtle.
I also like how she changed gradually. not just her weight but her attitude.
This pushed some buttons for me.. Thank you for writing.

the typ
Harnwald 5 years
Technically it's Alyssa story, so it would be nice to know what's happened in her after-China-life. As direct sequel.

The story of new girl is good, too, but "that's another story". Even if the story is the same with another character smiley
FitLoveBBW 5 years
OK, so do you guys want me to make a sequel about Alyssa after she left China, or about the new girl that Austin met? If it is the new girl Austin met, should it be from his perspective or her's?
AndiFive 5 years
makes a sequence of the trajectory of the new girl.
Theswordsman 5 years
I het the feeling this isnt his first time doing this.
Jazzman 5 years
You said "bowel" when you meant "bowl". All in all great spelling. I Really Liked the story and a sequel or epilogue of her life after stuffing daily would be Amazing. Like joining Big Cuties in the US maybe.
Jazzman 5 years
Wonderful imagery and a great pace of gain