Shanghai stuffed

chapter 8 - so full

She closed her laptop, her stomach in pain from eating so much food. She lay back on her bed moaning in discomfort wondering if it was worth it. Austin had left before the eating session and came in a couple of minutes after she had lay down.

Seeing her in obvious discomfort, he asked if she was OK. She embarrassingly told him about the chat session. He was astounded at how much she made. She moaned "I know, but it hurts now, I have never been so full". He asked her "can I do anything for you?". She replied "I don't know". He told her, "let me see". She pulled up her shirt, revealing her large bulging belly. Upon seeing it, Austin thought she had easily gained 30 pounds since coming to China. He walked over to her "I am going to feel it OK, I am not sure else to do". He reached forward and lightly touched his hand to her belly. If felt fat, and engorged. He asked "How much did you eat?" She told him and he responded "Wow, and all that on top of that big breakfast and all the street food lunch?" He patted her belly "you poor thing". Just the attention from Austin seemed to help and Alyssa told him meekly "that makes it feel better". "Good" he said as he patted it and ran his hands over her engorged stomach. He thought, that her belly was getting big enough that it probably hung some when she stood. It was obvious from seeing her in her clothes that her breasts, hips, and ass had noticeably grown as well. She looked up at him "I am worried I will get stretch marks will you get the lotion out of the cabinet and rub it on it". Austin replied "sure" and walked over to get the lotion. He put some on his hands, rubbing them together to warm it, and started to rub it into her belly. "Does that help?" he asked. "Yes it helps a lot" she said as she lay there. He kept apply lotion to her belly until it was shinny. He then applied some to the tops of her hips that were hanging over her pajamas and asked her "are you ok now?". She thanked him and said she needed to sleep now. He wiped his hands off thinking damn, I need to encourage her somehow to keep this up.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Karenjenk 5 years
WOW! i couldn't stop reading once i started this. I love the dom/sub relationship... its kind of subtle.
I also like how she changed gradually. not just her weight but her attitude.
This pushed some buttons for me.. Thank you for writing.

the typ
Harnwald 5 years
Technically it's Alyssa story, so it would be nice to know what's happened in her after-China-life. As direct sequel.

The story of new girl is good, too, but "that's another story". Even if the story is the same with another character smiley
FitLoveBBW 5 years
OK, so do you guys want me to make a sequel about Alyssa after she left China, or about the new girl that Austin met? If it is the new girl Austin met, should it be from his perspective or her's?
AndiFive 5 years
makes a sequence of the trajectory of the new girl.
Theswordsman 5 years
I het the feeling this isnt his first time doing this.
Jazzman 5 years
You said "bowel" when you meant "bowl". All in all great spelling. I Really Liked the story and a sequel or epilogue of her life after stuffing daily would be Amazing. Like joining Big Cuties in the US maybe.
Jazzman 5 years
Wonderful imagery and a great pace of gain