Your weight is against the law

chapter 2

Sandra didn't protest against finishing work earlier, although she was not enthusiastic about it either. Basically, she had nothing better to to do than return to her small apartment rented together with her brother, Oskar, and his wife, Marta - the only solution affordable with her earnings of a young policewoman.

- Hi, sis - Oskar greeted her - How was your day? You came home early today...

- Ah, don't even ask - Sandra replied while grabbing a beer from the fridge - Mroczkowski really pissed me off today...

- What did he say? I hope you were not fired? Otherwise, that would be which time in your life again? You barely contribute to the rent anyway, I can't help you all your life...

- Shut up, I was not fired! Sometimes you can be so annoying too...

- Alright, I'm sorry. I didn't want to upset you, I can see that you are already irritated. But can you at least go easy with that beer today? It's just 3 PM.

- Don't even start! I'm going to my room, don't disturb me today.

- Don't disturb in what? Getting drunk and stuffing with junk food? These are you plans for your afternoon off? You have a six-pack in one hand and a slice of pizza in another one. That makes you look like some cartoon of a couch potato. Well, which you actually are.

Bugger off, Oskar! - Sandra slammed the door - You always just try to humiliate me, you and your goddamn wife!

After closing in her room, Sandra sat on the floor and started to cry. It wasn't the first time when her brother humiliated her, nevertheless it wasn't even her brother but sister-in law that she hated to her guts. Marta was pretending not to hear their argument in another room, however It was just a matter of time when she joins Oskar, now pretending that Sandra can't hear them. And so it was.

- Just look at her, Oskar - Marta didn't bother to whisper - She just becomes a fat alcoholic. You want to help her but you can't.

- I don't know, honey - Sandra could hear Oskar replying - Why don't you go or at the gym together or something? Maybe she could learn some healthy habits from you, drop some weight... And when she finally meets someone in her life, she will eventually move out. You don't need to be so hard on her.

- Meet someone? Don't make me laugh. She barely leaves home anymore except for her lousy job. And when it comes to the gym, c'mon... Last time we were at the gym, she could barely do any exercises. I have no idea how the hell they allowed her to work in the police. Can you image her chasing a shoplifting kid? Maybe a one as fat as her, it could be a hilarious view.

Sandra turned up the TV volume, clearing her face from the tears. She finished chewing up pizza and washed it down with the last beer. In a while she felt calm enough to ignore what her sister-in-law says about her to her brother. And little bottle of vodka that she kept under the bed for dark hour finally put her to sleep.
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