Type 6 diabetes

chapter 12 - a surprise visitor

A few hours later there was a knock at the door. Jessica looked the window and saw the pear shaped woman from the video presentation standing in front of her door. She was wearing really short varsity shorts and a crop top, her ass busting out of the back of the shorts, her thighs stretching the legs, and her belly spilled over the front.

Jessica ran down to the front door and opened it. The woman said "Did you watch it?" Jessica said "Yes". The woman asked "Can I come in?". Jessica motioned for her to come in. The woman was obviously a good 20 pounds heavier than Jessica. Jessica wondered if it was because she had been infected for longer. The woman introduced herself saying "I am Angela. I used to be an athlete like you. I was a competitive gymnast before this happened." She pulled her crop top up a little bit to show her fat round belly. Jessica asked her "You are the one that left that thumb drive here right?" Angela said "Yes, it was in a large envelope with some other documents on the receptionist's desk. The envelope had confidential stamped on it. No one was at the desk so I took it as I left. I had no idea at the time what was in it." She paused, then said "Do you have any of the treats?" Jessica brought her one, a peanut butter brownie. Angela started eating it and touched herself through her shorts as she did it, moaning as she ate. It seemed almost involuntary how she did it.

When she finished eating the brownie, she continued "I can't imagine what that sadistic bitch Nurse Claire would have done to me if she caught me taking the envelope. That presentation made it look like I like what Nurse Claire does to me, but I don't. I mean, I don't afterwards, I just can't help myself when she offers me the treats." Jessica said "It's OK". Claire continued "They are doing this to us because some men like girls like us. Those men love big girls and they really love it when those big girls used to be lean and fit. I don't understand it, but that was in the documents in the envelope along with the thumb drive." Angela handed Jessica some papers from her purse and then went on "See, read those, you will understand."

Jessica read them as Angela continued talking "The thing is, I don't understand it, I used to be so fit, but now I like myself like this. I mean I don't like myself like this when I think about how I used to be, but I do like myself like this when I look at myself in the mirror. I look at myself in the mirror now and see myself almost as a goddess. Does that make sense?" It did make sense to Jessica as Jessica had started to feel the same way.

Angela went on "Lately all I do is eat and masturbate". Jessica blurted out "I am the same way", but felt bad about it as soon as she admitted it. Angela asked her "Can I see what you look like?" Jessica understood what she meant, and stood up and undressed. Angela stood and cupped one of Jessica's breasts with one hand while she caressed Jessica's belly with the other, she said "I can see why some men want us."
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Uneas06 1 year
Hi don’t know if you’re still active but would you ever consider doing the same story but with Jessica not finding out about the evil doctors and just continuing on?
EmilyMoon 5 years
Amazing story smiley I can't wait for your next story smiley
MikeTehCakeBoy 5 years
This is awesome! I would love to see a movie made about this lol
Nok 5 years
wow, good idea
MoobDaddy 5 years
Who is the girl in the pic?
DragonMaster 5 years
I knew it. It was just a theory of a plot twist, but I was right. Ha. *laughs at imaginary doubters*
KaosZX 5 years
it's a very hot story... The plot have a lot of potential.. please continue this...
FitLoveBBW 5 years
Sorry about that, fixed.
SomeGiraffez 5 years
Love all your stories, but its Bowl, not Bowel smiley
FitLoveBBW 5 years
Don't worry, still adding chapters. Tell me what you like about it and if there is anywhere you would like for the story to go.
DragonMaster 5 years
I love it, more please.