Type 6 diabetes

chapter 13 - roommates

Even though Jessica hardly knew her, she asked Angela if she wanted to live at her house for a while. She thought it would nice to have someone around that knew what she had gone through, that shared her experience. Besides it was a large house. Angela agreed but said she would continue to have her nutrition bars and treats delivered to her condo because she didn't want Dr. Ames and particularly Nurse Claire, knowing that they knew each other telling Jessica "You have no idea how evil that skinny sadistic bitch is."

Angela loved going out, but she had not been out to any bars or clubs since she was diagnosed with Diabetes Type 6, or as she now knew, since they infected her with it. Shortly after they moved in together she talked Jessica into going out with her. They dressed rather slutty in short skirts and a couple of plunge top blouses and went out together. In the club they found that if they drank sweet mixed drinks, like daiquiris, margaritas, or even better, drinks like brandy alexanders, they would not get the shakes as often and could spend more time dancing rather than eating. Of course, this would get them drunk, but that is the point in a club anyway.

After they were there for a couple of hours, Angela brought a couple of small guys over to meet Jessica. Angela said "This is uh, I don't even remember their names. Let's take them home."

They called an Uber and got in together, the guys both crammed between them in the back. It was a short ride to Jessica's house. They showed them in, and then both ate a nutrition bar and treat in front of them. One of the guys, obviously drunk, said "You two like to eat don't you?" Angela replied "You don't know the half of it, and they took the guys by the hand of lead them both to Jessica's bedroom. Angela then told them "Take your clothes off." Both guys quickly did. Angela and Jessica then took their clothes off as well. Angela asked them "So you like girls like us." The other guy said "Fuck yes". Both Angela and Jessica then grabbed both of the guys, threw them down on the bed and climbed on top of them. The weight of Angela's thighs and ass almost crushed the guy she was riding. Jessica held the guy down with one arm while she ate a cheesecake bar with the other as she rode him. Both of them ate as the fucked the guys, riding them, nearly crushing the small guys in the process. After they ate, they both pulled vibrators out and used them on themselves to bring themselves to climax. One both of them came, they rolled off the two guys and told them to get out.

Angela and Jessica both laughed as the guys left. Jessica said to Angela "You didn't even let them get off before we through them out." Angela laughed and said "Haha fuck them, they did this to us for guys like them." Jessica corrected her "They did this to us for very rich guys."
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Uneas06 1 year
Hi don’t know if you’re still active but would you ever consider doing the same story but with Jessica not finding out about the evil doctors and just continuing on?
EmilyMoon 5 years
Amazing story smiley I can't wait for your next story smiley
MikeTehCakeBoy 5 years
This is awesome! I would love to see a movie made about this lol
Nok 5 years
wow, good idea
MoobDaddy 5 years
Who is the girl in the pic?
DragonMaster 5 years
I knew it. It was just a theory of a plot twist, but I was right. Ha. *laughs at imaginary doubters*
KaosZX 5 years
it's a very hot story... The plot have a lot of potential.. please continue this...
FitLoveBBW 5 years
Sorry about that, fixed.
SomeGiraffez 5 years
Love all your stories, but its Bowl, not Bowel smiley
FitLoveBBW 5 years
Don't worry, still adding chapters. Tell me what you like about it and if there is anywhere you would like for the story to go.
DragonMaster 5 years
I love it, more please.