Type 6 diabetes

chapter 16 - yes mistress

Jessica felt really conflicted now. She knew she should have taken Dr. Ames up on his offer, but she couldn't. She didn't know why, but she just couldn't say yes to it.

What was wrong with her? Competing used to be her life. She defined herself by it. More than anything she was an athlete. Now, all she did was eat, drink, and bring guys home to use. Little by little she kept getting fatter. She asked Angela "Did we do the right thing?" Angela just said "I don't know."

Nevertheless they were hungry and set about trying the treats they came home with. These were even better than the previous treats, and probably more fattening knowing the source. They spent the afternoon drinking and eating until they were both miserably full. Jessica said "I am so full, I have to take a nap" and she went to her bedroom, drank her pre-nap / pre-sleep shake, striped down to just her panties, climbed into her bed and went to sleep.

About two hours later she was awaken by the sound of talking. Before she opened her eyes she heard Angela say "Yes mistress. I did everything you asked me to do." Jessica immediately opened her eyes and looked in the direction of the talking. Angela was kneeling before Nurse Claire. Nurse Claire was dressed as a dominatrix in high heels, and carrying a riding crop. She turned in Jessica's direction and smiled "you are awake my fat whore". Jessica jumped up, ignoring the fact she only had panties on and her big fat breasts were just bouncing and said "What the fuck are you doing here?" Nurse Claire with lightning reflexes slapped one of Jessica's nipples with the riding crop and said "That is not how you address me." Jessica grabber the breast that was slapped and said "Get out!". With lighting reflexes again, Nurse Claire slapped her other nipple with the riding crop. Jessica yelled "That hurt!". Nurse Claire replied "address me correctly then my fat slut".

Jessica turned to Angela "Why did you let her in here". Angela said "Because she is my mistress and she gives me what I need." Jessica said "You fucking lying bitch." Nurse Claire just laughed at this and said "aren't you hungry Jessica". Of course, Jessica was and she ran out of her bedroom. When she got into the kitchen she saw that all the crates of nutrition bars and treats had locks on them.

Nurse Claire walked up behind her and said "Soon you will be begging me to unlock them for you."
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Uneas06 1 year
Hi don’t know if you’re still active but would you ever consider doing the same story but with Jessica not finding out about the evil doctors and just continuing on?
EmilyMoon 5 years
Amazing story smiley I can't wait for your next story smiley
MikeTehCakeBoy 5 years
This is awesome! I would love to see a movie made about this lol
Nok 5 years
wow, good idea
MoobDaddy 5 years
Who is the girl in the pic?
DragonMaster 5 years
I knew it. It was just a theory of a plot twist, but I was right. Ha. *laughs at imaginary doubters*
KaosZX 5 years
it's a very hot story... The plot have a lot of potential.. please continue this...
FitLoveBBW 5 years
Sorry about that, fixed.
SomeGiraffez 5 years
Love all your stories, but its Bowl, not Bowel smiley
FitLoveBBW 5 years
Don't worry, still adding chapters. Tell me what you like about it and if there is anywhere you would like for the story to go.
DragonMaster 5 years
I love it, more please.