Type 6 diabetes

chapter 7 - dr. ames office

At her 6 week follow-up she had gained another 23 pounds and was now 229 pounds - clinically obese.

The vast majority of the followup consisted of Dr. Ames doing his skin fold test again. At the end of the exam, she was told she needed to see Dr. Ames on a weekly basis for a while and was given an appointment card with the address of his office and the appointment date. Dr. Ames had walked her out as she left, saying "I think I can help you".

A week later she put on some yoga pants and a tank top (no spanx this time), and drove to Dr. Andrews office in the warehouse district. She parked and go out, walking up the steps into the old brick building. When she walked into the waiting room, she was surprised to find a man as the receptionist. There was nothing wrong with that of course, but she had never been to a doctors office where the receptionist was a man. He smiled and greeted her, already knowing her name, and directed her to sit down on a large sofa. Sitting there she could hear some kind of a conversation going in an adjacent room. She could not make it out though, it almost sounded like a man said "eat more or you know what happens", but that was ridiculous and she thought to herself of course that was not what was said.

A few minutes later the nurse came out to get her, like the receptionist he was a man. Young and strong looking in some pants and a polo that showed off his biceps. He greeted her "Hello Jessica, It is great to meet you finally." and motioned for her to follow him. He took her back to an exam room, and pointed to some clothes folded in the chair saying "Dr. Ames will need you to change into those prior to the exam. There is a bathroom for the room that door." She picked them up, what little there was, and went into the bathroom.

When she pulled the clothes out of the bag she found it was just a hospital gown color lace bra and thong that had small medical lace crosses on them. She opened the door to tell the nurse that they could not expect her to wear that, but he was gone. She stood there looking at it wondering what to do, when she thought of his words to her "I think I can help you", she decided to put it on.

She looked at herself after she changed. It wasn't big enough for her. It barely covered her nipples as it was just couple of straps that went across the front of her breasts. The bottom was no better as her newly formed spare tire just hung over it. Finally she said to herself "fuck it" and walked out into the exam room. A moment later there was a knock at the door and Dr. Ames walked in. Behind him was his nurse who was pushing a cart full of dessert treats. Dr. Ames shook her hand greeting her and said "We thought you might be hungry given your condition and I would imagine your sick of those nutrition bars. Don't worry, these are all prescription only too, they are not normal sweets." Jessica looked at the cart, they did look good, and Dr. Ames was right, she was sick of the bars.

Dr. Ames handed her a bowl of creme brulee off the cart saying "here, try it." Jessica took it from him and tried it. It was good, really good. The top was crisp and caramelized. It was rich and creamy underneath. When she ate it, he handed her a brownie. It was great too. Warm, rich, and chocolatey. He then handed her a slice of cheesecake, she started to refuse but he said "I insist". As she finished it he asked her "Was it good?" She said, yes it was, really good actually. He smiled and said "great, we have been working on developing those for a while. We wanted them to taste just like desserts in fine restaurants, but be even more nutritionally dense than even the bars are." She was surprised and said "those have more calories than the bars?". He said "Yes, they do. Much more actually. We need to weigh you now."

Jessica stepped on the scale, the readout read: 232 pounds. Dr. Ames recorded the number and said "Good. We need to do the skin fold test now." Jessica stood waiting for Dr. Ames to get the calipers. Guessing what she was thinking he said "I don't need the calipers here. I do it by hand in my office. Please hold your arms out now." Jessica held her arms out and Dr. Ames pinched the fat hanging from them. He then motioned her to sit down on the exam table. Jessica did so, hanging her legs off the side, her stomach fat in folds at her waist. Dr Andrews started to feel her thighs, pinching fat on them, poking them, grabbing them. He then had her stand up again. He walked around to her backside, grabbing the fat on her back behind her breasts. Then he moved on her her ass, poking it, grabbing the fat beneath it, palming each cheek. He said "this is good so far", and moved on to her breasts. He cupped them, feeling their weight and asked "what cup are you now?" She told him, almost an F cup at this point. He looked at them saying "They are somewhat perky given their size, but they won't stay that way. the bigger the get, the more gravity works it's magic."

This was all making Jessica uncomfortable, but let him continue with the exam. He looked at her, sensing her discomfort and said "Don't worry, I am half way done. I just need to check your belly." He started with grabbing her love handles, pinching them and pulling them. Then he poked her stomach fat a few times. Saying "You have a lot of fat going to your breasts and belly. You carry it well though." Then he grabbed her fat apron, holding it up and kneading it in his hands. He asked "Are you still applying products to your skin regularly". She said "Yes". He then said "I have one we can try".

He walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a jar of some kind of medical grade lotion. He put some in his palms said "Put one of your legs up on the exam table". She did as he asked, and he started to apply it to the base of her leg. The lotion was warm as he put it on here. It made her skin feel warm, almost hot. As he applied it to her, it left her skin looking wet and shiny. He worked up to her thigh, rubbing it into the soft fat on her thighs. He then rubbing it down to the edge of her vagina, the lotion feeling even hotter there on the inside of her thigh than on her legs. Then he had her put her leg down and other leg up on the exam table and he applied the lotion to that leg. Once he finished with that leg he did her back, the cheeks of her ass, and her arms and the back of her neck. He then applied it to each of her breasts, all but touching her nipples as he applied the lotion to them. Finally he said "I always save this for last", and started applying a handful of it to her belly. As he did, he said "You are growing fast, so we must take care of your skin."

Just as he finished, there was a knock, the door opened, and Dr. Ames' nurse came in. "Doctor, I have finished with the patient. She understands what is expected of her now." Dr. Ames told him "Good", and his nurse left. He turned back to Jessica and said "We are all done. I will make sure we send you home with plenty of these treats we developed. We will need to see you back every week."

Jessica dressed in the bathroom, and left. As she left, Dr. Ames said to his nurse "Once she is over 250 pounds we can start special sessions."
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Uneas06 1 year
Hi don’t know if you’re still active but would you ever consider doing the same story but with Jessica not finding out about the evil doctors and just continuing on?
EmilyMoon 5 years
Amazing story smiley I can't wait for your next story smiley
MikeTehCakeBoy 5 years
This is awesome! I would love to see a movie made about this lol
Nok 5 years
wow, good idea
MoobDaddy 5 years
Who is the girl in the pic?
DragonMaster 5 years
I knew it. It was just a theory of a plot twist, but I was right. Ha. *laughs at imaginary doubters*
KaosZX 5 years
it's a very hot story... The plot have a lot of potential.. please continue this...
FitLoveBBW 5 years
Sorry about that, fixed.
SomeGiraffez 5 years
Love all your stories, but its Bowl, not Bowel smiley
FitLoveBBW 5 years
Don't worry, still adding chapters. Tell me what you like about it and if there is anywhere you would like for the story to go.
DragonMaster 5 years
I love it, more please.