Type 6 diabetes

chapter 9 - take your medicine

Dr. Ames kept pouring the thick rich shake into the funnel until Jessica was more full than she had ever been in her life, her belly visibly engorged. He sat the bottle of shake down, and patted her belly saying "I think you are truly full now Jessica."

All she could do was nod yes. Finally, he took the mask off her and told her as he unstrapped her from the chair "As long as you eat what we send you home with, we won't have to do this. Your food is like medicine for you. You understand this right?" She was so full, so incredibly full, all she could do is whisper "yes". At that he said "good".

Dr. Ames helped her and and told her "Lay down on the exam table until your stomach settles." Jessica lay down on the table. Dr. Ames pat her belly as he said "We had to do that Jessica. It's for your own good. We had to make up all the calories you missed over the week." She just lay there, letting her engorged stomach settle. Her left breast slipped out of the lace bra and flopped to her side. She started to reach to pull the strap back over the front of her nipple but Dr. Ames stopped her saying "It's OK, I can do it." He took her breast in his hand and place the front lace bra strap back over it.

As she lay there, she could hear something going on in another room. Like a slapping sound or something and a woman sternly scolding someone. She couldn't make out what was being said though. She was so full she couldn't think. She just lay there breathing heavy from the pressure of her stretched stomach.

It took about an hour for her stomach to settle. When it finally had settled, Dr. Ames helped her up again and told her to get dressed. Jessica went into the bathroom to change. For a few minutes she just stood there in front of the sink, looking at herself in the mirror, surprised at how big her stomach looked. She heard the door open to the exam room and a woman say something to Dr. Ames that sounded like "Yes Dr. Ames, I think the patient I dealt with will comply now." Dr. Ames said "Thank you Clair, but remember, give them the new special nutritional treats we developed, but don't eat them yourself, there is a high risk of addiction if they are consumed very long."

This concerned Jessica, but she never wanted to be fed like that again, so she was going to eat whatever they sent her home with no matter what. When she finished dressing she walked back into the exam room. Dr. Andrews had a cart with cases of what he called "special treats" next to him. He told her "This is your supplemental nutrition. I want you to make sure you eat this as directed along side your nutrition bars every day. Do you understand?" Jessica told him yes, and pushed the cart out to her car and loaded it. She went back in to get her followup appointment from the receptionist. He handed it to her, 1 week from today, and said "I am sure you will do better this week."
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Uneas06 1 year
Hi don’t know if you’re still active but would you ever consider doing the same story but with Jessica not finding out about the evil doctors and just continuing on?
EmilyMoon 5 years
Amazing story smiley I can't wait for your next story smiley
MikeTehCakeBoy 5 years
This is awesome! I would love to see a movie made about this lol
Nok 5 years
wow, good idea
MoobDaddy 5 years
Who is the girl in the pic?
DragonMaster 5 years
I knew it. It was just a theory of a plot twist, but I was right. Ha. *laughs at imaginary doubters*
KaosZX 5 years
it's a very hot story... The plot have a lot of potential.. please continue this...
FitLoveBBW 5 years
Sorry about that, fixed.
SomeGiraffez 5 years
Love all your stories, but its Bowl, not Bowel smiley
FitLoveBBW 5 years
Don't worry, still adding chapters. Tell me what you like about it and if there is anywhere you would like for the story to go.
DragonMaster 5 years
I love it, more please.