A new exciting life

chapter 11

The first month of summer flew by. Laura had a weekday routine that she wished she could keep forever. Unless she had her 10AM call, she slept until 10 and then she ate and worked until 1:00. She would have lunch and then nap. Sometimes she would wake up and make dinner but usually she was still sleeping when Brady came home. He didn't mind doing the cooking because he liked her to be as inactive as possible. Laura was really talented and easily met her deadlines working only 3 hours per day. She was still having back pain but it wasn't bad unless she walked a lot. They didn't go out much because the walking would get her in pain. Their sex life was still in overdrive with daily sessions, sometimes double on weekends.

Brady wanted to do something special for the 4th of July. He asked Laura if she had a swimsuit. She laughed and said she outgrew hers long ago. He told her about the online clothing service he had checked out. All they needed to do was measure her and she could pick one out without shopping. Laura agreed and Brady produced an extra long measuring tape from his pocket. He asked Laura to take off her top. As usual, she wasn't wearing any pants but she did have a bra on. Brady told her it was going to be hard to control himself with her standing there in her underwear. Lauren giggled. He had her put her arms out to the sides. He noticed definite fat starting to hang on her upper arms. He measured around her rib cage. He measured her bust. Brady refused to tell her the measurements but instead typed them into the website. Then he measured her waist and her hips. He was thankful for the measuring tape being so long. A regular one wouldn't have made it around.

Laura asked if she could sit down after he measured her and of course Brady said yes. He smiled from behind the laptop. The top recommended was a size 18-20 and the bottom was a 34. Laura's eyes got big. I've gotten that much bigger in just a few months? Brady came over from the computer. He bent down and cupped her belly in his hands. He told her that every inch of her was beautiful and perfect. They looked at the laptop together and she picked out a cute purple bikini plus a few other summer items that were on sale.

Independence Day was on a Monday that year so they had a 3 day weekend. Brady had rented a car and wouldn't tell her where they were going. He packed for both of them and packed a bag of food. They must be going far. Laura hoped her back would be ok. As they drove along, Brady kept asking if she was comfortable. After about 2 hours, they had arrived. It was a tiny little cottage on a lake. Brady had borrowed it from a colleague who wasn't using it this weekend. He helped Laura out of the car and into the cottage. It was very nice and to them it was huge. It was much bigger than Brady's tiny apartment. Brady brought all of the bags inside and sat the food bag on the table. He told her to get comfortable and he would be back with the rest of their supplies within and hour.

Laura dug into the container of spinach artichoke dip with chips and cracked open the two liter of coke. She sat there, looking out at the lake, just eating and drinking. Before she knew it, she had eaten all of the chips and dip and the Coke was empty. She decided she needed something sweet. She noticed that Brady had packed her favorite- zebra cakes. There were 2 boxes of 12 in the bag. She took a box back to her window seat with another 2 liter of coke. She wished she had some milk. She also wished she could get zebra cakes that weren't wrapped in sets of two. So much unwrapping to eat the box. Wow, she really was fat and lazy. She ate 12 cakes and checked her phone for the time. She still had 20 minutes at least until Brady came back. She decided to have a few more cakes to go with the rest of her Coke. By the time Brady got there, she had eaten the other 12 and finished a second two liter bottle of Coke.

Brady returned with a several large bags of groceries and some plain paper bags. He came over and kissed Laura, delighted to see the pile of empty food garbage she had amassed in the trash can. He asked if she needed to lie down and he helped her into the bedroom. He told her to rest and he would be in after he put all of the groceries away. He went back out to the car and brought in the cases of beer and got to work filling the fridge with what would probably feed a family for a month. He also had vodka and rum to make fattening cocktails and he had enough heavy cream and syrup to make up 5 gallons of "special milk". He also had fireworks for them to set off on Monday.

That first night, Brady created a feast for them. He made fancy fruity cocktails. He apologized that he couldn't afford to take them to the ocean. Laura said she was happy right here and he smiled. While he would love to parade her up and down a beach, she probably couldn't handle the walking. He told her that their job this weekend was to relax and enjoy each other and also to eat all of the food and drink. She patted her round belly and said she was up to the challenge.

Brady knew that Laura loved alcohol and had build up quite a tolerance for someone who wasn't even 21 yet. He carefully timed the drinks and the alcohol content to keep her slightly buzzed all weekend. She ate more when she was buzzed and that was his goal. Of course she couldn't resist that sweet rich milk. She would crave it with anything sweet. He had to make her alcoholic drinks stronger before dessert so she could drink milk for a while with dessert and not lose her buzz.

The weekend was a blur of booze, food, sex, hot tub sitting and sleep. Brady couldn't convince Laura to walk down to the lake for a swim so it was only the hot tub on the deck for them On Sunday night, Brady told Laura to put on something to go outside and set off the fireworks. She wore one of her new summer sundresses and Brady thought she looked beautiful. The dress was sized to fit her hips so the top was loose but she looked like a proper fat princess in it.

Brady got Laura comfortable on the deck chair with a heavy cream and coconut milk piña colada while he went to set everything up. He shot off fireworks of many colors and shapes and Laura cheered from her seat. Brady kept an eye on her drink and when he saw it get low, he whisked it away for a fresh one. Finally it was time for the grand finale. It was a prepackaged firework that lasted 3 minutes. He lit it and ran up on the deck to sit with Laura and enjoy it. Carefully eyeing his watch, after a few minutes, he got down on one knee and produced a ring box just as the fireworks ended. Laura immediately started to cry as Brady asked her if she would be his wife. He opened the box to reveal a small round diamond ring. It was beautiful. She said yes and wrapped her arms around him. She kissed him and said yes over and over.

Laura wasn't a huge social media user, especially not posting very much. Brady said they needed to take a selfie to post after they told their families. Laura agreed and the snuggled together to take a selfie. He also took a photo of the ring on her pudgy finger. It wasn't too late and their families were all an hour behind them so they called home to share the news. Laura's parents sounded happy but Brady's parents sounded ecstatic. Maybe because he was older and done with school. Laura assured her mom that she wasn't dropping out of school. They celebrated with Brady feeding her a triple layer red, white and blue cake in bed that night. He also put a little extra syrup in her heavy cream to make it extra special.

After Laura fell asleep that night, Brady posted the selfie of them. He cropped it right under Laura's chest. Her face was visibly rounder now and her round fat breasts in their push up bra definitely made her look like a chubby girl. He couldn't wait until people saw his fiancée from the waist down!

The next morning, Laura woke to a bazillion Facebook comments of congratulations. She decided she should make a post too. She posted the same selfie and also the ring pic. She captioned it "I said yes to Prince Charming." She was too happy to notice her fatter face or pudgy hands in the photos. Brady came out with a huge breakfast. He told her they were a little behind on drinking and eating everything so they would have to eat and drink until it was time to go. Since he had to drive, she would be in charge of all alcoholic beverages. There was still half a case of beer and some rum left.

Laura spend the day propped up in bed eating everything Brady served her. He nibbled here and there to make it look like he was helping but really it was Laura who was eating all of the food. When it was down to the last serving of milk and one more box of her zebra cakes, Brady asked to feed them to her one by one. He encouraged her to fill that beautiful belly with the sweet treats and to drink the sweet and thick milk. He worried she might be too full for sex but he mounted her anyway. As he drove deep inside of her he told his drunken and overfed woman that he never wanted to stop feeding her. She moaned "Please, Don't stop."
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Mdy73 5 years
Awww, this is great story!