A new exciting life

chapter 6

Laura was ready for her date with Brady. She was wearing a red dress that she had found in the plus size section. The bottom was very clingy and hugged every curve. The top was intended to be flowy and looser so it wasn't obvious that it was too big on top. She also had on a new bra and panty set. Size 18 panties and 36C bra. She finally gained weight in her boobs! They were rounder but still perky and she still loved them. She wore silver flat shoes since she can't wear heels due to her back. All she took with her was a spaghetti strap nightgown, tooth brush, hairbrush and some makeup for the morning. She was leaving early to meet Brady and drop her things at his apartment so at least she could bring overnight items.

Dinner and the show were fabulous. Brady looked so good in his black suit and crisp white shirt. Brady said he had taken the liberty to have some desserts ready back at the apartment so they took the train straight there. He told Laura to make herself comfortable. She sat down on the couch noticing how tight her dress felt. Brady came back with a wide variety of desserts and drink options. He was going to have some wine with his dessert but he offered her beer, milk, soda or he could make coffee. She laughed and said she did love beer but probably not with dessert. She asked for the sweet wine.

He fed her some of the truffles and they drank wine and laughed. They each had some chocolate cake and then he asked if she could help him finish the eclairs because they would be stale by morning. She smiled and said they were so good she'd be happy to help. He fed her 3 more eclairs and ate one himself. Between the two of them they finished two bottles of wine and she was pretty drunk. Brady told her he wanted to make out with her but only if that's what she wanted. He promised he didn't invite her here to get her drunk and force anything on her. She leaned over and told him she knows that. Then she added, we have to get out of these dress clothes, with a wink.

Brady smiled and helped her up. He had already taken off his coat. He unzipped her dress and slowly lowered it down her body. First revealing round cleavage in beautiful red package then the dress became harder to move. He had hit her stomach. As he moved it down with a little more force, her belly jiggled as the material freed it. He slid his hands down her sides and put them between her skin and the dress, massaging her meaty hips as he worked the dress down. Finally he had cleared the hips and the dress fell to the ground. He told her she was so beautiful. He rubbed her hips and said she was the perfect woman. He noticed the purple stretchmaeks on her stomach, hips and thighs. They told the truth about how much his girlfriend had grown. He was as hard as a rock. Her red low cut bikini underwear did nothing to contain her round ass. He rubbed her all the way down from shoulders to those voluptuous cheeks, kissing her and telling her how perfect she was. She returned the favor by undressing him. He had very little hair on his body which was a good thing. His round belly was such a turn on to her and she was still surprised by how much she liked it.

Brady asked if she wanted to stay on the couch or if she'd be more comfortable in the bed. She opted for the bed. As she crawled on the bed, her ass in the air, Brady didn't think he could hang on much longer. She was making him crazy. They laid on the bed for a while just kissing and fondling. He was quite enthralled with her body. He even squeezed her belly a few times and to her surprise, she loved it. Suddenly she turned to him and whispered that she wanted her first time to be with him tonight. He kissed her, said OK and promised to be gentle. He unhooked her bra to find perfect round breasts with large pale pink nipples. They were perfect too. He kissed her all over, making sure that there was plenty of foreplay. He was no cassanova but he knew this was important for her first time.
He was gentle with her and she loved it. She loved the feel of his weight on top of her and she really loved it when she got on all fours and he took her from behind. He loved it too because he could squeeze that magnificent ass. Afterward they fell asleep with her on his chest, both naked.

In the morning there were no regrets, just another round of sex and Brady cooking breakfast in his boxers. She put on her nightgown and came around to the kitchen. He noticed that her hips stretched the satin to its max. She was so gorgeous. After breakfast they cuddled on the couch for a while and then he took her to the train station. She had to get back to spend the evening with Ava and Lucy.

That evening she recounted her date with Brady while she, Ava and Lucy ate at the Chinese buffet and then went to have beers and sleep at Lucy's. She loved laughing with her friends. She felt really lucky right now. Thanksgiving break meant going back to Ava's house since it wasn't long enough time to really fly home. Ava's parents noticed that Laura was even bigger this year. Thank heavens Ava was still tiny, they thought.

The last month of school was fairly uneventful. Brady and Laura had managed to take the same flight back to Dallas. Since she lived about two hours from DFW and he lived very close, he had offered to rent a car and take her home. Not really a serious meet the parents deal but just to make sure his girl got home safely and so they could make out a little.

As they were getting closer to Laura's house, she asked Brady to pull into a nearby park. They made out in the car for a while. Having sex was out of the question. For one thing it was broad daylight and for another, her ass and his belly were too big for sex in a subcompact! She asked him if he would come back during the break and really spend some time, maybe even meet her friend Shelley. He said of course he would.

When they got to the house Laura's parents greeted them, sizing up their ever growing daughter. Brady said he just wanted to make sure the lovely Laura made it home safely. She walked him out and kissed him goodbye. Her parents said he seemed very nice and they liked him so far. She was so very happy.

The first week of break was great. Time with Shelley and with her family, another Christmas spa and shopping date with her mom and Aimee. The next week, Brady was coming to spend 2 days with them. He would sleep in the bonus room but Laura was so happy to have him coming to visit. She knew her parents would love him. She showed him the town and they ate at the pizza shop with Shelley. They watched movies with her family, keeping it to hand holding or an occasional kiss. Soon it was time for Brady to fly back. He had to get back to work. He kissed her good bye and told her he loved her with a smile. She said she loved him too.
Laura pretended to go and swim at the local center. Her suit was obscene now, boobs and but hanging out and a very visible belly button with thin material stretched over it. She was happiest when she was eating pizza with Shelley or relaxing on the couch watching TV. She was ready to get back to school.

Laura returned from break and cleaned out her closet, donating many clothes, including all of her B cup bras. They were way too small now. She noticed that her boobs were looking a bit heavier but they were still perfectly round so she wasn't worried. She settled back into her routine, still making naps a priority and drinking so much beer that she felt like she was bloated most of the time.

When spring break rolled around, Ava's Family was taking a trip for a wedding. She decided to ask Brady if she could stay with him. She didn't want to ask her parents to spend money for flights. Brady was more than happy to have her and told her he had to work but she could make herself at home during the day. She was so excited. She arrived on a Friday night and they went out to dinner and then to the grocery store. He told her he wanted her to have all of her favorite foods. He also got stuff to make her breakfast every morning. They got 4 cases of beer too. She loved spending the whole weekend with him. There was lots of eating, drinking and lots of sex.

That Monday, Brady got up at 6:30, made breakfast for both of them and then went to work. He didn't wake Laura so she woke up around 9:30 with little notes leading her to her very generous breakfast. She walked around his trendy loft wearing only a tank top and panties, eating her way through the day. She read for a while and watched Movies. She might have went out on an adventure but it was raining and she didn't want to put pants on. She accidentally stubbed her toe on something under the bed. It was a scale! She pulled it out and stepped on. She weighed 230 pounds! She couldn't believe it. She knew she was gaining but she didn't think it was that much. She looked at her profile in the mirror. She was definitely a fat girl for good now. She decided to see how much she would weigh after a week of playing house with Brady this week. She went back to the couch with a plate of cheese and crackers to look for something to watch.
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Mdy73 5 years
Awww, this is great story!