A new exciting life

chapter 8

On Sunday morning, Laura woke up to the smell of bacon. She rolled over slowly, feeling very bloated. As she worked on sitting up, Brady was heading toward her with breakfast. It was a huge baking pan full of food. She could see bacon, eggs, cinnamon rolls, a pitcher of juice and a huge glass of milk. He warned her that she wasn't allowed to go home today unless she finished her breakfast first and she wasn't allowed to put any clothes on. She sipped some of the rich, sweet milk first. Man, that stuff was awesome. She ate for a while and sipped on the juice. It was actually a pitcher of juice and vodka but she didn't even notice.

Brady brought a milk refill and extra syrup and whipped cream for her. As he walked toward his fat girlfriend pigging out in his bed, he couldn't help but be sad that she was going back to school. If he made more money, he'd try to talk her out of it and keep her here, getting fatter for him. Maybe some day. As Laura finished her breakfast, he offered to get the bath tub ready for her to relax in. As she stood up, she commented that her back was a little stiff today. Brady helped Laura walk into the bathroom, watching her whole body bounce. Those perky breasts of hers were definitely starting to hang more but they were still round and very plump.

Laura sat in the tub and looked up at Brady with a look of horror. She said she couldn't sit down the whole way. She was stuck because her hips were too wide. She had taken a bath earlier this week so Brady tried to massage her sides a little and get her in further. It was no use and Laura started to cry and say she's sorry. Brady helped her to stand up and told her there was nothing to apologize for. He rubbed her fat hips and told her she was the most perfect girl he had ever seen. Laura sniffled and said she was a fat pig. Brady looked her in the eye and said she was his fat, beautiful pig and nothing made him happier than seeing her grow. Her eyes were wide and she gulped, Really? He nodded, said definitely, and gave her round belly a shake. He left her to get a shower since she couldn't get a bath. He daydreamed of her with another 50 pounds on her. He thought that would be perfect for her. He was confident he could get her close to that before summer break, if only she didn't have to go back to school.

After her shower, Laura started to get dressed but Brady stopped her. He asked her if he could feed her a snack before she dressed. He said it was one of her favorites. He could tell by the look on her face that the vodka had kicked in and she was relaxed.

Laura got comfortable on the bed, her wet hair hanging down over her fat body. Brady came back with cookie dough and milk. He had talked the girl across the street into delivering some. Laura had no idea how much was in there because Brady put it in a huge pot. He apologized that he didn't own a bowl that big. He began spooning the cookie dough into her open lips. She was really moaning with pleasure after each bite. Brady was as hard as rock and couldn't wait any more. He took his pants off and climbed on top of her, still feeding her the cookie dough and offering milk. He told her he was going to miss this so much when she left. She looked at him and said she was too. Brady finished quickly, he was too excited. He fed her the last of her 10 pints of cookie dough and her heavy cream. She was beyond stuffed and he was supposed to get her dressed and on a train soon.

Laura woke up in a panic. How had she fallen asleep? She needed to get back to school! Brady saw her rolling around in the bed and came over to check on her. She looked panicked. He told her that he felt bad for feeding her so much and making her tired so he let her sleep. He had rented a car and would take her the whole way home to save time and walking for her. She was so thankful. He told her to go ahead and get ready. Brady would take the train to the car lot and would be back to pick her up. She smiled and thanked him. As she got up, she really noticed the pain in her back. She also noticed that her stomach growled. Maybe she could have a snack while she got ready.

Laura checked in the fridge and there was milk right in the front. She decided to have some milk and hunted for something to have with it. She found some cookies that had not been opened yet. What is better than cookies and milk? She was just going to have a few to quiet her stomach. The milk was so good, she refilled her cup a few times. Soon she was still naked and there was an empty milk carton and package of cookies on the counter. Didn't Brady say he liked to see her grow?

Laura started to gather up her things. She hadn't put real clothes on since the walk to the cookie dough shop. Her leggings would absolutely not come up over her hips and belly so she just left them below her belly. Her bra felt tight all over and she sighed. She didn't want big heavy boobs like Lucy but she was afraid she was getting them. She put on her stretchiest shirt but it didn't go far enough over her belly to meet the pants underneath. What was she going to do? She couldn't go out in public like this!

In the middle of her worry, she remembered she was supposed to reweigh herself to see how the week had gone. She got the scale out and stood on it. She was bending to see the numbers when Brady came back in with a paper bag. He saw Laura on the scale wearing leggings that obviously couldn't raise up. They were stretched so far, he could see skin through them. He saw her fat breasts popping out on three sides from an obviously too small bra and he saw a shirt that was never going to cover that belly. He loved his girl.

Laura was flustered to see him so quickly and she said she found the scale ans she wanted to weigh herself since it had been so long. Brady sat the bag down and came over to kiss her. He asked her if she could see the numbers and she admitted, not without bending over. He looked down again and smiled at her. He grabbed her exposed belly with its bright stretchmarks and told her his princess weighed 244 pounds now. She swallowed hard as she realized she gained 14 pounds this week. Brady told her he was so proud to be her boyfriend.

He asked if she was hungry and she said she could eat. He noticed the empty milk and cookie containers but didn't say anything. He had brought back some Chinese food to eat before they left. She sat in the chair at the table with her belly totally out of her shirt. She just hoped the leggings hung on until she made it home. She indulged in several containers of take out and washed it down with some beer. She was really going to miss this life of laziness, eating and being tipsy half the time.

After she ate, he helped her carry her bag downstairs. She was waddling like a pregnant woman. A pregnant woman with two basketballs strapped to her ass. He helped her into the car and they headed off. Before she knew what she was saying, Laura said she wished she could stay with him forever. He smiled and said she would someday.

When Brady walked into the dorm with Laura, he couldn't help but notice Ava's wide eyed glance at Laura's exposed belly. The girls hugged and Ava offered a side hug to Brady. Laura told Ava she had a great week but she probably ate too much. Ava just laughed and said she probably did too.

Over the next weeks, Laura's back was really bothering her. She decided to go to the campus doctor and her checked out. When she walked into the clinic, she was easily the biggest person there. That was such a strange feeling to her, still. When it was her turn, she followed the nurse to the scale. Laura was disappointed to see that the nurse had her weight from her summer physical on the chart already. This was going to be interesting. She stepped on the digital scale and was instantly informed that she did not lose weight after her spring break indulging, as she had hoped. Laura had actually gained a few pounds and was 251 pounds now! She lied to the doctor and said she had been trying to workout and lose weight and she had pushed it too far and now her back hurt all the time again. The doctor praised her for trying to work out and told her to stick to swimming and walking. He also prescribed some muscle relaxers, pain pills and a round of steroids to give her relief. She thanked him and wondered if he knew she was lying.

Laura was extra lazy over the next several weeks as she popped a muscle relaxers and pain pills to recover from her back pain. The round of steroids really seem to help but did make her hungry all the time. She managed to make it to class but otherwise she really just laid around and Lucy or Ava would bring her food. Brady came and took her out on some weekend dates but she didn't feel up to traveling to his place. Laura was dreading going home for the summer. Especially if she was still in pain and couldn't pretend to be active to keep her mom happy.

One Friday a few weeks before finals, Brady called and said he had a surprise for her and he was on his way. He arrived to find her fast asleep on the bed after an obvious binge. Brady gently woke up his sleeping girlfriend. Once she was coherent, he told her that his company needed some marketing help this summer and he had gotten her an interview. It was a job that was home based so if she got the job, she could stay at his place and work from there during the day. She hugged him and said that was so wonderful. Then she panicked. What on earth would she wear to an interview? Brady smiled and told her they were going shopping after he took her out to dinner.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Mdy73 5 years
Awww, this is great story!