A new exciting life

chapter 9

Shopping with Brady was a bit intimidating. Laura had no idea what size she would wear in business clothes since she lived in fabrics that stretched. Her back was a little better but she was so lazy now that she was dreading walking around the stores. Brady had done some research and found a plus size boutique that had business type clothes and was a stand-alone store so minimal walking for his girl. As they pulled in to the parking lot, he glanced at his fat girlfriend and noticed that she sat up taller than him now, thanks to the giant cushions she was seated on. He helped her out of the car and into the store.

Laura decided to take charge of the situation. She told the woman in the shop that she had never bought business clothes, had gained a bunch of weight lately and desperately needed something for an interview. The kind lady offered to take her back to the dressing room and measure her. Brady offered to look around for ideas, even though he really wanted to hear the measurements. As Laura stripped down to her bra and panties, the women didn't even seem phased by her hugeness. Her belly defied gravity and stuck straight out, Even Laura couldn't believe it wasn't sagging yet. As the woman measured, she wrote it down on a card. Laura didn't see the chest measurements but she did see waist= 50 inches and then hips= 63.5! The woman had a strange look on her face and then told Laura she would need the largest size in the store for her skirts or pants. The problem was that the hip measurement for that size was only 62 inches so they would have to stick to certain styles. Laura asked what was the biggest size in the store and the lady smiled and said 30. Laura gulped.

Laura told the lady that she was just going to let Brady pick out the option and she would rest in the dressing room. She sat down in the sturdy chair and waited. When the lady from the shop came out, she told Brady that his girlfriend wanted him to pick out the options. She told him Laura needed a 14 or 16 in tops and a 30 in bottoms. She also told him that they should stick with bottoms that had some stretch since her hips actually measured bigger than the range for that size. Brady was so proud of his girl right then. She helped him pick out some skirts, pants, blouses and jackets. She helped him find the stretchy bottoms and also shirts that might work with his very pear shaped girlfriend.

When they got back to the dressing room, Laura was actually snacking on a candy bar from her purse. She finished her snack, hoisted herself out of the chair and opened the door for them to bring the clothes in. She started with bottoms since that would be the challenge all of the pants were super long on her and most of them couldn't button. There was one pair that buttoned and she could still breathe so she tried them on with a blouse. The blouse fit good in the arms, was a little tight in the chest and wouldn't go down over her belly. Lauren decided to open the door and get advice from the lady. The woman bit her lip at the sight of the shirt not fitting. Brady smiled at her. Those clothes looked like they were barely going to make it through the day on her. The woman said she had an idea for blouses and so Laura went in to try on skirts.

The skirts were more forgiving because most of them had more stretch and they weren't too long. Laura really liked one in particular. It was probably supposed to be a pencil skirt but it's huge size made it hard to tell. It was very stretchy but thicker than her usual leggings so it looked business appropriate. She tried the other blouses that she had and none of them fit. The woman returned with some options she asked her to come out in each one so she knew what to do next. One was a size 28 top just for her to try. Another was a size 16 flowy blouse and the third was a size 16 maternity blouse. She decided to start with the 16 flowy. It fit even better in the arms and the chest was perfect. It didn't quite go over her belly though. She came out and turned around for them. Brady loved the site of her round ass in that clingy skirt. He could even see the a hint of a panty line. The woman sent her back for the next one. The maternity top. This was perfect on top and did go over her belly although it barely went over it. The woman said this may be the way to go. She assured Laura that many pear shaped women had to wear maternity tops and some even wore the bottoms. Laura went back to try the 28. She knew it would be huge on top but tried it anyway. When she put it on, there was room in the sleeves and the top was loose but it fit perfectly over her belly. She came out and the woman smiled. She asked Laura if she was planning to tuck in her shirt. Laura glanced at Brady and he nodded. She said she was and the woman asked her to try tucking this one in and then putting on a jacket.

Laura tucked in the size 28 blouse and then tried on the jackets. The 14 was too tight in the arms so she put on the 16 and came out. The woman smiled and told her that the shirt didn't look too big anymore, not with the jacket. She did want Laura to go up in jacket sizes to find one that at least came around to the front of her on the bottom. The size 16 was splayed open and wouldn't come around her hips. She tried on the 18, 20 and 22. The 22 looked way too big in the shoulders so she went with the 20. Laura could not believe that she had become so fat.

While Laura got dressed, Brady and the woman were going to pay. He asked the lady to help him pick out a few other items for Laura. Some lingerie and some casual clothes for her day to day. They quickly shopped and then the woman rang everything up. As Laura came out, she heard Brady ask, "What will she do if she gains more weight? Where can she get clothes?" The woman smiled and handed him a brochure. She told him it was an online sister store and everything was based on measurements and had free returns. He looked so happy to hear that.

When they got to Brady's place that night, he asked her to open the bag from the store. She was surprised to see the other items. Sexy bra and panty sets, leggings and tops. She noticed that the panties and leggings were size 30. Luckily for Brady, the maternity size didn't have that marked on it so she never knew. The tops were all big ones too, size 28 or 30. He said he bought the big sizes so she could be comfortable. One top was a 18. He explained that the lady said it ran big. It was really a maternity top that he thought was cute. The bras were 38D. She told him she only wore 36C and he frowned. He said that's what the lady recommended. She smiled and thanked him, saying it was probably that brand's sizing.

That night they ordered in for dinner and had dessert in bed. She was happy to see the good milk. She had missed it! She fell asleep cuddled up next to Brady and he had his arm around her, hand on her soft belly. Tomorrow was a big day.

Laura was up early to eat and get ready for the interview. Brady made a big breakfast so she wouldn't have a growling belly during the interview. She put on some new panties and bra. To her surprise the bra fit perfectly. It was nice not to have it dig into her sides. The panties were also perfect. She dressed in her interview outfit and black flat shoes. She noticed how fat the lower part of her legs were getting. She did her makeup perfectly and her hair. She looked at herself in the mirror. At least her face wasn't fat. If she was honest with herself, she would notice that it had softened and rounded out a little now but she didn't see it.

Brady had told her to bring her cane. They were going to take the train and he wanted to make sure she could make it. What she didn't know is that Brady had convinced the marketing director to make the summer internship a remote based position, saying people like his talented but disabled girlfriend would love to work for their company and it would look good for them to hire the disabled. This, Laura had to show up with the cane. By the time they got to the office, Laura was sweating and her back was starting to hurt. She hadn't walked that much in a long time. When she was called in to the office, she slowly got up and walked behind the young woman.

Laura shook hands with the man behind the desk and slowly sat down in the chair, setting her cane to the side. She noticed that her hips were actually sticking through the openings in the side of the chair. They talked about her school and it's excellent reputation in the marketing world. They discussed this being a summer internship with a very small salary that was home based. Laura said she was very excited to even be considered for an internship after her sophomore year at such a well known company. When she left, she thought the interview had gone well. Now she just had to get back to Brady's on her own. He had told her she could take a cab to save on walking but she wanted to take the train. She took her time and went slow. Once she was on the train, she popped a pain pill and daydreamed about spending the summer with Brady. She really hoped she got the internship. Then she realized she was starving. She knew that Brady had food at the apartment for her to eat for lunch so she was very motivated to get back now.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Mdy73 5 years
Awww, this is great story!