A new exciting life

chapter 10

After lunch and a nap, Lauren woke to find that Brady came home with dinner for them. Brady told her he ran into the marketing director later and he seemed very impressed with her. Laura smiled as she scarfed down her lasagna. She said she would be so happy to get that internship and stay in the city with him this summer. Brady smiled slyly and told her she could stay without the internship. She hadn't even thought of that. At least if she had the internship, she wouldn't get pressured by her parents to come home.

Laura took a late train back to school that night since she had class the next day. She left her business attire at Brady's place but took the new casual clothes with her, at his urging. She had only a few weeks of school and then would hopefully staying with him. Ava was happy to see her fat friend walk in the door. She hugged her and said "Whoa! Did your boobs grow?" Laura giggles and said she got a new bra and yes, it was bigger. Ava had planned some desserts for them and had a surprised for Laura. She pulled out a small carton of the brand of milk that Brady always had. Laura was so excited. She eagerly opened the carton and took a drink. It tasted like regular milk. She was so disappointed. Ava looked confused for a second and then said maybe it was different in the large size. Laura offset her disappointment by eating most of the desserts, leaving very few for Ava.

As the end of the school year was wrapping up, Lucy, Ava and Laura were having a weekend of laziness at Lucy's apartment. Lucy was about to graduate, she had broken up with her boyfriend and that bit about her weight stabilizing wasn't true anymore. She had packed on quite a bit of weight this year and now had multiple chins and a very round face. Ava had even put on a little padding in her stomach, but was still tiny. She had a summer plan of helping her mom recover from surgery. Laura was still taking pain pills and muscle relaxers for her back. She hadn't slowed down on her eating. Laura would be heading to the city this summer to stay with Brady and she would keep busy with the marketing internship. The girls laughed at memories they had shared, ate tons of food, drank beer and watched some movies. Laura was honest with them about her fear of being able to stop gaining weight. Ava was pretty drunk at that point and she told her she shouldn't worry about it. She was hotter as she got fatter. Laura didn't know how to respond to that. Lucy said that obviously Brady liked to see her get fatter or he wouldn't be paying to feed her like he does. Lucy predicted that Laura would earn a wedding ring if she kept gaining. They all laughed. Laura was going to miss the three of them hanging out. She and Ava talked about getting an apartment but Laura worried it would be too much walking. They had time to decide.

Brady came to help her get her extra stuff to a storage unit Laura's parents were renting for her. He arrived to find his girlfriend fatter than he last saw her and wearing her size 30 maternity leggings. She didn't have one of her big tops on though. She was wearing a black tank top that showed some back fat under her bra and showed off that Laura's arms finally got noticeably fatter. She was still very disproportioned from top to bottom but she was fattening more on top now. He wanted to make out right there. Laura was obviously having trouble with her back so he told her to sit and he would do everything. He loaded the rental truck with the stuff for storage and put the items that were going with them in too. When they left the dorm, they wouldn't be back. He wished he never had to bring her back to school.

After putting the stuff in storage, they drove to his place to drop Laura and her stuff off. They were both getting hungry so they made a fast food stop. It was really hard for Laura to get in and out of the truck so Brady went in. He came out with a large bag and two huge cokes. He smiled and said we earned this food. She hadn't done much that day but she was starving. As they drove, they ate burgers and fries. Laura was so busy telling him stories of her last weeks at school that she didn't notice how many times she opened a new burger or how many fries she had fished out of the the bag. Brady asked her to hand him another and she came up empty. They were all gone. He reached over and patted her belly, saying it was ok. His girl was hungry.

They got everything into Brady's apartment. She didn't bring much since it was so small. He poured her a beer and told her to relax while he returned the truck. She downed the beer pretty fast and had to give herself a pep talk to get up for the next one. How had she become too lazy to get a beer? When she finally did get up, she brought 3 back with her to the couch. She happily watched TV and drank the all. When Brady came home, she hadn't thrown them away yet and she tried to get up quickly to do it. When Laura tried to reach for the cans, she had a bad pain in her back. Brady rushed over and asked if she was ok. She wasn't sure but asked him to help her to bed. She really needed a pain pill but she didn't want to take it with the beers. Brady told her it wa up to her but she probably had enough body weight to handle it. Laura decided to try it. She took the pain pill with some milk. She was in too much pain to even appreciate her favorite milk.

The pill and beer combo had her fast asleep. Brady decided to do something he had seen a friend do with his pregnant wife. He took photos of sleeping Laura from several angles. He would ask her to put on this outfit at the end of summer and pose as sleeping again. He couldn't wait to see how fat she would be!

Laura didn't wake up until the next morning. She was still hurting but it was better. She was also starving having missed a real dinner last night. Brady had made fresh cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting plus cheesy eggs, fried potatoes and a gigantic pile of bacon. He helped Laura into the bathroom and got the food ready. He had a new surprise for her. When Laura came out, he helped her to get back in bed. He had bought extra pillows for her to prop up on and he had bought a tray for her to eat from in bed. It didn't really fit over her but at least the food could be next to her. He bragged that it was the biggest one he could find.
He brought the tray loaded with all of the breakfast foods. He sat next to her and picked at the bacon while she dug in. He had already eaten. This was all really for her. The eggs and potatoes were gone first, then she alternated between the cinnamon rolls and bacon. She said she was getting full. Brady massaged her belly and asked her to try and eat more. He said he had put so many groceries in the fridge that there wasn't room for leftovers. She kept eating and washing it down with milk. She finished the dozen cinnamon rolls and the 4 lbs of bacon. He obviously didn't tell her how much bacon was there.

The couple spent a lazy weekend with Laura lying in bed most of the time. She was to start her internship on Monday. She would have projects with mini deadlines and as long as she met the different deadlines, it didn't matter when she worked or how many hours. She would have one conference call on Mondays at 10:00 to get her deadlines for the week. She was excited. Having this internship would give her a little money (very little) but it also meant that her parents were giving her some money to help with expenses. Brady told her that he would put all of her parents money toward food or anything special that they wanted to do. His salary covered the rest of the bills. She felt like she was helping him.

That first Monday, Brady cooked breakfast before he left. Laura woke up by 8:00 to eat and be ready for her call. She decided to use the food tray as a bed. She decided that since nobody would see her, she didn't need to shower until later. She sat on the bed in a stretchy tank top and panties. After her call, she got on the laptop and looked closely at all of her deadlines for the week. She had a few minor things to finish by Wednesday. The largest item to complete was due Friday. She could handle this with no problem. She worked for about an hour and then got hungry. She she walked slowly to the kitchen, feeling the weight of her heavy body with each step. The frozen pizza looked good. It was family size so it took up a lot of space. Brady would be happy to get that out of the freezer. She made a milkshake while the pizza cooked.

After eating the entire pizza plus having several cups of milk and a Coke, Laura decided to nap for just a bit. She set her phone for 2 hours since she had already almost completed her task for Wednesday. Brady arrived home to find Laura splayed out on the bed. Her shirt had rolled up revealing those beautiful round tits and their giant pink nipples. Nobody would call them perky now. They were fat and heavy. Her panties were also rolling down revealing that it might be time to measure for new ones. He stood there for a minute and admired the mass of woman that was in his bed. Then he began to make dinner. He loved how lazy she had become.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Mdy73 5 years
Awww, this is great story!