Enabling kelly

Chapter 12 - in the summertime

Kelly felt a flutter of excitement in her stomach. The ever-present fiery rage of enthusiasm for gaining had just reignited. As time progressed, Kelly would return home to see several of Gus' 'bargains' that were perks of his job, all marked down to almost nothing. Then they would spend the evening trying the full range of foods and making comparisons to other brands they had tried previously.

The pounds started to build up once again.

Kelly's portly stomach looked nice and round in her tightening clothes, which seemed to fall so nicely over the heavy mound of fat she had amassed in her middle. She turned to look at herself in the mirror, noticing how thick and heavy she was looking now her ass had taken on some proper width and mass. Her chest had seemed to broaden and her breasts blossomed with new size, right out in front of her; surging and spilling out of her bra with her increasing appetite; all this, whilst a handsome double chin was well on its way, framing her pretty face.

"I've put on 40lbs this summer because of you!" Kelly joked. Her overzealous efforts with the gainer shakes had definitely pushed her gains more than anything, but there was more than enough credit for Gus as well. She prodded her soft tummy and felt a little shock-wave travel through the fat, up to her chest and even around to her new blubbery, back fat. It felt incredible.

Gus felt his own stomach. He was one of those guys who just gained annoyingly easily and had probably more than matched Kelly who was deliberately pushing herself to fatten. His hard little paunch had swollen into a solid, round beer gut underneath his impressive, muscular chest; whilst a new thicker, wider ass had sprouted out behind him. "Yeah, but you're rubbing off on me!" Gus complained, lifting his shirt to reveal his perfectly shaped gut. "Look at me! Rachel is going to freak when she gets back into town next week."

"Screw her!" Kelly laughed. "You look great!" she smiled. "Trust me, if you visited the sort of sites I visited, you would be snapped up by the women on there. A handsome guy with a good appetite and a manly belly gets treated like a god by the girls on those sites."

"You mean on all your fetish websites?" Gus retorted sceptically. "A load of fat girls looking for their fat boy?" he laughed.

"Not at all!" Kelly replied. "Some of the girls on there are so hot. They just appreciate a man with a bit of extra meat on him. And with your muscles as well, you'd be top of the food chain," she explained.

Gus, laughed it off, but Kelly could see the handsome boy's mind busy whirring away.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Austin Micha... 4 years
Would you like to do story based on enabling Kelly like set in between chapter 15 and chapter 16 enabling Kelly?
Feeder862 5 years
Thanks for the feedback Legion666. I'm often asked to write epilogues for stories as there is interest in this. I can see you didn't like it. However, please may I ask that you consider how you write comments as you sound a little rude and entitled here.
Td0057 5 years
Really enjoying your story. Please continue. You write very well and create scenarios we all wish we could enjoy.
AndiFive 5 years
Will history gain male weight gain?
Womansbellyl... 5 years
Most excellent story thus far!!