Enabling kelly

Chapter 13 - rachel's return

Kelly could tell that things were tense as Rachel returned. She sensed the frosty atmosphere as she went down to the kitchen; both she and Gus mute as Kelly pottered about.

"I'll go get some milk from the store then shall I?" Gus offered, to which Rachel nodded, fury smouldering behind her look.

Once Gus was gone, Rachel rounded on Kelly. "Have you seen the size of his belly?" she whinged. "What the hell has he been doing all summer?"

"I dunno," Kelly lied. "But Gus is solid. He's a jock! He looks good with it!" she tried.

"Yeah, that's alright for you to say," Rachel huffed. "You're not the one who has to look at his fat belly! He's supposed to meet my parents this weekend as well! The selfish idiot! He thinks of no one but himself! "

Kelly tried not to roll her eyes, but noticed Rachel take a subtle glance at Kelly's own blooming belly and realise the inappropriateness of her comments. However, no apology was forthcoming from her.

"Rachel was a bit... scathing... about your current shape," Kelly explained after Rachel had headed off home an hour later.

Gus' face lit up. "Was she?" he grinned, looking like he was about to burst out laughing. "I ended things with her," he stated bluntly.

Kelly was shocked. Gus had ended things with Rachel? But why?

"She just creates stress," Gus complained, shaking his head at the memory of the last few hours since she had returned. "A bit like your Harry."

Kelly was confused to suddenly have the spotlight on her again after such a revelation.

"You should get rid of that guy. I heard the way he was moaning last week about how fast you're growing. When I heard Rachel doing the same thing to me, I knew she had to go," he explained simply.

Kelly didn't know how to respond. She inhaled a couple of times as if to speak, but nothing came out.

"Come on," Gus campaigned. "You're one of the bravest girls I can think of. I don't know anyone else who would fatten herself up because it was what she wanted. No one else would be that..."

"Stupid?" Kelly finished for him.

"...courageous!" Gus laughed. "Seriously, I admire you so much. You don't need a guy like Harry holding you back."

Kelly nodded and reached out to pat her best friend on the back. He was still clearly a little shaken up from his break-up. "You really do look after me, don't you?" she smiled.

"Well, somebody has to!" Gus replied, simply.

"Well, now it's my turn," she nodded. "Tell me; what do you want for your dinner tonight?"
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Austin Micha... 4 years
Would you like to do story based on enabling Kelly like set in between chapter 15 and chapter 16 enabling Kelly?
Feeder862 5 years
Thanks for the feedback Legion666. I'm often asked to write epilogues for stories as there is interest in this. I can see you didn't like it. However, please may I ask that you consider how you write comments as you sound a little rude and entitled here.
Td0057 5 years
Really enjoying your story. Please continue. You write very well and create scenarios we all wish we could enjoy.
AndiFive 5 years
Will history gain male weight gain?
Womansbellyl... 5 years
Most excellent story thus far!!