Enabling kelly

Chapter 15 - letting go

"It's a shame the house is going to start filling up again," Kelly grumbled as the first week of college loomed. "I'll be back to my bedroom all the time just to get away from all those dumb guys."

"Well why don't you come down more?" Gus asked unsympathetically.

"Oh come on!" Kelly laughed. "They don't like me either," she exclaimed, talking about all of the other jocks they had to share the house with.

"They don't know you!" Gus sighed. "Seriously, they know absolutely nothing about you. Rachel used to call you 'Shelly' and now that's stuck. Honestly, Martin thought I was having him on when I called you Kelly before the summer," he laughed. "They're not bad guys. You should make more of an effort. It certainly beats being lonely up in your room."

Three of the guys arrived back at the same time, sharing a ride. They cheered as they walked through the door, high-fiving Gus and prodding him in the stomach. "What the hell happened to you man?" they laughed. "You look pregnant!"

Gus nodded, accepting the inevitable ridicule, when, just then, a beautiful brunette walked into the room. "Thanks for last night," she smiled, kissing Gus on the cheek. "Promise you'll call me?" she whispered into his ear as the other guys stared open-mouthed at the sight of her beautiful figure; a hand resting contentedly on the new shelf of Gus' stomach.

"How the hell did you get a girl like that?" they asked in unison once she had left; one guy sneakily looking out through the window to catch a glimpse of her beautiful ass as she walked away.

"Listen guys, you've either got it, or you haven't!" Gus smiled smugly.

Kelly tried to hide out in her room less as the weeks went by. She got to know a couple of the other guys, as Gus suggested, and built up the painful small-talk into something more substantial. Pretty soon the guys were inviting her out with them to bars; out of courtesy to start with, then out of habit. By Christmas, she was one of the boys. Not long afterwards, it was even hard to conceive how lonely she had actually been last year. Not until she realised how much happier she was now.

Kelly stepped on the scales, knowing how hard she had been working to push out and grow her belly over the last few months. "260lbs!" she smiled contentedly, rubbing her round belly in the mirror. She could hardly stand to look at herself, she was so proud. Her double chin stretched around her face and was now there no matter how she moved her head. Her shoulders had seemed to broaden with the excess weight and her arms thickened with the extra fat they were now carrying on top. Two ginormous, heavenly breasts fell out in front of her like a pair of balloons, each now unbelievably sensitive to the touch. Underneath, her fat tummy had blossomed into a full, round belly, littered with small stretch marks and circled with a fold where the fat bulged either side. Then, as she turned around, she saw the full width and circumference of her swollen ass cheeks, resting proudly atop of two thick, chubby thighs.

Tonight was her second date with Paul, the handsome 300lb guy Gus had set her up with whilst he was flirting online with beautiful feeder girls. She couldn't wait!

"Come on Kelly!" Gus called, you're hogging the bathroom.

Kelly sighed, dressed herself and opened the door. Gus then bounded in, wearing only his boxer shorts; he rarely wore anything else these days; the plethora of beautiful feeder girls who came to stay seemed to like it that way. 'And why not?' reasoned Kelly. Gus was looking incredible with his broad shoulders and unmistakeable, growing ball gut.

Gus put a huge flask down on the side and stepped on the scales. "Damn it!" he yelled "273lbs!" He picked up the flask and started chugging.

"That's not my gainer shake is it?" Kelly shouted, noticing how thick the liquid was that Gus was trying to swallow. "I thought we talked about this?"

"We did," Gus panted, taking a break from chugging. "But you haven't seen Martha," he stated, going back in for a second chug whilst he dashed to his room for his cell phone and started scrolling. He paused his drinking again and held the picture of another beautiful girl up to Kelly's face. "She's gorgeous, isn't she?" Gus grunted, taking the phone back and staring at the picture longingly himself.

"That doesn't explain why you think it's okay to steal from me," Kelly moaned.

"Listen. This girl doesn't date any guy less than 300lbs," he announced. "So until I've got this gut in shape..." he slapped his overfed stomach, "...you're going to have to share lady!"

Kelly laughed. "You're in deep!" she joked. "No more abs for you!"

"Ha, is that what you think?" Gus chuckled back. "Well I was just chatting to your date downstairs," he smiled smugly. "Let's just say you'd better not get too attached to that blouse. That kinky boy wants to see how many buttons he can pop on it by the end of the evening!" Gus laughed, giving Kelly a friendly pat on her wide, blubbery ass and pushing her out of the bathroom whilst he took a shower for his next date.

Kelly smiled and looked down at her loose-fitting shirt. "Excellent!" she whispered to herself excitedly, suddenly feeling very hungry indeed.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Austin Micha... 4 years
Would you like to do story based on enabling Kelly like set in between chapter 15 and chapter 16 enabling Kelly?
Feeder862 5 years
Thanks for the feedback Legion666. I'm often asked to write epilogues for stories as there is interest in this. I can see you didn't like it. However, please may I ask that you consider how you write comments as you sound a little rude and entitled here.
Td0057 5 years
Really enjoying your story. Please continue. You write very well and create scenarios we all wish we could enjoy.
AndiFive 5 years
Will history gain male weight gain?
Womansbellyl... 5 years
Most excellent story thus far!!